"Scared of what?" Michael asked.

"Nick didn't ask," Austin answered. "Miss Bertrand handed him the name of the boarding school she took Georgia to, and then she was gone. I haven't had time to check everything out thoroughly. The Connelly's filed to contest the will the day after the reading, and I've had my hands full."

Carl thoughtfully stroked his beard. "If they filed that fast, looks like they weren't expecting to inherit."

"I'm sure they thought Nick left everything to charity." Austin abruptly stood up and dug two flash drives out of his pocket. He handed them to Michael and sat back down. "Wait until you see the look on their faces when I told them he left it all to Georgia."

"You videotaped it?" Jackie asked.

"Yep, it's on the flash drive marked number one." He passed the last eight by ten glossy to Michael. "Georgia, age six. It's not a very good picture, but it's the only one we have. At least, it was taken by a professional photographer. Miss Bertrand gave it to Nick right before she left."

Michael passed the picture to Carl, who passed it to Jackie. "She's a blonde?" Jackie asked.

"A towhead, Nick thought. All the children in his family started out blonde," Austin answered.

"That doesn't mean anything," Michael muttered. "Women change their hair color all the time."

"True," said Austin.


"You want us to find a way to send Mathew back to prison?" Carl asked. "I'd enjoy that."

"That would certainly be icing on the cake."

"I'm not sure checking into Mathew's dealings will help us find Georgia," Jackie reminded them.

"Okay," Carl grumbled. "But if we find something, I sure would like to personally put him back where he belongs."

"With my blessing," said Jackie. "How did Connelly react to the reading of the will?"

"He was shocked at first, and then furious. Contesting a will that leaves everything to charity is easier than if it is left to an individual. They might have been able to prove Nick was out of his mind, if it all went to charity."

"What proof did you have that Georgia existed?" Jackie asked.

"None," Austin answered, "not until I heard from their attorney a month later. The private detective they hired, a Mr. Jerry Shubert, found what they claim is proof that Georgia died in a car accident in Scotland."

"You mean you didn't have to prove Georgia existed?" Jackie asked.

"Isn't that amazing? Instead of making me prove there is a Georgia Marie James, or telling them how Nick found out, they confessed."

Carl wrinkled his brow. "I wonder why."

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