“Geez, I guess I just know not to insult that movie anymore. I didn't know you were so passionate about it.”

“I really like Patrick Swayze,” she says, as if that explains it. She and I need to have a chat ASAP. I'd told her about my experiences with the Claiming and how my emotions were all over the place. Guess she didn't really believe me until it happened to her.

“I've gotta get home, but I'll, uh, see you later.” Jamie makes a hasty exit.

“We're going to have to tell him,” I say as Peter emerges from the woods. It's a good thing he hadn't come out earlier or Jamie would have been even more suspicious.

“I don't think he's going to take it well,” Tex says, wiping her tears. “I can't believe I punched him. What is wrong with me?”

“You have two people's emotions in your head. When you get upset it makes Viktor upset, which then makes you more upset. It's like a circle of anger, and then it explodes.” I've been there, done that. Except I hadn't punched anyone. Well, not yet.

“How do you control it?” she asks.

“Usually I run away from the situation before it gets that far.”

Tex is more confrontational than I am, also more high-strung, so it's no surprise that she punched someone. It is a miracle she lasted this long and hadn't done something worse.

“Are you sure we can't just blame it on extreme PMS?”

“I don't think so, babe,” I say. “It'll be easier after we tell him, I think. Especially now that you're here,” I say the last part to Viktor. If he is going to be in Tex's life so much, Jamie is going to have to get to know him.


“Should we do it tonight?”

“The sooner the better, I think. I know he's dealing with a lot with Cassie, but it seems wrong to keep this from him,” I say.

“I agree,” Peter says.

“You would,” Tex responds with an eye roll. “Okay, okay. Let's all hop aboard the crazy train. Woo woo!” She makes a train noise and pretends to chug away.

I laugh and look at Peter.

“She's a strange girl,” Peter says.

“Yes, she is,” I say.


For all our talk, Tex and I chicken out of telling Jamie when we go to the movies. We share an insane texted conversation about it that afternoon and decide that we don't want to do it just yet. It seems like a better idea to let Jamie get to know Viktor and Peter before we drop that bomb on him.

Tex agrees to the plan, so we meet at the movie theater and pretend everything is normal. They shake Jamie's hand and act as human as they can, remembering to blink and shift their bodies, etc. Viktor turns on his charm, and he and Jamie really seem to hit it off. It's harder for Peter, but he puts in a good effort. He even smiles and laughs a few times. I'm bursting with pride.

We're going with the story that Viktor and Peter are brothers who both attend Galdon Academy and live with their lawyer mother. It's easy to add Viktor to the story I'd already concocted as Peter's backstory.

The movie is good, but I spend most of it trying to get as close to Peter as I can so I don't sink my teeth into the neck of the chick in front of me. Her blood smells like a combination of frosting, cotton candy and apples, which sounds nuts, but that's what it reminds me of. Peter senses my distress and makes sure he keeps in constant contact with my bare skin, doing that calming thing he does. Nevertheless, I'm glad when the movie is over.

The only awkward moments are when Jamie asks about popcorn, and when he asks if we want to grab a late slice of pizza after. All of us say we ate, but we sound like we're making it up. Or at least that's what it seems like to me.

Jamie is wary of Tex, but after she apologizes a million times, he gives her a hug and says that all is forgiven. The angry mark on his face says otherwise.

I hear her muttering to Viktor while we watch the movie. She's starting to get the blood smell and is freaking out about it. It took me at least a week or so before I started smelling, but maybe everyone is different. Tex must be an early bloomer. She got boobs before I did, so that would follow the pattern.

There really should be a manual for this sort of thing. Maybe Tex and I can write one. So You've Been Claimed, Now What?


Saturday morning comes and I have a mild freak out in the shower. Peter talks to me through the door, but even that doesn't help. My thoughts turn dark like storm clouds and whirl through my mind, picking up bits of negative thought debris and throwing it around my head until I can't breathe, can't think and can't stop.

I finally turn off the water, grab a towel, pull it so it covers the important parts, and throw myself on him.

“Calm down, Ava. Shhh.” He pats my wet skin as I try to breathe normally.

“I don't know why I'm freaking out so much.”

“Post-traumatic stress. We did not know about that when I was alive, but I have read some textbooks on the subject.” I really shouldn't have gotten him all those psychology books. He is turning into my shrink.

“Yeah, that's probably it,” I say when I realize I'm half-naked and wet, and he's not wearing a shirt and his wings are out, and I want to do things with him that will make me forget about everything but the two of us. Now is not the time.

So he doesn't have to, I'm the one who pushes away. His chest glistens with the water droplets I sprayed on him when I tried to tackle him. Look away, Ava.

“Can you go out on the roof for a little while?”

He nods and obeys. I hate making him leave, but he makes it hard to think sometimes. I dry off and get dressed, trying to calm myself without relying on Peter as a crutch. I need to start pulling away from him now so that when my mother dies, I'll be able to take most of it myself and not dump it all on him. I should really take up meditation or yoga or something.

We decide to meet in a neutral place: the cemetery. It seems appropriate since so much other craziness has gone down there. I've almost died there so many times, but still, I think of it as a peaceful place. My safe place.

Peter and I meet Tex and Viktor, and we all drive over together. Tex is twitching with apprehension, and Viktor isn't looking that great, either. My knee won't stop jiggling, but Peter seems to be doing okay. Every now and then his hand twitches, and I get little pricks of stress. He tries to hide them, but I feel them anyway.

Tex parks her car and we all sit there for a few moments. We're early; they're not supposed to be here for another few minutes.

“Is anyone else freaking out?” Tex says in a wavering voice.

“Me,” I say, raising my hand.

“It will be fine,” Viktor says, opening the door and then coming around to open the driver's side for Tex. Peter does the same for me.

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