"If I have lost my mind, it is because I married you." Laura again turned her attention to Austin. "Will you…"

Austin interrupted her, "Laura, I would like you to meet Georgia Marie James, your daughter."

Laura slowly took her eyes off Austin. In disbelief, she stared at the young woman with dark hair, looked into her brilliant blue eyes, and for a time, was at a loss for words. "You are…?" Laura slowly began to smile. "He found you?"

"I was not lost," Georgia answered, letting her bitterness show. "I always knew where I was, I just didn't know where you were."

"My darling, please believe me. I tried to find you many times, but the hospital has no record of your birth. I didn't even know your name until…"

Georgia looked from the delight in her mother's eyes to the fury in her father's. "If you will excuse me, I would like to leave now."

"I'll take you home," Austin said.

"Please don't leave, not yet," Laura pleaded. When her daughter kept walking away, she bowed her head. Just then, she thought of something. "Austin, Austin, wait," she said hurrying after him.

Austin was hesitant to turn back until Jackie whispered, "We'll stay with her."

"Thank you." Austin watched the detectives take Georgia into the hallway, and then turned to face Laura. "What?"


"I will sign those divorce papers now."

Austin glanced at the furious Mathew. "I'll bring them by."

"And Austin, cancel my credit card and ask the bank to issue a new one. I'll only need one card this time."

Both of them watched as an angry Mathew tried to enter the hallway, but Carl got in his way and intentionally spilled a drink on him. Apologizing profusely, Carl pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and insisted on wiping the spilled drink off Mathew's tuxedo. It was easy to see they were having words, but the music was too loud for them to hear.

"He'll take half of all you own," said Austin as he watched Carl finally let Mathew leave.

"Offer him a settlement, he'll take it. If not, we'll tie this divorce up for years. I can wait. Now, if you will forgive me, I have a husband to get rid of." She turned and rushed out the door behind Mathew. By the time she got outside, Mathew was in their limo and Mark was driving him away.

Laura shrugged and then watched her daughter get into Austin's white limo. Austin talked to his three friends for a moment, and then he got in the backseat beside Georgia. Laura watched as the limo drove her daughter away. Once they were gone, she went back inside. "Samuel, call a taxi for me, will you?"

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