Soon Neha got admission in one of the top colleges in Mumbai, as she would travel daily by bus she was waiting at the bus stop one day when a car stopped right in front of her and a Arjun stepped out.

" Hey Neha where have you been, long time, what are doing here"

" Relax Arjun so many question ill answer them one by one" Arjun was seeing a completely new Neha who was more confident and was speaking without fear.

"well i study in this college right here, Im doing IT engineering, what about you where have you been, whats happenening in your life"

"Oh well i took admission in an enginnering college near home and ive come here for some work that dad gave me, while returning i saw you at the bus stop and was quiet happy to see you, let me drop you home if you dont mind"

Neha redily agreed to which Arjun was utterly surprised.

On their way Arjun striked the conversation first" So ive never seen this side of you, you seen to have changed a lot with the new enviornment"

Neha laught " well had to or the big fish in the pond would just eat up small fish like me"

Arjun looked quiet impressed

"Hey Neha my parents are going out of town this weekend and my frined are coming over for a house party would you like to come and join us"

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