“Have you been successful so far?” Sara asked.

“We’ve met some nice people, but we’ve yet to hook up with the main person we want to do business with,” Todd said.

“That’ll come soon enough.” Biff spoke with cool confidence. “But that’s not the reason we came back to your booth.”

“What is?” Angel asked.

“Just want to offer to get you ladies some lemonade. The day’s getting hotter, and we thought you might be thirsty.”

Sara had been saying no thank you for most of the morning, but Rafe was glaring from across the way. “I’d love some,” she said, hoping they’d go for the drinks and forget to come back.

“Me, too,” Angel said. “Thanks.”

The men smiled, obviously pleased they were needed, and headed off to the lemonade stand.

The line of people who’d formed behind them edged forward, eager to buy Angel’s pies. Especially the mini ones that people could eat while they enjoyed the fair, something Sara understood well. She’d snuck more than one as a snack and wouldn’t be surprised if she’d cut into Angel’s profits. She was definitely glad she’d worn a skirt with a stretch waist.

Apparently, sex last night made her hungry today.

Amazing sex.


Hot sex.

Sex with one very special person.

Across the crowded street, she met Rafe’s gaze.

To outsiders, he manned the family spice booth along with his brother, speaking to people who came to taste their famous Italian spices on dishes Mariana had made. But Sara recognized the look on his face, the fierce determination that told her he was in cop mode, on the lookout for anyone unusual in the crowd of neighbors and strangers. His protective nature eased her own nerves and enabled her to enjoy the festival. But it was the caring, sensual looks he reserved for her alone that kept her tingling and in a constant state of anticipation.

Sara couldn’t stop thinking about being with him last night. They’d had breathtaking, off-the-charts sex. He’d been everything she’d dreamed about and more. More referring to the bond they shared. An emotional link that went deeper than the connection between their bodies.

They’d once been partners, and she’d thought they couldn’t get any more in sync.

She’d been wrong.

Sex with Rafe had been a perfect dance. As perfect as the way she’d known he’d yell drop on the rooftop even before the words escaped his perfect mouth.

“What are you smiling about?” Angel asked, breaking into her thoughts. “You’re practically glowing!”

“I was just thinking about how delicious your pies are. And wondering if I could sneak another without you noticing.” She rubbed her stomach, which was already craving another pie.

Angel shook her head. “No, you’re not glowing from food, although these days that’s the only way I can get those rosy cheeks. It’s Rafe. He’s putting that glow in your cheeks.”

“What makes you say that?”

Angel shot her a knowing look. “The way you’re staring at him. The way he hasn’t stopped staring at you.”

“Oh. Well.” Caught, Sara raised her hands to her heated face.

“Yes. Well.” Angel grinned. “I remember those days, when Nick used to put a smile like that on my face.” She sighed wistfully.

“You miss him.”

“Of course I miss him.” She slowly lowered herself into a chair behind the counter. “You don’t lose your other half and not miss them.”

“Have you told him?” Sara asked. Because from where Sara sat, Nick was looking at Angel the same way. He obviously longed to be back with his wife.

Angel tipped her head to one side. “Have you told Rafe he blows your mind?” she shot back, a grin on her face.

“Direct and to the point. Now, see, this is why we get along so well.” Sara laughed. “So, have you told him?”

Angel shook her head. “No. There’s no point. Not until he accepts the new me, career and all. Missing just isn’t enough.”

“I understand.” After all, wasn’t that the same reason she and Rafe had initially agreed not to get involved?

Because they couldn’t accept certain things about each other and what they believed? It was also why Sara wasn’t about to have a morning-after conversation with him.

“So…your turn. Have you told Rafe how you feel?”

“We have an understanding,” Sara said vaguely.

A silent agreement—sex until it was time to go home.

She could live with that.

“I remember those days of easy sex,” Angel said dreamily.

“If that’s all you’re looking for, Biff and Todd seem eager to fill the role.”

“Eew, no!” Angel said, laughing. “I may be separated, but I’m not desperate! Besides, I’m not really single. And even if I was interested in dating other men, those preppies aren’t my type.”

Sara nodded. “I prefer my men a little more manly, too.”

Once again, her gaze drifted to Rafe.

Her gaze locked with his, and he inclined his head in a tilt she found incredibly sexy. She could stare into those eyes forever, Sara thought.

“Lemonade as requested!” Biff said, breaking her connection with Rafe, whose expression soured as he caught sight of their returning admirers.

His brother took an angry step out of the booth, but Rafe grabbed the other man’s shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

Crisis between husband and wife averted, Sara thought.

At least for now.

RAFE HAD HAD TO physically restrain more than his share of men during his career, but holding back his brother was a first. He understood the impulse that drove Nick to want to plant his fist in the preppy men’s faces, but it wouldn’t be cool.

“Relax,” he said to Nick. “You don’t want to make a scene in front of the entire town and piss Angel off.”

His brother’s shoulders relaxed, but Rafe wouldn’t release his grip. Not until he was sure Nick wouldn’t go for the men again.

“Are you okay?” Rafe asked.

Nick, still breathing hard, nodded.

“And you won’t go off half-cocked?”

Nick shook his head.

Rafe loosened his grip but remained ready to restrain his brother again.

“She doesn’t have to be so damned nice to them,” Nick muttered. He braced his hand on the counter in the makeshift booth.

“She does when they’re paying her room and board,” Rafe said pointedly.

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