She was in so far over her head. Olivia fought to make sense of the madness and the magic. “Vampires are created from a virus.” There was a big, scientific explanation for them. At least, that was what her research had shown her. The files that the Para Unit had allowed her to see. The bite spread the virus, and it mutated in its host and—

“I told you, love, I was never human.”

She could see the edge of his fangs.

“My lineage is ancient. Unending. We don’t follow the rules that constrain other vampires.”

Sunlight hadn’t weakened him. “Ancient,” she whispered back. “Just how ancient are we talking here?”

“The Vikings thought we were gods.”

Okay, definitely much older than she’d thought.

“I don’t need as much blood to survive as other vampires do. Sunlight can never hurt me, but I do have a weakness. One.”

His stare seemed to pierce straight through to her soul. “What’s that?” Like he was going to tell her.




“Is it really a good idea to leave them alone together?” Connor asked as he glanced at the cabin’s closed door.

Eric Pate shrugged. “It’s the best idea we’ve got. You saw the way he was with her. There’s no way Shane will let that woman out of his sight.”

Connor rubbed his jaw. “Yeah, I saw the way he went for my throat and that shit wasn’t normal.”

Holly and Duncan had gone back to her lab, another cabin located within the shelter of the trees.

“She’s doing something to him,” Connor continued, voice rasping. “Twisting him up somehow.”

Yes, Eric was afraid that was happening. But maybe he could use the changes. Maybe he could make them work… “I need you to take perimeter duty. If anyone comes this way, you’ll smell them long before we see them.” Because Connor was an alpha werewolf. Powerful, with senses far better than any human could ever dream. “We can’t let anyone else get Dr. Maddox.” And he knew that was exactly what would happen. She’d be tracked. Taken. Used.

Shane won’t let that happen. Or at least, the vamp had better not.

“You really think the werewolves are coming?” Now Connor sounded as if he were looking forward to the fight. Wolves and their bloodlust. They were almost as bad as vamps.

“Yes.” And he thought the mastermind of this twisted plot was coming, too.

Senator Donald Quick.

He’d been suspicious of that smug bastard for too long. The guy had been so determined to cage the dangerous paranormals, ignoring all of Pate’s arguments.

Quick had been the one to first push the FBI to set up a Para Unit. The senator had seemed so good, on paper.

But when Eric had met the fellow in person…

I didn’t trust him.

Connor turned away, but before he could leave, Eric grabbed his shoulder. “You and Duncan…you going to be okay working so closely with him?”

Connor’s laugh held a bitter edge. “Are you trying to see if I still want to kill my brother?”

Yes, he was. The two men were brothers—brothers with one very vicious past.

“Relax,” Connor told him. “Right now, the only guy scheduled for payback from me…that’s Shane. The vamp is gonna get an ass-kicking when this mess is clear.”

But Connor hadn’t looked at Eric when he gave that little speech. Eric knew Connor was still tangled up on the inside.

Once upon a time, a time not so long ago, Eric and his agents had hunted Connor. They’d sent him to Purgatory.

And Eric had realized how very easy it was to mistake the good guys for the bad. Especially when there really wasn’t a difference between them.

“Make sure you don’t go after your brother again because Holly would be angry.” And Holly was his family. Eric’s only family. A step-sister who meant more to him than anything else. “Then I’d have to kill you.”

Connor shook his head, as if he were trying to decide if Eric were serious or not. He was dead serious. When it came to Holly, he always was.

When he was sure his message had been received, Eric let go of the werewolf.

Then he stalked after Holly. He needed that blood work, ASAP.

He also had to figure out a permanent solution for the Olivia Maddox problem. Because there was no way he could let a djinn run loose on his watch. No damn way.


“Certain individuals are…” Shane’s laugh was rough. Hell, explaining this wasn’t going to be easy. Especially since he pretty much just wanted to growl out You’re mine. Only that wouldn’t be civilized.

He’d lived through plenty of uncivilized times.

He’d also already scared Olivia enough.

He could keep himself in check. Mostly.

“Certain individuals,” he tried again, “make better…mates for vampires.”

Her lips were red from his mouth. Moist. He wanted to take those lips again. Wanted to sample the blood that rushed through her veins.

“Did you just say ‘mate’?”

He nodded. “I’m sure Holly could explain it with her biology. Science can explain away nearly all the magic these days.” Nearly. Thanks to science, vampirism was some sort of virus that humans caught. Werewolves could be harnessed and controlled with silver collars. Once, though, things had been different. Villagers had run from the monsters that stalked their nights. They’d run from him.

He ran his tongue over the edge of his fangs. Whenever Olivia was near, his fangs sharpened, as if preparing for a bite. And he sure could use a bite now.

Would she come for him again? Shudder and moan with pleasure when his fangs pierced her?

“I told you…” Shane murmured. “I was born this way. That means any children I have…they’d be like me.”

Her eyes were so wide. And deep.

“I aged normally until my thirtieth year, until my body was in peak condition, then time seemed to stop for me.”


“Only certain women can mate with me. Women like you. Women of power who are very, very rare.”

She shook her head.

“My kind has fought for mates. We’ve slaughtered, battled, because we know how valuable you are.”

“I’m not your mate.”

She could be.

“I don’t want another.” A f**king telling sign for him. “The thought of drinking from another woman repels me. Your blood is in me, and it makes me need you. Makes me need more.” His fingers were still at her throat. “It makes me want to take everything you have to give.”

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