
"She wasn't willing to look for a new job, even though we both knew she would get fired."

"Well, when you're using someone else's identity, you worry about getting caught and thrown out of the country."

"I suppose so. What do you want me to do?"

Austin smiled and began to lay out his plan. "First, I want you to…"


It was Sunday afternoon before Georgia sat on her bed, lifted the lid on her laptop, and looked for Austin in the chat room. He wasn't there. She opened the email he sent and saw the attachment, but he didn't include a message.

She clicked on the video link and then folded her arms to watch.

"If you are seeing this, it means I did not live long enough to meet you in person. I'm sure Austin has told you everything by now. He is a good man and you can put your trust in him.


If only I had known about you…" Nick took a deep breath. "I would have fought to take you away from your father by any means possible. I feel so cheated; as I am certain you do as well. In my library, you will find everything I kept about your mother's side of the family, all the history and the pictures. It is little compensation, but it is all I have to give. You will at least know who you are and that you come from good people.

How I long to wrap my arms around you, but I cannot. I can, however, give you a few words of wisdom. They are the words I have strived to live by.

Try to find the beauty in all things, even in ugliness there is some beauty. Choose only a man who truly loves you for you, and then let his love give you strength and courage. Turn away from bitterness, be generous to the less fortunate, and remember that true peace comes from forgiveness.

Most of all, know that I loved you with all my heart.

Your grandfather, Nick

One more thing, if your father manages to get my estate, I put a little something aside for you. Austin knows where it is."

Tears once more streamed down Georgia's cheeks. She closed the video and hung her head. There it was, finally, the love she so desperately needed all those years.


Teresa half-expected Mathew to beat her to the airport. If he did, either he arrived too late, or the change of clothes and the blonde wig worked. As it was, she almost missed her flight. Once she was on the plane to New York, she ditched the wig and ordered a drink to calm her nerves. Rest would not truly come until she was safely out of the country.

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