"Imposters?" Abigail cried out, putting her hand on her racing heart. "They stayed with us for nearly a month and we treated them like the royalty we thought they were. Claymore paid for everything, even their expenses home."

McKenna leaned to the side a little so the footman could set her cup of tea on the table. "I suspect there are plenty of British royalty imposters in America and how could you know? How could anyone know the difference? I must ask my brother, Cameron, to send me a list of all the real royalty, and…"

"And post it in every hotel," Abigail said. "My dear, I am so happy you are here. We'll not be fooled again."

It was finally down to business for Abigail's sewing circle, and Pearl patiently showed McKenna how to put the blocks and wedges together to make designs. While she did, Pearl managed to ask a few more questions, "You have another brother, you say. Is he as handsome as Hannish?"

McKenna smiled. "I am hardly one to judge. He is married as well and I adore his wife. They hope to visit before the summer is out."


Loretta, the only other single woman in the room, had a definite glint of excitement in her eyes. "Your brother is a real duke, is he not?"

"Aye, but it means nothing here in America," McKenna said.

"It would mean a great deal to the woman who secures him. It would mean a very great deal," said Pearl.

McKenna was not amused. "I caution you, my brother is not seeking a new wife, and certainly not one who is more interested in his title than in him."

"Of course not," Abigail soothed. "But you, my dear, are quite without a husband, and I hope to introduce you to several of our gentlemen friends soon. Perhaps we might manage to make you forget the man you left in Scotland. When is the next ball, Vivian?"

Vivian sighed. "The middle of next month and I've nothing to wear."

"You will come, won't you, McKenna? And bring your handsome brother?" Pearl asked.

"Oh yes, please do," Loretta agreed.

"I shall ask him."

Neither Pearl nor Loretta noticed Charlotte's scowl.

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