Sassy stood behind the others in the kitchen, waited for Alistair to finish giving his instructions and then giggled. "You can hear all sorts of things when you listen in."

Hannish frowned. "But, you'll not do that here, will you, Sassy?"

"Not lest I am asked," said Sassy.

"Unless," Keith corrected.

His corrections always made her glare at him and this time was no exception. "Un…less."


Hannish said, "I assure you, I am the only one who may ask, and you shall never hear me do it. Agreed, Sassy?"

"Agreed, Mr. Hannish." He was not quite certain exactly when they all began to call him 'Mr. Hannish' instead of his more formal name, but he knew Sassy started it and he approved. It would not be acceptable in some circles, but this was America and Americans were changing nearly everything.

Sassy's eyes sparkled. "I dinna suppose you care to know what I heard once when I listened in."

"I do," Jessie said.

That was all the encouragement Sassy needed. "Twas Old Mrs. Forthright what done the callin' and I was ever so careful to lift the listening part just so. If you dinna do it careful, it clicks, and Old Mrs. Forthright has ears to hear a mouse tiptoe across the floor. Did I tell how badly I hated Old Mrs. Forthright?"

Everyone, even Hannish, nodded so she went on with her story. "Well, 'twas upon a Sunday while the good folks was in church, and low and behold, there was a gent on the other end. Old Mrs. Forthright read a list of numbers and foods to him, and it took considerable thought before I figured out what she was telling. Finally, I understood. The two of them had found a way to put the orphanage money into their very own pockets, by saying they paid for more food than was delivered."

"The scoundrels," Prescot muttered. "I'd have tanned a few breeches over that one."

"What did you do, Sassy?" asked Charlotte.

Sassy put her hands on her hips. "'Twas a grave mistake teachin' me how to write, for I wrote a very long missive to Queen Victoria. I begged the postage and sent it off just afore I sneaked…boarded the ship. I 'spect she got it by now."

"Suspect," Keith reminded.

"I suspect it too," Sassy said, sticking her tongue out at him.

Hannish chuckled. "Just in case she didn't, will you allow me to place an inquiry or two on your behalf? 'Twould be a fine thing to catch them in the act."

Sassy found the prospect exciting. "'Twould indeed, Mr. Hannish."

"Good, write down the name of the place and I will see to it."

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