
He was staring at me again. I must have forgotten to blink, so I did so. I also made my chest move a little. All those little things I had to remember to do so he wouldn't be more suspicious than he already was.

“I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this. Can we go for a walk?”

“You want to go for a walk?”

“Yes.” I needed to be in an open place where the air would carry away the smell of his blood and I could think.

“Okay, then let's take a walk.” He glanced around, looking for a place. “This way,” he said, nodding with his head.

We crossed the road, leaving his truck behind. We were close to the ocean, I knew that much.

“There just happens to be a little path here that only the locals know about,” he said, hopping over a stone wall and holding his hand out to help me over. I gave him a look and jumped over, landing with more grace than a human. He looked shocked for a moment and then smiled. “You don't look like the type of girl who gets stranded on the side of the road.”

“I'm not,” I said, smiling.

He blinked for a moment before stepping forward, holding a tree branch out of my way. I thought for a moment about breaking it off to show him my strength, but I resisted. The sun peeped down through the trees, making me a little giddy, even though I hadn't had any blood. A breeze tossed my hair and carried Jamie's scent, which mixed with the sharp salt air. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed it in. I had to keep remembering to move slowly so I didn't scare him. It would be so easy for me to tackle him and drain him in moments. I told myself I was going to do it, but seconds passed and I didn't.

“Will you tell me what's wrong? How I can help you?” He looked back at me, and the sun painted his golden hair with a halo. If I asked him for the keys to his truck, he'd hand them over. He was too good to kill.


“What I want, I won't let you give me.”

“Money? Do you need money? Are you running away from something?”

A laugh escaped my lips. That was another thing I'd learned how to do again, but once I accessed it, laughter came whenever I felt it. I never had to force it like a smile.

“Jamie, you don't know what you're getting yourself into with me. You should turn around and go back to your truck.”

He stopped and studied me. “What are you involved in? Whatever it is, I can help you.”

He could help me by giving me all his blood.

“Just let it go. Can't you just take a walk with me?”

I just wanted to spend some time with him and then move on. I would have to lie low in this town for a while until I found that girl Ivan had talked about. Ava. It was terrible to say, but I was jealous of her. He was crazy about her, even if he wouldn't admit that he loved her. He loved me, too, but it was a different kind of love. So many facets of the same gem.

“Sure, we can take a walk. But at least tell me something about you. All I know is that you're hiding from something, your name is Brooke and that you probably stole those clothes.”

I glanced down at my tank top and skirt. They didn't fit me exactly, but they were close enough. I had stolen them. I hadn't wanted to go back to my house after I'd changed. I would never go back there. I'd seen some half-hearted missing posters with my face on them, but other than that, I hadn't heard anything about my disappearance. The only person who would miss me was Cara. I hoped Dillon, too, but I didn't know. That Brooke was gone, and I had to leave her behind.

“Maybe I did steal these clothes. Does that make me a criminal?” I was flirting with him. I was actually flirting with him.

I needed a mental slap. Well, what I needed was some blood and a day in the sun. I'd gone at least twenty-four hours since I'd last had some. Ivan told me I would need more because I was new, but that would change as I grew into my own as a noctalis. I liked the word vampire better. There was another mythical word to describe me, and I liked that one, too.

He didn't answer my question about being a criminal.

“I like fairies,” I blurted out.

“Fairies?” He blinked at me.

“Yeah, you know? With wings and all?”

“Sure,” Jamie said, holding up another branch for me to pass under.

I brushed my hand on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart through my sensitive skin. The sound drowned out the rustle of animals and leaves and the breathing of the earth. He was a tiny bit scared of me, which only excited me more.

It was a heady thing, being so powerful. It was a wonder there weren't more of us that went on rampages and killed entire towns. I'd had the urge, but had never followed through. Ivan told me about his days when he had done it and how unsatisfying it was. I wasn't going to count it out, but I was still coming into my own. I hadn't decided what kind of immortal I was going to be yet.

“Here we are,” Jamie said, holding his arm out.

I'd seen the place through the trees before he had. It was a little secluded cove, with a few summer homes that decorated the rocks. Most of them were uninhabited, for now. Thankfully, we were alone.

“It's beautiful,” I said, because it was true. I hopped down the rocks to the water's edge, sticking my hand in. It was still too cold for humans, but no water was too cold for me. I looked back at Jamie who watched me with another curious look. “What is it?” I said.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Your worst nightmare,” I said in a spooky voice. If only he knew. “Jamie, you don't want to know. If I told you, you wouldn't believe me, anyway.”

“Try me.” He folded his arms. Stubborn. I liked stubborn boys. It made them all the more attractive. I just smiled and sat down on the rock, stretching my legs out. I decided to slide off my sandals and stick my feet in the water. My skin twitched with the want to swim, but I ignored it.

Jamie slowly made his way down to me, taking his human time.

“How old are you?” he said.

“Sixteen. You?”

“Seventeen.” He looked out at the water, and then back at me. “Why can't you tell me who you are?” He moved his hand as if to touch my face, but then he put it down. “You don't act like you're sixteen.” It was clear he sensed I was something else.

I had a crazy impulse, probably brought on by my feet being near the water. “I'm going swimming,” I said, standing up and pulling off my tank top until I was just wearing a bra. His eyes bulged as they devoured my skin. I pulled my skirt down deliberately, enjoying the look on his face. I dived down and kissed his cheek before jumping off the rocks and into the water.

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