"I read that the Plaza Hotel was finally finished; no doubt it is the most expensive hotel in the city. Very well, I shall simply telegram, asking when she expects to arrive." With that, Hannish stood up and left the room.

After he was gone, McKenna closed her eyes for a moment. "I believe we said quite enough. Ronan, did I not press you to keep silent about Mr. Graham?"

The youngest of all the men, Ronan looked as horrified as he felt. "I dinna mean to, it just slipped out."

"Well, the harm is done now." McKenna stood up, walked around her chair, and pushed it in. "Perhaps Olivia will have improved by the time she arrives."

Alistair and the others respectfully stood up with her. "And perhaps not," he muttered, beginning to clear the dishes.


"Just the same, say as little about her as he requires," said McKenna. "He'll not believe it anyway, until he sees it for himself. Sassy, 'tis time you put me to bed."

"Aye, Miss," Sassy hurried out the door behind her.

Prescot gently took hold of Alistair's arm. "We will see to it. You Scots rest."

"What a fine lad you are, thank you," said Alistair, setting the plates back down. It was a good start for two men who coveted the same position. Perhaps they might get on well after all.

"I'll be bringing apple pie up soon," cook Halen added. "In case you get hungry in the night."

Blanka tried not to yawn. "I doubt any will wake this night. I could sleep standing up."

"And she has, too," Alistair teased. He nodded his appreciation to cook Halen and went out behind the other Scots.

Halen waited until she could hear them going up the back stairs, sat down and put her head in her hands. "Poor Mr. MacGreagor. Do you think his wife is as bad as they say?"

Prescot reached for another plate to stack on the large tray Shepard held. "If she is, we best help him."

"How?" asked Charlotte.

"The Scots don't seem so bad and they admire him. I say we do our best to get along so he does not have that worry."

"Agreed," said Keith. "He loves her more than most husbands and no man deserves an unfaithful wife."

"We cannot know she is unfaithful," Halen said, "only it sure does look that way. What woman in her right mind would not bother to hide it?"

Shepard set the full tray on a sideboard and reached for an empty one. "Perhaps she has nothing to hide after all."

Sarah frowned and finished tying her apron strings. "I doubt he believes she has nothing to hide. She might have written or sent a telegram to notify him Mr. Graham was coming. Mr. MacGreagor has not heard from her in weeks. He had to hear she was coming from his brother."

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