
"So what do you plan to do?" Jackie asked. She stood behind Maggie and watched the girl's reaction in the bathroom mirror.

"Pardon me?" Maggie asked.

"To your parents, I mean."

Maggie wrinkled her brow. "What?"

"Georgia, I am a private investigator. We've been looking everywhere for you. Your grandfather left you a fortune."

Maggie didn't bother to look at her. Instead, she stared at her reflection and narrowed her eyes. "The grandfather who didn't want me either, you mean?"

"He didn't know about you until a week before he died."

"So you say."

"So Austin says. He and your Grandfather were good friends. As soon as your grandfather found out, he changed his will and left it all to you."


"I don't want it. I don't want anything from any of…" She stopped talking when a woman came in to use the facilities. She put both hands on the edge of the counter to steady herself, and dropped her gaze until the woman left.

"I know you're angry, but…" Jackie started.

"I am well beyond angry. Did you see how they danced as though they have not a care in the world? They have a care - they just didn't want the burden of it…of me."

"That may be true, but your grandfather had nothing to do with it. If you do not claim the inheritance, your parents will. Is that what you want?"

She finally turned to face Jackie. "I don't want them to be my parents."

"I understand, they're not much of a prize. Your father is a gambler and if he gets the chance, all your grandfather's money will be gone in a matter of months. I bet you could think of a lot better ways to spend it."

Georgia said nothing.

"Why did you come here? Why this night?" Jackie asked.

"I came to publicly embarrass them. I would have done it months ago, but they are never in the same place at the same time. This is the first time I have found them together."

"If you want to embarrass them, then let the world know you exist, and that you are claiming your grandfather's wealth. It is 1.6 billion dollars and I can't think of a sweeter revenge."

"And then what do I do? I still have them for parents. All I wanted…all I ever needed…was for someone to love me. Now it is all about money and using it to seek revenge. I cannot do it, it ties me to them still and I wish to be free."

"Do you remember Adelaide Bertrand? She took you to Mary Cathleen's Boarding School for Girls."

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