They both had fared very well even in the final year project.

After the exams came the farwel party.

The third years threw a grand party to their favourite seniors and every one was very excited.

Nikhil was dressed in black tuxedo and looking handsome he went to pick Neha to her house, Neha walked out in a bottle green gown which was just perfectly tailored for her, Nikhils jaw just dropped looking at her, she had ties her hair in a side braid and with less makeup she was looking at steeling everyones heart that day.

They both entered the venue and were looking like a made for each other couple.

They party started everyone was enjoying DJ was playing their favourite music. Then the third years arranged a small av for them which was made of all the pictures of the entire class over the past 4 years, Most pics of Neha were with Nikhil from all they trips, looking at the AV all got a bit emotional.

Nikhil saw Neha's moist eyes, he just pulled her hand and took her out of the venue, there was a beautiful garden and lovely wooden benches they sat there, Neha was looking at Nikhil with a hope of hiving him as a life long frined, she was about to say some thing when Nikhil plased his hand on her mouth "shh Neha dont say anything let me do the talking today"

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