Namita told Neha one day that she is so lucky to have some one like Nikhil who cares so much for her.

Neha kept thinking that if he really cares for her then she should give the friendship another chance and turn it into a relation.

Since the begining of the next year in college Neha became the same friendly girl to Nikhil again, Nikhil knew that Neha is giving the relation a chance and was happy about it. However she would never want to name the relation and would just let it go with time.

During the anual fest that year there was a famous rock bank performing on the grand finale.

Everyone was at the Rock show the show ended at about 22:00 hrs.

It was quiet late but Nikhil asked Neha to wait back for another half an hour and then he would drop her home. She agreed they both went to the same gazeebo, it was a stary night cold night of december and Neha was feeling a bit cold. Nikhil quickly removed his jacket a put it around Neha, she was looking at him with thankful eyes which Nikhil read to be desireful eyes.

He then bent down to kiss her, at first she did not kiss him back but later she was taken but a surprise and due to the surprise she opened her mouth making was for his toungue, which made him deepen his kiss with his hands circling her waist, he was very aroused with just her touch hoever she did not feel the same. He kept holding her more closer and deepning the kiss levaing no air gap between them.

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