Bronco8881: You're in Denver?

He waited for her answer.

Sissy3211: I might as well confess. Do you remember a girl with dark hair, who sat on a bench next to you? It was in front of the Gladstone fountain on Monday. You were finishing your lunch.

Bronco8881: I do.

Sissy3211: That was me.

Austin caught his breath and stared at the screen. She was more than beautiful, she was magnificent.

Bronco8881: That was you?

Sissy3211: I had to be sure you weren't an axe-murderer. You don't act like one.

Bronco8881: I'm not the violent type.

Sissy3211: Jim says you might carry a gun. He couldn't tell.


Bronco8881: He was there too?

Sissy3211: He wanted to make sure you didn't kidnap me.

Still shocked, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Keep it light," he whispered. "Don't scare her away now."

Bronco8881: I didn't see a wart on your nose.

Sissy3211: Getting it removed was quite painful, I'll have you know.

Austin chuckled.

Bronco8881: Where do I pick you up?

Sissy3211: Let me about at the corner of Crestview drive and New York Boulevard.

Bronco8881: Perfect. The ball starts at 9:00. Is 8:30 all right?

Sissy3211: I'll be ready. I just pray it doesn't rain.

Bronco8881: I won't let it. Do you have a name?

Sissy3211: Yes.

Bronco8881: I mean, what do I call you?

Sissy3211: I'll tell you when we meet.

Bronco8881: Fair enough. By the way, my name is Austin Steel.

Sissy3211: Austin? Nice name.

Bronco8881: Thanks.

Sissy3211: Are you an accountant for the Gladstone Corporation or something?

Bronco8881: Or something.

Sissy3211: It's late again. Good night.

---Sissy3211 has signed off---

Austin remembered to breathe. He hadn't scared her away, at least not yet, and the prospect of finally meeting her in person was more excitement than he'd felt in months. It was nearly an hour before he settled down enough to work, and even then, he couldn't concentrate. He gave up finally and went to bed.

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