Bronco8881: If I need to, yes.

Sissy3211: My hero. Don't worry, I am perfectly fine. I don't think my boss is dangerous; it might muss her makeup.

Bronco8881: That's a relief.

Sissy3211: I think I know how to stop them without having to turn them in.

Bronco8881: How?

Sissy3211: I can't tell you.

Bronco8881: Just be careful. There truly are dangerous people in the world.

Sissy3211: As dangerous as the ones in chat rooms?

Bronco8881: Cute. At least tell Jim what you are doing so he can watch your back.

Sissy3211: Okay, I'll tell him.


Bronco8881: Promise?

Sissy3211: Promise.

Both of them were quiet for a time.

Bronco8881: Did I ever tell you about William?

Sissy3211: Not that I recall.

Bronco8881: He's a guy I work with and he says things with such a straight face, no one can tell if he is serious or not. Yesterday, Clare was eating watermelon in the lunchroom and when he got up to leave, he said, "You know, watermelon is 98% water and only 10% melon." Then he just walked away.

Maggie roared with laughter.

Sissy3211: That is too funny.

Bronco8881: I know, he keeps us all entertained. Another time, he said - you know, there are more cardboard boxes in the world than there are children.

Sissy3211: I bet he's right about that.

Bronco8881: I bet he is too. Have any plans for the rest of the day?

Sissy3211: Jim and his wife are taking me to the zoo. Do they have horses in zoos?

Bronco8881: I don't know, I haven't been to a zoo in ages. You could look it up on the internet.

Sissy3211: Good idea. What are you going to do the rest of the day?

Bronco8881: Work. I have a couple of special projects that need my attention.

Sissy3211: What kind of projects?

Bronco8881: The boring kind. You wouldn't find them very interesting.

Sissy3211: I probably wouldn't. Well, I best be on my way.

Bronco8881: Okay, have fun at the zoo.

---Sissy has signed off---

Concerned about the shady people she apparently worked with; he considered having Jackie find out who and where Sissy3211 was. He thought better of it, however. If she found out, she would be furious, and that would blow any chance he had of meeting her. Austin ignored his foreboding, and went back to writing a counter to a lawsuit filed against Nick's recycling company.


"Mrs. Connelly, are you still going to the Gladstone Charity Ball?" Teresa asked. She watched as Laura turned the page on the book she was reading. Her reading glasses had slid down her nose again.

Laura looked up. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I haven't been to one of the Gladstone balls in years. Mother loved the balls and I am hoping to take her place as hostess someday. She would have wanted me to."

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