It was a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Naina walked upto Nitin & said, “Leave me Nitin…I can’t take so much love. I am not able to give you our child. How long are we going to stay this way hiding each others desire to be parents in silent tears.”

Nitin was shocked & for the 1st time he was shattered. He wanted to scream at her…cry but he could not afford to do that. He knew if he did such things it would do more harm to their relationship than good. He gained his composure, turned around & looked at her eye to eye. Naina could not take that. He just asked her to repeat those words by looking at him in the eye. Naina broke down completely. He just made her sit on the bed…gave her a glass of water & asked her to relax. After she was better, he said, “How easy was it for you to say those words Naina? The love, the time & happy moments we shared for these 5years boils down to just leaving each other…that too due to absence of a child? Strange Naina…strange. I have left my mom…a woman whom I loved, cared & shared every other detail for another woman…that’s you. My mom chose you as my wife…my life partner & not as her daughter in law. Today when I have found my happiness in you & have given my best shot to make our marriage work, this is what I get? When none of us ever hurt you or even asked you about our child, then what makes you isolate yourself, pain yourself with such thoughts. A life partner refers to being together for lifetime…child or no child. Today you have made me feel alone by distancing yourself from me…asking me to leave you. Leaving you means to stop living Naina…it means living a life with no meaning. I am contented with whatever I have. I do not need a child to complete my life…my existence. I loved you unconditionally & never had great expectations from life. We are living our lives peacefully. Our life is complete dear….but…but…Naina today I am sorry. I am at fault if such thoughts ever crossed your mind. I must have hurt you…Sorry Naina. Sorry.” Saying this he just took his keys & left home.

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