A grinning butler opened the door and held it for her. "Miss James, welcome home."

"Thank you." She walked into an atrium that was three stories high with a curved staircase on each side and an inside balcony on each level. "Who has to clean all this?"

The butler chuckled as he took his position at the head of a line of people waiting to greet her. "We have a cleaning service that does all the work."

"Georgia, this is Clint, your butler," said Austin.

"Clint," she repeated.

Austin moved down the row. "Silvia is the cook and bakes the best cookies in the world." Silvia's blush made him smile. "Martin is your gardener."

"Welcome home, Miss James," said Martin.

"Thank you."

"Where's Kellie?" Austin asked.

"Off chasing Muffin again," Martin answered. A side door opened and a small dog scurried in.


"Muffin, no!" a horrified Kellie shouted. The dog ignored her, headed straight for Georgia, tried to stop and skidded across the highly polished floor. "Muffin," Kellie tried again.

Georgia raised her hand. "Tis quite alright, I love dogs." She leaned down and scooped the small, floppy eared dog up in her arms. "Hello, Muffin." She laid her head against the soft fur on the dog's head and then giggled when the dog licked her neck.

Martin leaned closer to Silvia. "Muffin likes her."

"So do I," Silvia said.

"Where should I put these?" the driver asked as he brought her suitcases inside.

Clint cleared his throat. "We thought to put you in Nick's room, Miss James, but…"

"Please call me Georgia." She smiled when he nodded. "Perhaps I shall look around and then decide."

She set the dog down and was about to start up the stairs when another side door opened and a man appeared.

"It's about time you got here," he said.

"Jim?" Georgia flew into the arms of her old friend.

He cleared his throat and stood her back. "I'm married, don't forget."

She giggled and hugged him again anyway. "I cannot help myself. I am so happy to see you."

"Do you know you actually have a theater in this joint? I'm bringing the wife and kids, and about thirty movies."

"Good, then I'll bring the popcorn. Wait, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I am at work. I work for you now."

"You do? That's excellent." She abruptly wrinkled her brow. "Doing what?"

Jim looked to Austin.

"I have to get back to the office," said Austin. "You explain it to her and I'll be back to pick her up at two this afternoon."

"Pick me up for what?"

"We have a meeting at three. Jim will explain it." He nodded, walked out the door and got back in the limo.

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