“Where's she from? Ava?”


“So what were you doing in the sticks of New Hampshire?” My human slang was coming back to me slowly.

“Trying to stay away from her. I can't have her, so I don't want to be around her.”


Dillon had had a girlfriend a few times. I thought. It was hard to remember. Still, imagining him with another girl made me want to kill something.

“What is so special about her? There are a million girls.”

“I know. It's so many things. She has these green eyes that are wide and open. They just stare at you and you feel like she can see all your secrets. I know that seems like a silly thing to say. She also speaks her mind. I like that, too.”

“Is she pretty?”

“Not in a common way. She's got long hair and those eyes. She's tiny, like you. She smells like honey and cinnamon.”

“Sounds delicious.”


“She would be, but I can't have her.”


“It's too much to explain, but I will tell you that a noctalis can Claim a human. It means that they will feed only from that human. It is a way to mark your territory, so to speak. It is not common, but my brother did it to save her. So she cannot be mine.”

“Does he love her?”

“He wishes,” Ivan said with a harsh laugh. “That is a story for another day.”



I have the stupid nightmare again. The one where my mother and Peter burst into flames. I'm really getting tired of it. My alarm rings far too soon. I reach out and smash my hand on the button to make it stop.

“No,” I say, rolling over and finding Peter's naked chest. What a way to wake up.

“You have to go to school,” he says.

“No,” I say, whining like a child. Why couldn't I just say no and have that be the answer?

“I do not want you to go either, but you must.” He pulls his body out from under mine.

“You suck,” I say.

“Only your blood and only sometimes.”

I laugh on my way to the bathroom. His humor is definitely improving. I'm like a proud mama.

My parents are sacked out, Dad snoring like a chainsaw, so I have the house to myself to get ready. Well, except for Peter, but he doesn't really count. The only upside of having them in bed is that they don't notice I'm wearing the scarf again.


Tex attacks me as soon as I get out of my car.

“Hey, sorry I didn't call you last night. I kind of passed out. This Claiming thing has kind of messed with my system.” She waves her hands in a circle.

I too passed out after the whole thing with Mom and her friends. “Yeah, been there, done that.”

I make sure my scarf is secure around my neck, since it's a windy day. I've paired it with a black top and jeans. I start telling her about my experiences as we walk inside, and I find that hers are similar.

“When did it happen?” I ask as I put my books in my locker, keeping only the books I'll need for the day.

“It was after he took me home. We met Ivan halfway, and Viktor told him what was up. I thought he was crazy, but he said to trust him. Somehow he has a way of explaining things that makes them make complete sense, even if they're insane. Anyway, we went back to my house and I was freaking out about leaving you. He told me no one could touch you or hurt you, but I really didn't believe him. I said I wanted to make sure you were okay, and he said the only way he'd take me was if he Claimed me. I think he was trying to get me to back out. Well, that blew up in his face when I told him to go for it. So he did.”

“How did he do it? Peter used a knife.” I rub my wrist where the wound still hasn't completely healed.

Tex laughs, as if it is funny. “He found a knife in the kitchen, but I made him disinfect it before he used it. I also made him let me do it so he wouldn't leave a scar.” She rubs her left wrist, which has a wide bracelet around it.

“Yeah, I found this in my jewelry drawer. I'm pretty sure Aunt Bea gave it to me to ward of negative energy or something. It was the only thing wide enough to cover everything. God, I hope I don't get an infection.”

“I'm sure you'll be fine,” I say, meandering down the hall toward geometry. I want to put that off as long as possible. I only have about two minutes.

Tex looks like she wants to say something else.

I wait.

“I feel him. Like, all the time,” she whispers, leaning in so only I can hear.

“Yeah, that's part of it.”

“It's really trippy. But I kinda like it. I can tell that he's out in the parking lot, pining for me.” She rolls her eyes back and sighs dreamily.

“It's not all about that, Tex,” I snap. I want her to take this seriously, because it is serious. She's just bound herself for life to Viktor. How can she not understand the gravity of that?

“I know that,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Look, I'll see you later. Maybe we can do lunch with the boys. Or we'll do lunch and they'll watch. Or something. I'll see you later.” She walks off without her usual strut. She's even walking differently. More confident. Like she has something she knows other people want, but she isn't going to share it. Oh, crap.

“Hey, Ava,” Jamie says, coming down the opposite side of the hall. I never seem to see the two of them at the same time. Now he's the only person in my life that doesn't know about Peter. He's met him, but not really.

“Hey, James. Long time no see.” God, how much has gone down since the last time I saw him. I don't even know where to start. “How's everything?” By everything I mean his ass**le dad and his pregnant sister.

“It's a girl. She had the ultrasound on Friday, but she waited to tell me until last night. It kind of slipped out, I guess.” He shrugs, but I can tell he's over the moon about it.

“That's great, Jamie.” I really, really hoped it would be. I saw Cassie not that long ago and she seemed happy. Happier than I'd ever seen her. She was never a bubbly, giggly girl. More dark and moody. I blame it on her crappy home life. Somehow Jamie managed to come out with the opposite personality.

“We've been going through the name books, trying to find the right one. Cassie loves Glorianna.”

I flinch. “Ouch,” I say, “that would be a lot for a kid to learn how to spell.”

“That's what I said. Her last name will be Barton, so it has to go with that.”

The bell rings, signaling that it's time for me to enter the cave of doom, otherwise known as my geometry classroom. Mr. Galakis already has his glare on.

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