"The guy's a bastard," Dean said as he read Cynthia's latest translations the following morning.

"Most men are," Cynthia answered, in an unusually sharp tone, and then added, "present company excepted. I just don't want to talk about it." Lack of a full night's sleep had put both Deans in less than top form as they readied breakfast. "I have enough problems with this century without resurrecting the last," she continued. "I don't like this business with Edith and Donald Ryland. It has me worried." She looked around. "Plus, Janet is either late or missing, Fred never even came home last night, I don't think I made enough breakfast rolls, and there's a stack of luggage in the hall. Some of our guests are apparently leaving early."

"Gladys and her lover?"

"No. It's ice-climbing stuff. But Gladys' friend is another problem. What are we supposed to say to some strange man when he comes down for his morning meal?"

"We charge Gladys for a double room and smile. It's not the first time it's happened. She's paying for the lodging. We're not the custodians of the morals of our guests, nor the taste of her lovers."


"Every time I turn around, someone is sneaking into someone else's bed!" Just as Cynthia said it, Donald Ryland appeared behind them, still in his bathrobe, much to her gross embarrassment. It was obvious he'd heard them. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Cynthia said. "That was uncalled for. I'm just in a grouchy mood this morning. It's none of my business what-" "I guess I deserved that. I feel like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar."

"It's not your hand that'll get you in trouble," Dean said as he munched on a piece of whole wheat toast.

"I am sorry. It is your business. It's your inn and you've been very kind to all of us. Last night was a disaster." He joined Dean at the kitchen table although Cynthia would have preferred having her private domain to herself. "I was a shit to let her stay." Neither of the Deans disagreed. Ryland seemed as if he felt compelled to justify his actions. "I had a few drinks at dinner and I was sleeping like a log. Then I half-wake to find a naked body all over me. It was like every teen age wet dream." Cynthia gave a not-too-well disguised harrumph and left the kitchen for the dining room with a plate full of breakfast. Ryland continued, a chastised look on his face. "I told Edith we had no future together. I love Fran-this girl I'm going to marry." He looked over his shoulder. "Edith's back upstairs with Donnie."