"Because I'm the boss," said Jackie.

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"You seem a little irritable this morning," said Carl, sitting down at the table. "Couldn't sleep?"

"I tossed and turned all night," Michael answered.

"Why?" Jackie asked. "What's bothering you?"

"Mathew Connelly, that's what. The thought of him getting his hands on Nick's money has really gotten to me."

"All the more reason to find Georgia," said Jackie. "What about looking for other art schools?"

"Yeah, but she still needed a job. What kind of job can you get painting pictures?" Michael grumbled.

"Billboards, advertising," Jackie suggested. "Maybe she's selling her own art for a living."

Carl shook his head. "If she were, we would have found her name on the internet somewhere. The first thing they do is set up a website."


"Okay, I'll do twitter and look for artists first," said Michael. "Then can we put Mathew back in prison, please, pretty please."

"Will it help you sleep at night if I say yes?"

Michael nodded. "It would help me sleep right now."

"In that case, no."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Twitter, here I come."

"Georgia Marie James does not have a Facebook page. That would be too easy anyway. We don't like easy, right?" Carl asked. When he looked, both Michael and Jackie were staring at him. "I'm working, I'm working. If your first, middle or last name is James, I'm going to find you. James," Carl moaned. "Connelly couldn't have chosen a more common name."


In an effort to make GSTS look more professional, Nicole decided that the departments should have meetings at least once a week. To Maggie, they were normally a boring waste of time, but at least she got out of her cubicle for a while. The new accounts, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and the account cancellation departments all met together. Instead of meeting in one of the meeting rooms upstairs, they sat in a semicircle in Nicole's extra-large office, with Jim and Maggie seated across the room from each other.

As usual, Nicole wore a skirt that was barely long enough to be proper, no bra, and a blouse unbuttoned as far down as possible. They were obviously designer clothes, and likely the best money could buy, but they truly did make her look like a hooker. She had the perfect figure for what she wore and the right makeup, but her long, black hair was still a little hard to get used to.

Maggie asked no questions during the meeting, answered the ones she was asked, and filled out the ridiculous, multiple-choice quiz Nicole required them to take. Usually it had a few trick questions designed to trip everyone up, and last week's test had disastrous consequences. One of the new guys got several wrong and Nicole made him stand in a box, so she could exhibit what it meant to think out of the box. The employee was appalled and everyone else kept their eyes down. Maggie didn't think this meeting could be any more abysmal.

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