Days & months had passed by…it was going to be a year of their marriage. Nitin had a great plan for their special day. It was early morning & when Naina went to the kitchen, she found a beautiful rose bouquet with a card on it.

Dear Naina…my Naina…u make my days colourful, evenings beautiful & nights filled with love. How would I have understood what love means had destiny not made us join hands. Today as we complete one year I just have one promise to make…I would never leave you…I want you to be by my side…not today or tomorrow but till we grow old & beyond this lifetime.

Naina was lost in his words & her eyes turned moist. Just as she turned around, she saw Nitin was seeing her leaning at the kitchen door. Seeing him she rushed to his arms…his warmth & wished him a very happy wedding anniversary.

Love is not about how many days or years you’ve been together. Love is about how much you love each other EVERYDAY.

Their day continued with regular breakfast & tea in the gallery admiring the nature’s beauty from their window. They decided to go to the temple first & then catch up with their parents for lunch. Nitin was all ok with her plans. However he had to go to his office for an important work. He decided to head to office from the temple & join them for lunch by 2. Naina had taken a day off. She went to her in-laws place from the temple. She had a great time bonding with her mom-in-law. His mom was happy to know that her son was a great hubby to her daughter & she liked the way Naina understood her son’s needs. She was reassured that her decision to make them live independently was right. It was lunch time & Nitin joined his family for lunch & there was lots of happiness in the family.

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