Sassy stood still for the fitting and concentrated on remembering how to dance. Once the gown was off, Cathleen helped her bathe and then Millie came to dry her hair, brush it, loosely pile it on top of her head and then weave delicate white flowers into it. A touch of rouge and she was ready to put the dress on again. To complete the look, McKenna added brocade slippers and white gloves that came to just above Sassy's elbows.

If Hannish missed seeing Sassy that day, he did not mention it to anyone. Instead he busied himself, making certain they had enough food, the furnishings in the ballroom were adequate and the new red drapes were hung properly. When it was time, he went upstairs to dress in the new formal suit he was forced to buy, since Olivia neglected to bring his other ones.

McKenna put on the blue gown and got herself ready. Then she sat Sassy down on the bed. "You wait here. I must greet our guests and when it is time, I shall send Prescot up to get you."

"I am a little frightened, what if I…"

"You'll be just fine. Shall I ask Alistair to dance the first dance with you?"


"If Millie does not mind."

Millie grinned. "I do not mind, so long as I get to see the look on Mr. Hannish's face when he sees you."

"Good then," McKenna said, hurrying out the door. The orchestra was beginning to play and everything was as good as it was going to get.

Abigail and Claymore were the first to arrive, and with them came three of their servants to help with the guests. When more arrived, Prescot escorted them into the ballroom and then came back for more. Next came the mayor and his wife, the sheriff and a woman he introduced as an old friend. The Goodwins, the Mabs, the Millers, and of course, Pearl and Loretta, both looking lovely, both happy to see Hannish and both escorted by two gentlemen no one had ever seen before. Six more carriages arrived, delivering guests from the Antlers hotel, plus the hotel owner and his wife.

At last, it was time, and when McKenna gave the secret signal, Prescot slipped up the back stairs to get Sassy.

"I believe that is all our guests," said Hannish.

"Are you certain? I thought I invited more."

"Did you? Who?"

"Well, let me think. The Carsons are not yet arrived and then…" She looked up just in time to see the hem of Sassy's dress appear at the top of the stairs.

Hannish followed her gaze and step-by-step, a vision of loveliness began to descend. As soon as he recognized her, his mouth dropped. "Leesil?"

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