_Extract 1st--Mr. McDonald's._

Well, that matter is over, and I can't say I am sorry, for the

expression in that Thornton's eye I do not care to meet a second time.

There was mischief in it, and it made one think of six-shooters and cold

lead. I never quite indorsed the man--first, because he was not as rich

as I would like Daisy's husband to be, and, second, because even if he

had been a millionaire it would have done me no good. That he did not

marry Daisy's family, he made me fully understand, and for any good his

money did me, I was as poor after the marriage as before. Then he must

needs lose all he had in that foolish way, and when I found that Daisy


was not exceedingly in love with married life, it was natural that, as

her father, I should take advantage of the laws of the State in which I

live, especially as Tom is growing rich so fast. On the whole, I have

done a good thing. Daisy is free, with ten thousand dollars that

Thornton settled on her, for, of course, I shall prevent her giving that

back, as she is determined to do, saying it is not hers, and she will

not keep it. It is hers, and she shall keep it, and Tom will be a

millionaire if that gold mine proves as great a success as it seems now

to be, and I can manage Tom, and, as I said before, I've done a nice

thing after all.

To-day, for the first time, we have hopes that my brother will live;

but, oh! how near he has been to the gates of death since that night

when he came back to us from the West, with a fearful look on his face

and a cruel stab in his heart. I say us, for Julia Hamilton has been

with me all through the dreadful days and nights when I watched to see

Guy's life go out and know I was left alone. She was with me when I was

getting ready for Daisy and waiting for Guy to bring her home--not to

Elmwood--that dear old place is sold and strangers walk the rooms I love

so well--but here to the brown cottage on the hill, which, if I had

never had Elmwood, would seem so pleasant to me.

And it is pleasant here, especially in Daisy's room, which we shall

never use, for the door is shut and bolted, and it seems each time I

pass it as if a dead body were inside. Had Guy died I would have laid

him there and sent for that false creature to come and see her work. I

promised her so much, but not from any love, for my heart was full of

bitterness that night when I turned her from the door out into the rain.

I shall never tell Guy that--never, lest he should soften toward her,

and I would not have her here again for all the world contains. And yet

I did like her, and was looking forward to her return with a good deal

of pleasure. Julia had spoken many a kind word for her, had pleaded her

extreme youth as an excuse for her faults, and had led me to hope for

better things when time had matured her somewhat and she had become

accustomed to our new mode of life.

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