"I shall not do it again, I swear it."

"Indeed, you shall not."

She set the glass on her dressing table and tried to wrap her arms around his neck, but he took hold of them and prevented her. "How long am I to be punished?"

"I have not yet decided."

"You have not changed your mind about going back to Scotland, have you?"


"When I married, I married for life. If I am to have children, I must go with you."

She was relieved and when she heard the bell, her eyes quickly brightened. "Is that the telephone? I wager it is for me."

"I will send for you if it is. Now, you best get ready for bed."

"Will you be back?"

He didn't answer. Hannish simply walked out the door and closed it behind him.


Alistair was already halfway up the stairs when Hannish started down.

"The tele for you, Sir,"

"I shall take it in the study. Come with me, Alistair, I want to talk to you."

"Aye, Your Grace."

Hannish continued down the stairs, crossed the parlor and walked into the study. "Call me that again, and I will take it out of your pay."

"Aye, Mr. Hannish." No one was happier to hear that than Alistair. It confirmed Hannish was staying in American…and so were they all.

Hannish quickly picked up the telephone earpiece. "MacGreagor here….Cameron, it is good to hear your voice too…nay, I was awake…You did? That is glorious news…What?...Aye, 'tis true…I am very certain and quite relieved…Very good. Cameron, I am sending Olivia back tomorrow…Hello, are you there? …I will explain later. Might you meet her train? ...Aye, I shall telephone with the details. Thank you and do call anytime…you will not wake me. I miss you too, little brother. Good bye."

He hung up the phone, walked to his desk, pulled the chair out and sat down. Exhausted, he put his head in his hands for a moment and when he looked up, Keith was setting a tray on his desk with the second bottle, only this one was Scotch instead of wine. Keith excused himself and hurried back upstairs to see if there was any news of Sassy's condition. He was worried sick about her and didn't care who knew it.

"Sit down, Alistair," Hannish poured scotch in the glass and handed it to his butler. "There is much to do and little time to do it." He pulled a roll of American dollars out of his desk and began to peel off enough to see to the expenses. "As I said, there is something I wish you to bring back and I am pleased you will be there to see to it yourself.

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