It was early evening when Austin drove up in front of the Gladstone mansion and knocked on the door. Clint let him in, and led the way up the stairs to Georgia's favorite room - the room she converted from Nick's bedroom to a sitting room for her and her mother.

She was standing on the balcony and saw him arrive, but she didn't go down to meet him. Nor did she turn around when she heard him enter the room. Instead, she waited to see what he would do.

A moment later, she could feel him standing next to her, but he didn't say a word, so she finally glanced up at him. "Mathew accepted a plea bargain. The judge will give him life in prison without the possibility of parole."

"I am surprised. I thought he would fight it tooth and nail," Austin said. "How do you feel about him now?"

"I don't feel anything. I never knew him."

He put his hands on the railing and watched the water in the fountain. "How is Laura doing?"

"She hasn't had a drink, if that's what you mean."

"Good for her."

"Mother says she doesn't have a reason to drink now."

He couldn't stand their small talk and decided to get right to the point. "Georgia, if I forgive you, will you forgive me?"


She bowed her head. "My forgiveness has no such stipulation these days. I forgive you whether you forgive me or not."

"I do forgive you."

"But not really?"

"No…really. I let my hurt feelings keep me from seeing what you needed, more than you needed me."

"I needed you. I will always need you."

"I'm not sure you do. You are a lot stronger than I expected."

"What did you expect?"

"I thought I would have to hold your hand every step of the way and do everything for you." He paused when he noticed a woman in the garden watching them, but he ignored her. "I wanted to do everything for you, but you are quite capable of doing it yourself."

Georgia shyly smiled. "I am not as capable as you think. I am lost in all this paperwork."

"You signed everything."

"Because I trust you. Half of the time, I have no idea what I am signing."

"You didn't ask, so I thought…"

She turned to face him. "You thought wrong."

"Can we be friends again now?" he asked.

Georgia frowned. "You only want to be friends?"

"No, I want much more than that, but you frighten me. I've never known a woman with your courage."

She laughed. "I have no courage at all. My best friend in school called me Sissy all the time."

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