"I love horses very much," she sighed. For a moment, she stared at the name etched in large gold letters above the multiple doors. "Nicholas Gladstone Corporation," she muttered. When she looked for him, Jim was standing just a few feet away. "Didn't I tell you to stay there?"

"I couldn't. What if he kidnapped you?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "In front of all these people?"

"It happens all the time. So, did you find out what you wanted to?"

"Yes, he did not meet any women, he has a deep voice and he enunciates his words clearly."

"That's important to you - enunciation? You are one strange chick."

Maggie stood up and started back toward the bookstore. "Chicks are baby chickens, I am a…"


"Oh, stop, before I tell your wife."

Jim fell to his knees, put his hands together and begged, "Please, I'll do anything."


Maggie stopped, turned around and thumped him on the head, "Get up this instant!" She stuck her nose in the air and walked around the corner.

Several people were staring at him when Jim got up, stuck out his lower lip, and hung his head. "She said no."

"Don't give up, young man," said an elderly woman.

"No, ma'am, I won't," he said, as he took off around the corner.

He soon caught up and silently walked beside her to the end of the block. They crossed the street together and headed down another block.

"Does he truly look dangerous to you?" Maggie asked.

"It didn't look like he was carrying a gun, but he could have a small one strapped to his leg. You just never know."

"I should make him take off his clothes so I can be certain?"

A look of horror crossed Jim's face. "I wouldn't recommend that!"

"What would you recommend?"

"A full body search by me, naturally."

"If he agrees to that, then I can go to dinner with him?"

"If he agrees to a search, I will let you sit in a crowded room and talk to him, but that's all."

She stopped to stare at Jim. "I cannot wait to see what you are like when your three daughters are old enough to date."

"Don't remind me, I'm already worried sick. Are you going back to the fountain again? If you are, I'm going with you."

"No, he'll catch on if I do."

"Good, I'll sleep better if you don't."


Nicole's door was closed when Jim and Maggie got back from lunch. Jim quickly stuck his head in Susan's cubical. "Who's with Nicole?"

"Roxie," Susan answered.

"Is she in trouble?" he asked.

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