"They know something is in the wind because the will has not been probated. They also know Nick probably didn't leave it to his daughter, not with the way things stood between them. I get calls daily from charities wanting to know if their organization is on the list for a donation."

Austin walked around the coffee table and handed Jackie his business card. "The board of directors is driving me crazy too. There are several companies and thousands of employees wondering what will happen. Mrs. Harlan, I have two weeks, and if we can't find her, the judge might rule in the Connellys favor. Please don't let that happen."

"We'll do everything we can to prevent it," she said, "and please consider us all on a first name basis."

Austin Steel nodded, went back to his chair to grab his coat and briefcase. "Call me day or night if you need anything. I don't sleep much these days anyway." With that, he put the lamp back on the end table, left the room, and closed the door behind him.


Michael shook his head. "Two weeks? My money's on the Connellys."

Jackie headed for her laptop on the table. "Let's see what we have to work with before we place our bets."

"Once a boss, always a boss," Michael muttered, slowly standing up, and then following her to the table. He sat down, plugged the first flash drive into his laptop, copied it, and then sent copies to the other five computers. He repeated the process with the second flash drive. "What's first?"

"I would like you to age Georgia's picture first," said Jackie, taking off her jacket.

"You don't think Austin's guy did a good enough job?" Michael asked.


"He might have, but you are brilliant at aging photographs."

"Flattery," Michael muttered. "First she says I don't look normal, and now she says I'm brilliant." He opened the first flash drive, found the picture of Georgia at age six, and then opened his photo progression software. "Jackie loves me, I know she does."

Carl chuckled. "You keep thinking that if it makes you happy. You want me to find the nanny? I've got a feeling she knows more than she said."

"I'm sure of it," Jackie answered. "I'm going to head into what's been presented in court so far. Let me know if you find anything interesting."

Michael was about to start age progressing the photo when he thought of something. "I've got a better idea. Let's see if I can hack into the boarding school records. They should have a recent picture of her."

"Good idea," said Jackie.

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