Amelia thought about it for a second. "She's having an Ewok!"

Beth lost all composure and began to giggle uncontrollably.

Meryn frowned for a second and then became thoughtful. "That's not too bad, but what if it's a boy?"

"Chewbacca," Amelia said wiping her eyes. Beth's giggles were contagious.

"Stop, I can't breathe!" Beth gasped.

"That's kick ass." Meryn nodded happily and looked over at Amelia. "What about your future baby?"

She patted her tummy. "I'll have a Legolas that gets into Gryffindor."

Meryn glared at her. "I kinda fucking hate you right now."

"Boo hoo," Amelia teased laughing.

"Okay, I'm done. Let's go back home," Beth was trying to catch her breath.

Meryn shook her head. "No way! We can't miss today at Adelaide's. It's sewing circle day."


Amelia swayed as the car swerved. Ryuu quickly regained control. "I'm sorry denka, what did you just say?"

"We have to go to today's sewing circle meeting," Meryn insisted.

Beth's eyes were wide. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Why are you asking if she's okay?" Amelia asked.

"Because she absolutely hates that sewing circle," Beth informed her.

"What? I can't have a change of heart?" Meryn tried to look innocent.

"No," Beth and Ryuu said together.

"Well, we're pulling up now so it's too late." Amelia pointed out the window.

"Gods help us," Beth whispered under her breath.

"He-he-he." Meryn rubbed her hands together.

Amelia fought the urge to cross herself, and she wasn't even Catholic.

Ryuu parked and got out to open the doors for them. He helped Meryn out of the car and they walked up to the front door. Before they could ring the bell, the door swung open to reveal an older gentleman in attire similar to Ryuu's.

"Marius! I've missed you!" Meryn hugged the man around the waist.

"And I have missed you, too, Little Miss. Come inside and get warm." Marius held the door open and everyone walked inside.

"Oh, good, you're here! Before we head to the salon, you girls come with me," A female voice called out.

Amelia looked and a beautiful blond woman was quickly approaching them. "Marius, if you could bring a pot of tea to Byron's office?"

"Of course." Marius bowed and headed to the back of the house.

"That's Marius Steward--he's the squire here--and this is Aiden's mom, Adelaide, or as everyone else calls her, Lady McKenzie." Meryn indicated to the beautiful woman. "Mom, this is Amelia Ironwood. You'll never guess what we found out..."

Adelaide placed a finger over Meryn's lips. "Let's head to the office, darling. You can tell me there." She winked at the three of them and led the way.

No one said anything until Adelaide closed the door and removed a brass key from its hook to hang it within a spell circle. "There, now the room is soundproofed. I got the idea from the perimeter Keelan did for the Alpha estate. With so much going on, Byron needed a place he could have private conversations."

Ryuu gathered their coats and left to go hang them up.

Beth got comfortable in one of the wingback chairs. "And why do we need to have a private conversation?"

Adelaide pointed to the other chairs and Amelia and Meryn got comfortable. "Now, before I get started, what were you going to tell me dear?" She sat close to Meryn.

Meryn bounced up and down in her chair. "We found out that Amelia is my cousin, my actual, real cousin! Our mothers were sisters."

Adelaide paled. Beth clucked her tongue. "Trust me, I know."

Amelia turned to Meryn who looked as confused as she felt.

"What?" Meryn demanded.

"Meryn, do you remember the reaction we got when I announced I had adopted you as my baby sister?" Beth asked.

"Yeah, everyone freaked out because I was tied to two major houses... Oh, now it's three." Meryn strummed her fingers on the arm of the chair.

"Four Meryn, remember? I have two sets of brothers, the Ironwoods and the Ashleighs." Amelia reminded her.

Adelaide gasped, her hand going to her throat. "How?"

Amelia turned to Lady McKenzie. "I am the half-sister to the Ironwoods. The Ironwoods are half-brothers to the Ashleighs. Both sets of brothers will be very protective of me and Meryn."

"Interesting isn't it?" Beth said, leaning back in her chair.

There was a knock at the door before Marius and Ryuu entered with a tea tray. Ryuu closed the door behind them and helped serve everyone a cup. Meryn pouted up at Marius who immediately set a basket of cookies on the table next to Meryn. She dived into the basket humming happily.

Beth took a sip. "But you didn't know when you brought us in here. What did you have to tell us that required a soundproof spell?"

"Oh, dear, I'm not quite sure how to tell you this." She took a deep breath and glanced at Meryn for a second before she turned to Amelia and Beth. "Do you girls follow the society column, Dear Gentle Reader?"

Amelia and Beth shook their heads.

Adelaide frowned. "That's what I thought. Over the past few weeks, the columns have been systematically belittling a certain group of women." She paused and looked down at her hands as they twisted together.

Beth's eyes narrowed. "Which group of women?"

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