Several days passed before Hannish went to talk to Sassy. He found her in the newly furnished library admiring the porcelain figurine he left there for her to find. Intentionally leaving the door open, he leaned against the side and just watched her. Sassy tucked her feather duster under her arm, gently picked the figurine up and turned it over so she could admire the other side. At length, she realized he was there and set it back on the shelf.

"Was it not you who marked it in my catalogue?" he asked.

A little defiantly, she answered, "I was much younger then."

He smiled, "Much younger, indeed. Are you sorry everyone knows how old you are now?"

"Not so very sorry. I am forced to grow up, I suppose."


"Your growing up is coming along splendidly."

"Do you think so?"

"I do."

"Mr. Hannish, I have not thanked you properly for bringing Cathleen to America. I would be pleased to pay her passage."

"You wish to pay me?"

"Would a dollar a month do?"

"Sassy, I paid the fare for all the Scottish servants and they are not required to pay me back. If I allow you to, the others would feel beholden to pay me also. Besides, we need Cathleen to help keep the place clean, just as McKenna needs you to see to her needs. I am sorry you are asked to help with the cleaning as well."

"Miss McKenna requires little and I do not mind. I like staying busy and it keeps Donnel and Blanka from working too hard." She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "How then do I repay your kindness? There must be something I can do."

"You can keep being Sassy. Do you not know what a delight you are to everyone? You brighten our days, especially mine…" He realized his mistake and quickly added, "And McKenna's."

Sassy pulled the duster out from under her arm and began running it across a shelf still empty of books. "Cathleen and I are very happy here, Mr. Hannish. We both thank you."

"You are both welcome." He watched her for a moment more before he said, "Sassy, I believe I owe you an apology."

She stopped dusting and looked at him. "For what?"

"I dinna know Mr. Wells asked you to the ball. If you fancy him, I shall…"

"Fancy him? I could never fancy him, Mr. Hannish. I confess I want to see a ball and even go to one someday, but not with Charlotte's brother." She paused for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Cathleen says Mr. Wells only cares for me because he thinks I am willing. Is she right?"

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