"Well--recollect how much the girl knows!" Howell remarked as he stood before The Sparrow in the latter's room.

"I have not forgotten," said the other. "The whole circumstances of old Henfrey's death are not known to me. That it was an unfortunate affair has long ago been proved."

"Yvonne was the culprit, of course," said Howell. "That was apparent from the first."

"I suppose she was," remarked The Sparrow reflectively. "But that attempt upon her life puzzles me."

"Who could have greater motive in killing her out of revenge than the dead man's son?"

"Agreed. But I am convinced that the lad is innocent. Therefore I gave him our protection."

"I was travelling abroad at the time, you recollect. When I learnt of the affair through Franklyn about a week afterwards I was amazed. The loss of Yvonne to us is a serious one."

"Very--I agree. She had done some excellent work--the affair in the Rue Royale, for instance."

"And the clever ruse by which she got those emeralds of the Roumanian princess. The Vienna police are still searching for her--after three years," laughed the companion of the chief of the international organization, whose word was law in the criminal underworld of Europe.

"Knowing what you did regarding the knowledge of old Mr. Henfrey's death possessed by Lisette, I have been surprised that you placed her beneath your protection."


"If she had been arrested she might have told some very unpleasant truths, in order to save herself," The Sparrow remarked, "so I chose the latter evil."

"Young Henfrey met her. I wonder whether she told him anything?"

"No. I questioned her. She was discreet, it seems. Or at least, she declares that she was."

"That's a good feature. But, speaking frankly, have you any idea of the identity of the person--man or woman--who attempted to kill Yvonne?" asked Howell.

"I have a suspicion--a pretty shrewd suspicion," replied the little bristly-haired man.

His companion was silent.

"And you don't offer to confide in me your suspicions--eh?"

"It is wiser to obtain proof before making any allegations," answered The Sparrow, smiling.

"You will still protect Lisette?" Howell asked. "I agree that, like Yvonne, she has been of great use to us in many ways. Beauty and wit are always assets in our rather ticklish branch of commerce. Where is Lisette now?"

"At the moment, she's in Madrid," The Sparrow replied. "There is a little affair there--the jewels of a Belgian's wife--a fellow who, successfully posing as a German during the occupation of Brussels, made a big fortune by profiteering in leather. They are in Madrid for six months, in order to escape unwelcome inquiries by the Government in Brussels. They have a villa just outside the city, and I have sent Lisette there with certain instructions."

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