She had never realized how hungry she was for him, until now. Until his cock filled her mouth, the wild taste of aroused male consuming her, driving her past shame to a realm where nothing mattered but touch, taste, desire.

As her mouth moved on him, her hand began to stroke the strong shaft, moving up and down, pumping the hard column as he fucked her mouth with increasingly strong strokes.

At the same time, she felt a touch behind her. Male hands sliding her bikini bottoms from her, smoothing over the rounded curves of her ass. Was it Dawg or Natches? She didn’t know, she didn’t care.

She watched Rowdy’s gaze flare, though, as he stared over her head for a long second. When his eyes returned to hers, they were wild with lust.

Then she felt it. A slow, reverent kiss on one buttock, then the next. A tongue, wicked and alluring, flickering along the top of the narrow crevice that separated the rounded cheeks.

Her head jerked up as a keening moan left her lips, her eyes widening in shocked pleasure. An insidiously wicked caress nearly had her collapsing against Rowdy. Only his hands held her upright, his gaze holding her sanity as she felt the probing tongue gently rimming the ultrasensitive entrance to her anus.

She should be screaming in fear, instead, she was panting with pleasure.

“Oh God, Rowdy…” Her voice was weak, questioning. Should it feel so good? Should she be so desperate for more?

“Shh, baby,” he whispered gently. “Let it feel good. Just for a minute. Just for another minute.”

She cried out as she felt that knowing tongue press against the entrance again. Her head whipped from side to side as she fought to breathe, fought to make sense of the blinding pleasure. When it breached the small hole with a slight pinching sensation, only to pull back, then probe inside again, she shuddered at the intensity of the carnal caress, suddenly terrified. Not of the touch or the man, but of herself.


“It’s okay, Kelly…easy, baby.” The touch was suddenly gone as Rowdy pulled her to him, his lips covering hers as he bore her to her back.

He kissed her with ruthless demand, leaning over her and working his lips over hers with experienced lust. He ate her kiss, consumed her, and taught her to consume in return.

Rowdy lifted his head from the kiss, his senses drunk with the taste of the woman beneath him, his body aching to possess her.

The soft, dim glow spread over Kelly, clearly revealing bare silken flesh between her thighs, devoid of any sign of feminine hair. He had expected it, had known what awaited him, but the sight of it was a punch of lust to his gut anyway.

He blinked down at the pink, flushed curves as they gleamed with a layer of soft, silky syrup, licking his lips in hunger.

“Baby, you’re pushing a man already hanging on the edge,” he growled as he watched his fingers move, smoothing over the swollen flesh until they could delve into the rich, dewy slit below.

“Oh God. Rowdy…” Her cry pierced through him as he parted her, his gaze drinking in the flushed flesh covered in slick honey as her hips arched to him, her thighs spreading further.

He pressed the pad of his palm over her clit as his fingers found the tender entrance to her pussy and circled it slowly, his mouth watering to taste her. Lifting his fingers he turned his gaze to her again, narrowing his eyes as he moved his fingers to her pouty lips and painted them with her own juices.

Shock widened her eyes as she gasped. His other hand moved to her head, lacing his fingers through her hair as he spread the sweetness over her lush lips.

“Lick it off,” he growled. “Come on, baby, see how sweet and hot you’re going to taste when I get my tongue inside that hot little pussy.”

“Rowdy…” He could hear the protest of her innocence, the dark hungers filling her, urged on by his own needs as she hesitated in the face of the unfamiliar intensity of their combined lust.

“Lick your lips,” he ordered her again, his voice rough, the need to see her completely immersed in the needs building between them overwhelming.

Her tongue peeked out as the flush deepened on her face. A grimace twisted his lips as she licked at her own sweetness, tasting what he craved so desperately for himself. Then, her tongue curled around his finger, drawing a hoarse moan from his chest as she sucked it into her mouth.

The feel of her drawing the remaining taste from her fingers broke his control. He pulled from her, moving between her thighs, spreading them further as he lifted her to his descending mouth and buried his lips in the liquid heat flowing from her.

She was more intoxicating than moonshine, sweeter, hotter than life itself, and all his.

Kelly heard her own cries flowing through the night around her and could do nothing to still them, to smother them. Rowdy’s mouth was burning through inhibitions, through shyness, and igniting a fire inside her pussy that threatened to consume her. He held her legs wide, his mouth eating her decadently, his whispering murmurs of pleasure and hunger fueling the flames burning through her.

His tongue was voracious. It licked, spread fire through the burning flesh and caressed her with a knowledge and experience that had her gasping. Small, flickering strokes against her clit caused her to arch to him, her hips jerking as sensation raked like talons of need through her nervous system. The pleasure, oh God, the pleasure was too much to bear. Each circular stroke around the hard, pulsing knot of her clit stole her breath. Her womb convulsed with the need for orgasm as the pleasure tore through it before spreading throughout her system.

His fingers weren’t still either. One circled the sensitive opening to her vagina, spreading the juices that wept from her aching center before his tongue stroked lower, moving to lap at her, to draw the taste of her into his mouth as she screamed out from the precipice he kept her teetering on.

She was so close. Too close to be held back in such a way. She could feel the sensation burning throughout her body, igniting a firestorm that raced through her bloodstream.

Finally. She writhed beneath him, her head tossing as all the fantasies she had known in the past five years were finally coming to life. Rowdy was touching her, tasting her, loving her.

“Fuck, I could get drunk on your taste.” His voice was a hoarse growl a second before his tongue plunged inside the gripping entrance to her cunt, fucking into her with licking strokes that had a strangled scream leaving her throat.

The tension building inside her was frightening. Control was a thing of the past, as Rowdy was causing the gathering tightness in her belly to deepen, to convulse with each inward thrust of his wicked tongue. Her hands tightened in his hair as she shuddered and the wet heat flowing from her vagina increased.

She was panting for air, sensation racing across her flesh, sensitizing her, leaving her gasping amid the inferno he was creating. His hands weren’t still anymore than his tongue was. They smoothed over her thighs, his thumb flicked at her clit, sending sharp sensations of agonizing need tearing through her a moment before it retreated. His hands curled along the cheeks of her ass, and as his tongue plunged inside her again, he parted the soft curves, tugging at the entrance to her ass and sending sharp flares of heat whipping through her system.

“Rowdy…” She writhed, beneath him, her head tossing on the blankets as she felt perspiration gathering along her body, trickling down her breasts, her tummy, even as her juices flowed from her pussy. “I can’t…I can’t stand it….”

It was different than the first time. The sensations were harder, fiercer, driving her further from herself as she fought to hold onto reality.

“Make it stop!” She tried to scream, to demand an ease to the pressure building in her womb, her thighs, deep inside her cunt.

He didn’t answer. If anything, his mouth became more voracious, his fingers exploring further, pressing deeper against the untouched entrance he was massaging.

“Rowdy…I swear…I can’t stand…” She lost her breath as she felt his finger breach her ass, felt it slide slowly inside her as his lips covered her clit, his thumb slipping into the entrance of her pussy and destroying her.

“Oh God!” She fought the lightning surge of almost painful sensation that shot through her.

“The hell you can’t. You will come for me, Kelly. Now,” he snarled, his finger retreating, gathering more of the silky liquid flowing from her before sliding in deeper, stronger, his thumb pumping into her pussy before his lips covered her clit again. He suckled at the tender bud, his tongue flickering over it as his finger bit into her ass, his thumb fucking her cunt until she felt herself erupt.

Her scream filled the night as she dissolved, saw lights exploding behind her clenched eyes and heard Rowdy’s roar of pleasure a second before he was rising between her thighs and throwing her higher.

“Hang on, baby.” He gripped her hands, moving them to his shoulders as she felt a thick pressure against the sensitized entrance to her pussy.

She stared up at him, dazed, awash in cascading waves of ecstasy.

“Sweet baby,” he groaned, his green eyes darkening as his hands clasped her face. “Hold on to me, sweet thing. I can’t wait. Not even another minute.”

Her eye widened, fluttered, fought to stay open as she felt his cock stretching her, invading her. Better than the first time, stroking sensitive nerve endings, caressing delicate tissue until she wept with need. And it didn’t stop. It went on and on, as though in slow motion, stretching her until she was certain she could hold no more before she found she could.

She jerked in his grip, her nails pressing into his shoulders as she whimpered then screamed as Rowdy settled to the hilt inside her. She could feel every thick inch parting the tender tissue of her pussy, straining it to its limits as fingers of electricity sizzled through and the tension began to increase once again within her.

“God, you’re tight.” His expression was strained as she stared up at him, fighting to make sense of the sensations ripping through her. “And soft as silk.” His forehead pressed against hers.

He grimaced, lifting his head a few inches as he stared down at her, his thumb dragging roughly over her lips as she fought to breathe.

“Lift your legs.” His voice was like gravel. “Brace your knees against my hips.” He lowered one hand, lifting her thigh as she did as he bid.

“Oh God, Rowdy.” He slid in deeper than ever, filling her in ways she couldn’t explain. “Oh God, I don’t know what to do…” She wanted to cry, wanted to ease the furious throb of hunger pulsing in her womb, in her cunt.

“Shush, baby,” His voice was strained, his body tight with the effort it was taking as he helped her, positioning her knees against his hips as a ragged moan tore from his chest. “Son of a bitch, you’re so fucking tight. I could come just feeling you grip me like that.”

The muscles inside her pussy were indeed milking him, rippling around him, driving her crazy with the furious heat building inside them. She stared up at him, feeling the tears on her cheeks, the emotions clogging her throat. She couldn’t imagine ever needing anything more than she needed Rowdy.

“Easy now, sweetheart,” he warned as she felt his thighs bunching. “If I don’t move I’m going to come before you ever get yours. And you have to have yours.” A wicked smile crossed his swollen lips as he began to move.

His cock slid slowly from the clutching grip of her cunt as she heard her own desperate groan of pleasure; the thrust back had her crying out in sharp agonizing need, and then there was no stopping him.

He arched back, gripping her legs and pressing them closer to her body as he stared down to where they came together, her gaze following automatically, watching as the slick, glistening shaft of his cock powered in and out of the flattened curves of her cunt. It was mesmerizing, consuming. She could feel raking fingers of pleasure, pain, sharp sensation, and fiery explosions of hunger ripping through her body as she watched him fuck her. Watched his cock thrust in and out, shafting her with furious strokes as the world receded around her.

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