"Yeah, for an offer we couldn't refuse!" his friend added. "Three times what we paid you for it!"

"I know it would be tough finding a place this close to the weekend," Jeff continued, "but we've got some friends that have a cabin. We're moving down there and bunking in with them."

"I'm sorry to see you leave," Dean answered, "but I wish you'd spoken to us before making arrangements with someone else."

"Oh, he said he'd take care of everything."

Jeff began lugging his gear toward the door. "We'll be back in a week or two. With the dough we made on the room, we can afford to come over from Denver for another weekend!"


Cynthia joined her husband who explained the strange happenings. Dean began to have a sinking feeling about who had paid for the room. Just then he looked up to see Jerome Shipton sauntering down the stairs.

"Out!" Dean said before Shipton reached the bottom step or could open his mouth.

"Whoa!" Shipton answered with a smile. "Peace." He held up his arms as if giving benediction. "Look, I'm here fair and square." He held up his recently purchased room key as the two ice climbers waved good bye.

"I don't care what you bought," Dean said. "This is our inn and we choose who stays here. It's nothing personal. I don't even know you, but your ex-wife...."

"Wife, not 'ex-wife.' Edith is still married to me, even if she sees fit to sleep...."

"Look," Cynthia said, "We just don't want any trouble. Please leave. Our guests deserve a quiet and peaceful visit. They're paying us for tranquility, not to witness your domestic problems, which should be handled in private, in a lawyer's office. Your marital difficulties aren't our business but Bird Song is and we don't want any hint of trouble here."

Jerome Shipton's smile disappeared. "I had to ball that fat cow Gladys to get in here and then pay a hell of a premium to those guys just to get a room of my own. I have no intention of leaving and, if you'll check your law, you have no legal right to toss me out." He returned to his earlier smile. "Look, I'll be quiet as a mouse and cause no trouble. In fact, I'm off to try my hand at ice climbing for the day. You'll hardly know I'm staying here." He looked up to see a shocked Donald Ryland step out of his room. "Have a nice night's sleep, buddy?" Shipton asked. There was a noise on the stairs and they all turned to see Edith descending.