'Let me help you with that sweetness'

Kharlyle was one of those golden boys. His family was rich, he was drop dead gorgeous and on top of that captain of the lacrosse team. He became one of my favorite person's, mainly because he was different from the rest.

He had everything and still wasn't a boastful asshole about it. His charm would win anyone over from the young to the oldest person on campus, sometimes you would catch him helping out in the soup kitchen or volunteering down at the homeless shelter giving out relief baskets or even donataing tainted money as he used to call it, by auctioning away some of his many gifts he's received form the adoured women from all around the globe.

His father on the other hand saw his son as an award winning trophy and taught it to be selfish if he didn't show it off to each and every one of his big investors. The Master's were into the jewelry business, finding and selling the most precious antiquities to the highest bidder and kharlyle was their personal lab rat. They paid extra money just for his selective services that his father often offered to his clients.

Sometimes they would request for him to come join them naked in their hotel room wearing nothing but the jewels they purchased; whether it was man or women at the age of 12 kharlyle was obligtaed to his many duties. I remembered that summer i would never regret, 12 years ago when i went to stay with my aunt's in Boston. I met kharlyle at an LGBT open fundraiser, my aunts are a legally married same sex couple and also the president and co-president of the foundation so it was a must for me to attend at that time.

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