Neha with shivering shook her hands and felt a strange current pass through her she quicky looked up and then did not know what to do so pulled her hand back and just turned around and sat on her bench.

Meanwhile the professor entered and the lecture started, since it was just the first day they had just one introduction lecture post which they could all leave for the day.

Three of them came out of the college together Arjun's driver came to pick him up at the gate and with in a couple of minutes Smita's driver arrived as well they all reached home.

That nigh Neha could not sleep thinking what was the feeling she got when Arjun shook hands with her.

Next morning she got ready for college Smita came to pick her up and they both reached, for some strange reason her eyes were searcing for Arjun desperately, and she just could not find him the lecture started and she tried to concentrate on her lectures.

Post the break Arjun came in the second half, and she over heard Arjun telling Smita he had gone parting with his friends last nigh so could get up.

Later Neha also found out that Smita and Arjun's fathers were but best buddies and but were the trusties of the college, Arjun was a rich spoilt brat being the only son of his parents and even at the age of 16 had couple of girls to hang around with every now and then, his mother left his dad when he was 5 years old she he lived alone with his father in a huge bungalow in Juhu. Smita was no less of a spoilt brat either belonging to an equally rich and competitive family, but Neha on the other hand belonged to a middle class family with moderate values.

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