
“Are you quite certain that you understand the risks?”

Olivia Maddox straightened in her chair as she met the rather doubting stare of Eric Pate, a man with enough power to basically make or break her career. Pate was a big deal at the FBI, and if she didn’t convince him that she could handle this assignment, then he’d be kicking her out of that shiny office door any moment and her ass would be bouncing into the street.

Olivia cleared her throat and tried to appear like she was in control as she said, “I have a PhD in criminal psychology, and I have spent years studying and profiling some of the most infamous killers in the United States—”

He waved that away. “Fantastic for you, really,” he cut through her words, sounding everything but impressed. “But when we talk about sending you into Purgatory, well, we’re sure not talking about letting you mix and mingle with your run-of-the-mill human killers.”

Her heart raced in her chest, but she schooled her expression to show no emotion. She knew that he would be looking for a sign of her fear, and she didn’t want to appear weak before him.

Pate’s nostrils flared a bit and his green eyes narrowed on her.

“I am aware that the prisoners at Purgatory aren’t…human,” Olivia said. This was rather tricky. Most humans didn’t know about the werewolves and the vampires. They didn’t realize that paranormals were right beside them every day and night, hiding in plain sight.

Most paranormals weren’t looking to hurt or kill prey. But some…some very dangerous werewolves and vampires seemed to relish giving pain to humans. It was those particular individuals who found their way to Purgatory, the only paranormal prison in the U.S.

It was a prison that wasn’t even supposed to exist. Modeled after Alcatraz, Purgatory sat on a small island off the coast of Washington. No prisoner there was ever supposed to escape. Once you enter Purgatory, there is no going back. The inmates there were vampires and werewolves who’d lost their control and attacked—killed—humans.

When it came to the paranormals in the area, Eric Pate was the man in charge. “I know that you’re in charge of Seattle’s Para Unit.” An elite FBI team that was far, far off the books.


“And how do you know that?” His voice was mild, curious.

She figured it was time to put all of her cards on the table. “Paranormals attacked me once. Werewolves—they came after me. I’ve known for a long time about their existence.” Others could pretend that monsters weren’t real, but she’d never wanted to hide from that truth.

Instead, she wanted to understand the monsters. Olivia needed to know why some became such brutal killers yet others maintained their control perfectly and were able to live side-by-side with humans.

“That doesn’t explain how you know about the Para Unit. It just explains how you know about the wolves.” He raised one brow as he studied her. Eric Pate was a handsome, powerfully built man in his mid-thirties. He was also a guy that she definitely didn’t want for an enemy.

“Senator Donald Quick is the man who referred me to your office.” And Donald was an old family friend, a man who’d helped Olivia when she’d been at her most desperate. “He’s the man who got your Para Unit up and running. He’s the one who gave me clearance to learn about the work you do.”

“Yes…and he’s the one who insisted on this little meeting.” A flash of anger appeared in Pate’s eyes. “I don’t like having assignments forced onto me.”

Wait, was she an assignment?

“Senator Quick spoke highly of you, but when it comes to Purgatory, I just don’t know that you have what it takes…”

Olivia’s spine hurt because she was holding it so straight. “I’ve interviewed serial killers. I’ve seen the carnage they left behind, and I’ve seen into their minds.” Her breath whispered out. When she inhaled again, her lungs seemed to chill. “Humans or paranormals…they can both be monsters, and it’s my job to understand why they turn into killers.”

Silence. Silence that stretched far too long. Oh, that couldn’t be a good sign.

“I can handle myself,” she assured him. “I am not some green rookie. I am the woman who has the best knowledge to get this particular job done.”

She kept holding Pate’s stare because to look away then would be a sign of weakness. Pate would pounce on any weakness, she knew it. His head cocked as he studied her, and that silence kept right on stretching.

“There are only two ways to access Purgatory,” Pate finally said, “by ferry or by seaplane. The seaplane only lands for emergencies, and the ferry goes across one time each week.”

He is going to send me there. For an instant, she almost felt light-headed.

“The werewolves are collared with silver, so that keeps them contained, and the vampires are given diluted blood—”

“You mean drugged blood?”

His lips curled into a smile that was just cruel. “Would you rather we allowed them to remain at full power? These aren’t some romantic, sweet, glittering vampires. These are savages that have been placed in that hell because they’ve killed, again and again, without mercy.”

Her palms were sweating.

“And you want to go in there with them?” Pate still seemed doubting.

“Not all werewolves are killers. Not all vampires go dark and drain their prey to the point of death. If we can find out why these individuals have lost their control, then perhaps we can help others.” That had always been the point of her research. To understand the killers so that she could save lives.

But Pate shook his head. “Sometimes, there is no why, Dr. Maddox. Sometimes, there’s just evil.”

She didn’t want him to be right about that, but she knew…he is.

“One month. I will give you access to certain inmates for one month, but I want you to forward me all of your case files and notes immediately after you complete each research session with the Purgatory inmates.”

“But confidentiality—”

Pate’s laughter filled the room. “You don’t understand what’s happening here. Things at Purgatory are not quite what they seem. There are certain individuals in power who thought it was a brilliant, damn idea to get all of the most dangerous Paras off the streets and into Purgatory.”

So the humans would be safe.

“Then there are others…” His hand slid over the hard line of his jaw. “Others who think it was the worst, f**king plan ever to get so many powerful Paras in one place. When you bring that force together, what do you think can happen?”

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