The next day Smita woke up before Neha, She quickly picked up her phone and sent a message to Nikhil asking him to meet them that day and it was urgent. She was contemplating weather she should tell him the reason or not, but she then decided not to give out the reason and just call him to meet. She quickly took the print of the email and kept it in her purse. Neha woke up in the meanwhile,, she looked worst than the day before. Smita was so upset looking at Neha she was feeling so helpless but at the same time she was determined that she is going to resolve this issue.

Nikhil fixed up to meet at 11:30 in a cafe close to Neha's office. Although Nikhil was clueless why were they setting up a meet at such an odd time claiming it to be urgent her was also aphrensive on the other hand hoping eveything would be fine. Smita had decided she would confront Nikhil first and then call Neha to the cafe so she told Neha that they r meeting at 12.

Smita reached before Nikhil and was waiting for him, she had an ocean of questions going on in her mind she did not know how to confront him she was just worried about her friend Neha if all of it would be true how would Neha take it. Neha on the other hand went to office and straigt to HR asking for a place change, and she got to know that day before was Simrans last day in office she was supposed to give a months notice as per the HR policy but her new employer decided to buy her notice period and hire her imideatly.

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