As soon as the orchestra began to play, McKenna grinned at her brother and took his arm. "Do you remember how to waltz?"

"Of course I do, we've been doing it since you were nine." He put his hand out face down, put his other gloved hand behind his back, waited until she placed her hand on top of his and walked her to the center of the room. He deeply bowed, she curtsied just as deeply, and then they joined the other waltzing couples.

"They certainly are handsome people," Abigail said to her husband. Then she too noticed the look of envy on Charlotte's face. "I believe we might see trouble here tonight."

"What?" he followed her gaze and nodded. "I believe you might be right."

McKenna never seemed to be without a dancing partner, all of whom mentioned they were not married, and she often noticed the smile of approval and anticipation on Abigail's face. Hannish managed to avoid Charlotte, dancing with nearly every other woman in the room, slipping off to have a swallow or two of rum, and once more talking with Claymore and several other men. Yet he occasionally glanced at the growing bitterness in her expression.


The men were having an intense discussion about another impending hard rock miner's strike, when Charlotte approached. "Charlotte," Hannish said as though he was surprised to see her. "You are looking well."

"Better than when you threw me out," she said, louder than was appropriate.

Hannish's smile faded. "Do not make a spectacle of yourself, my dear. Perhaps we could discuss it another time."

She narrowed her eyes. "I see how you avoid me. You are ashamed to face me with what you have done."

He took a deep breath. "Another time, Charlotte."

"No…now! Admit it, you should not have sent me away."

"Are you not a teacher now? Is that not what you wanted?"

Charlotte gritted her teeth. "It is what I wanted, but at a time of my own choosing, not yours."

Claymore hardly knew what to do. Others were starting to notice and McKenna looked horrified. Worse still, the music stopped and soon everyone in the room turned to see what the ruckus was about.

"Let me take you to a place where we can talk," Hannish tried.

"We can talk here!" Charlotte nearly shouted. "Oh, I see; you are embarrassed to be seen with me. I was good enough to…"

McKenna abruptly took hold of Hannish's arm. "Brother, I am not feeling well. Will you take me home?"

"Of course." He tried to walk McKenna toward the door, but Charlotte got in the way.

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