I spent the following day alone, toiling around in the Mansions backyard while Alexander and Sebastian slept in their respective tombs. No one would be able to help me set up for the party. Thats what I got for wanting to date a vampire.

I hung the skeleton lights from the wrought-iron fence and put place mats on a coffin-lid table. I lined the crumbling walkway with votives and floor-length candelabras. The fake tombstones poked out from the dead grass. Sebastian had hooked up his sound system in the gazebo, and I decorated it with plastic bats and blinking skulls.

By the time Alexander and Sebastian awoke, I was beat. The pair was wide-eyed and freshly groomed when they found me crashed out on a sofa in the parlor room.

Alexander gently petted my hair and awakened me from my catnap.

The best sight in the world was Alexander. Even blurry, he was smoldering. His deep, dark hair melted over his ears, and his smile was heavenly.

Youve really outdone yourself, he said. The backyard looks great!

What time is it? I perked up in a hurry.

They should be here soon, he said.

Im not even dressed! I exclaimed. And I feel like I just got out of gym class.


I leaped up from the sofa and dashed to the upstairs bathroom.


I only had twenty minutes to clean up. I washed, dried, primped, powdered. It was something I was used to, as I normally overslept and had to get ready for school in record time.

Also, I was extra speedy because I was anxious for our party to begin, eager to see Onyx and Scarlet, and for Sebastian to fall in love with one of them so my relationship with Becky would return to normal.

When I finished my fifteen-minute makeover, I descended the outside backstairs as if I were a contestant in a beauty pageant. Only, instead of stilettos, hose, and a white ball gown, I was in rubber lace-up boots, fishnets, and a black slip dress. I spun around in my outfit.

Boyyou look hot! Alexander said. He was setting up the fire pit.

Make that double hot! Sebastian concurred.

Sebastian was tinkering with the sound system, making sure his favorite hits were loaded onto his iPod. The three of us talked for a while, but our monsterfest wasnt going as planned. There was no sign of Onyx and Scarlet.

Alexander stoked the fire. Sebastian fixed some of the skeleton lights, and I adjusted my suffocating boots.

Its been nightfall for over an hour, I finally commented, glancing at my watch. Where are they?

Maybe they got lost, Alexander said. Did you give them directions?

Several times.

Then I bet something else came up, Sebastian lamented.

I know these girls, I said defiantly. If they said theyd be here

Its okay, Raven, Sebastian said. Its really the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. But we dont have to wait all night. Besides, this is as good a time as any to tell you that Ill be leaving tomorrow.


What? I asked.

Even Alexander was surprised by his comment. We were having a blast.

I knowbut Ive worn out my welcome here.

No, you havent, I told him. Id gotten used to Sebastians presence, and I knew it was good for Alexander to have the company.

Why dont we go inside, he suggested. We can have a little band session to take it off my mind. I think youre on your way to being a lead singer.

We cant give up on our party yet, I tried.

Even Alexander was getting a bit fidgety. We havent eaten yet and Im feeling hungry. Well have Jameson make us some drinks.

But you have a bottle out here, I told them.

Well save it for something special, Alexander said.


Fine. My first party, and it was a disaster.

They headed inside. I remained at the table and sulked for a few moments until I heard a car in the distance. I took off around the side of the grassy Mansion lawn, doing my best to avoid uneven patches of soil. When I reached the driveway, I saw two headlights shining on the street. The streetlamp illuminated a car. When I got closer I noticed a bright white Beetle, the headlights highlighted with black paint, the hood with a dark circle, and vertical white stripes adorning the bumper. It looked like a giant human skull.

Theyre here! I exclaimed. Theyre here.

I raced down the long driveway as if I were competing for a gold medal.

When I reached the Mansions gate, exiting the cryptic car were two amazingly stellar party girlsScarlet and Onyx.

Scarlet wore her curly red hair long with a black bow; she had on a cream-colored velvet dress, black lace gloves, and stilettos.


Onyx, with her jet black, blade-straight hair, wore a corset top, knee-length skirt, ripped stockings, and wicked witchy boots.

We all screamed like children, and they engulfed me in a tight embrace.

We thought wed never see you again, Scarlet said.

I thought so, too, I said.

When we saw your message, we knew we had to come, Onyx said. No matter what.

I love your car! I proclaimed. I could only dream of driving that up to my house in the burbs. I thought I was lucky to have a black bike.

I just got it. Isnt it ghoulish? Scarlet grinned.

The two girls linked arms with me and we ascended the steep and winding drive. It was as if we were miniature dolls in comparison to the stately Mansion that loomed above us.


Is this where you live? Onyx asked, aghast.

No, my boyfriend does, I replied.

Are his parents out for the weekend? Scarlet wondered, assessing the situation.

Wellfor a while longer, I said. They live in Romania.

He lives here by himself? Onyx asked. How lonely.

He has a butler.

You go, girl! Scarlet said.

He must be a millionaire, Onyx stated.

Almost, I said.

Is hea V? Onyx asked.

A what? I wondered aloud.


A Coffin Club member, Scarlet whispered. You knowone of us

Oha V. I nodded proudly. And more important, so is his friend.

He has a friend? Scarlet hinted.

Yes, and hes single and very hot, I replied.

Love it! the two girls shrieked.

We never see that Phoenix guy anymore, Scarlet said. We thought maybe youd have hooked up with him.

Really? I asked. WellI havent either. But I think youll like Alexander, too.

Judging from that Mansion? I like him already, Scarlet declared.

Alexander didnt realize that the girls had arrived. The backyard was empty of male vampires. I was slightly miffed at the pair for giving up so easily.

Where is everyone? Scarlet said.

They went inside.

I felt awful. Should I leave my guests alone? Or take them inside? I had never hosted a party before and wasnt sure of the etiquette. I knew my mother would know exactly what to do, so I did my best impression of her.

Why dont you two wait here while I get you something to drink, I asked.

Nostay with us, Onyx said, grasping my wrist. We traveled all this way to see you, so were not letting you out of our sight.

Yes, Scarlet said. This way we can have some girl time.

I wanted the girls to feel the full effects of our haunting happening, but without Alexander and Sebastian it wasnt happening at all.

Maybe Alexander would get worried and come find me.

We sat at the tomb-shaped table. A Romanian bottle was chilling on ice, and the twinkling candelabra was still dripping hot wax.

So hows the Coffin Club? I asked. I miss it.

Its the best, Onyx said.

There isnt anywhere weve found thats like it, Scarlet added. And since Phoenix usurped Jaggers authority and made the club about us and not him, its been running smoothly. But we havent seen Phoenix at all. Its quite odd.

We thought you might have seen him, Onyx began, since you got on so well with him.

I havent seen anybody.

Not even Jagger? Onyx asked.

Noand for that Im grateful.

Really? I think hes kind of hot, Onyx confessed.


Scarlet and I were surprised by her admission of admiration for the alluring, but menacing, vampire.

I mean in a lonely sort of way, Onyx continued. I think he might just be misunderstood.

So, Scarlet said. Youre dating a vampire. Then youll become a vampire, too! Scarlet was beside herself with glee.

Uhwere waiting for the right time, I answered.

But dont you want to be like us? Scarlet asked.

Of course, I replied. Its been my lifes dream.

Then what are you waiting for

Its a big decision, Onyx defended. I dont know that Id turn someone. It is a lot of responsibility.

I would! Scarlet said. Its in our blood.

To change someones life forever? Onxy proposed. We were born into this. We didnt have a choice. And for Raven, it would be changing everything about her life as she knows it. It is something that should be thought through really carefully. Not so casual or in the moment, Onyx argued, reassuring me. Its okay, Raven, to take your time.

There is nothing wrong with being a vampire, Scarlet said.

I didnt say there was, Onyx retorted. But would you want to be mortalif you found your true love?

Scarlet thought for a moment. I guess youre right. It is a big decision.

I smiled in agreement. It was hardthese two girls took for granted a lifestyle I wanted so badly. They werent becoming vampires because of someone they loved or something they wanted to bethey were vampires because they were born vampires.

It was then I remembered why Id invited them.

Speaking of true love, I began. Ive got a really great guy I want you to meet.


Yes, tell us about Alexanders friend, Onxy said.

Hes really hot, I repeated. And hes looking for someone special.

Were special, Scarlet said.

Exactly! That was what I was thinking. I scooted close. He was enamored with my best friend, I confided. Only, shes mortal and has a boyfriend. And I dont want anyone in this town being bitten before me, I joked.

Yes, that wouldnt be fair, Onyx said.

Id die if some cheerleader showed up to a game with fangs, I told them.

That would be wrong on so many levels! Scarlet snorted.

She wouldnt be deserving, Onyx said. Not like you.

So I thought it would be wonderful if he could meet a nice vampire girl, I went on. And Dullsville is short on those.

So where is this Prince Charming? Scarlet asked.

The faint sound of a guitar wailing screeched from the Mansion.

Is that your boyfriend playing? Scarlet asked tentatively.

Nothats his friend.

I hope he kisses better than he plays, she teased.

The three of us laughed.

A figure was standing by the window. I knew Alexander would eventually wonder where Id gone.

Within a moment, Alexander and Sebastian were hanging out on the back steps.

Both girls mouths dropped when they saw the handsome pair.

Which is the available one? Onyx asked softly.


I dont carethey are both gorgeous, Scarlet declared. Ravenyou dont mind sharing, do you? she teased.

Onyx and Scarlet, this is my boyfriend, Alexander.

Wowyou are so lucky! Scarlet whispered to me. We should have been hanging out here instead of at the Coffin Club.

Alexander blushed and shook both of their hands.

Sebastian cleared his throat. He was frustrated he wasnt getting any attention.

And this is Sebastian, I said. As if on cue, both girls held their hands out to him. He took each one and tenderly kissed them. Each girl giggled.

I hope thats just a prelude of whats to come, Scarlet said.

The girls broke their gaze with Sebastian and he gave Alexander the thumbs-up sign.

Would you like something to drink? I asked.

Uh. Sure. I guess Ill have a soda.

No, we have the real thing, Sebastian said, pointing to the bottle on the table.

Transylvania 1972, Alexander said as Jameson came outside to assist us.

I heard that was a good year, Sebastian said.

Why dont you sit here, I encouraged Sebastian, deliberately placing him between the two girls.

Alexander stuck a corkscrew in the bottle and turned it slowly. He pried the cork and it easily slipped out.

Jameson began filling the goblets.

Its rare to find something authenticoutside the Coffin Club, Scarlet said. In a bottle, anyway.


We all laughed.

Well, you are in rare company, Sebastian flirted.

As Jameson continued to fill the goblets, Alexander poured me a soda and then himself one.

You can have some, I said. Dont miss this on account of me.

But Alexander politely refused.

Sebastian held the goblet to his nose and took a deep breath in.

Umperfect, Sebastian said. I think its a mixture of A positive and AB negative.

Wowyou are quite the connoisseur, Onyx praised. I can never tell.

Heres to us. Sebastian raised his glass and we all clinked ours together.

I watched as the three vampires put the blood-filled goblets to their lips and sipped as if they were consuming a rare vintage wine.

This is delicious, Scarlet said. Very smooth.

We are just happy you joined us, Alexander said. We know you came a long way.

It was worth it, Scarlet said.

Very smooth, Onyx added. Yet sweet. Just like you, she said, her eyes locking with Sebastians. Surprised by her remark, she began to giggle and spilled a bit of her drink.

I had to remind myself that some Romanians hemoglobin, not fermented grapes, had just dripped on my friend.

She cant hold her blood, Scarlet playfully scolded. I tell her that all the time.

I guess I drank it too fast, Onyx said.

Red liquid dripped down her neck and began leaking toward the lace border of her neckline.

Here, let me, Sebastian said, wiping the spillage with his napkin.

There was a moment between Onyx and Sebastian. He was doting on her as he had Becky. Our plan was already working. I gave Alexander a quick wink.

Scarlet sensed competition. And though the two girls were best friends, it was obvious Scarlet didnt want to be the one without a vampire. She leaned her elbow onto Sebastians shoulder, her bracelets dangling next to his goatee.

She tapped her fingers against his brown and blond dreadlocks as if they were batting eyelashes, then brushed her plum-colored fingernails along his neck.

No recent marks, she noted.

Interesting, Onyx said, almost scorned.

And you? Sebastian asked Scarlet.


It isnt polite to ask a girl, is it? she asked coquettishly.

Well, I just thought.

Scarlet displayed her wrist. Two purple marks were embedded on her slight, chalk white arm.

But it didnt really mean anything, she confessed. He wasnt nearly as handsome as you.

Or as clever, Onyx added.

The girls were intoxicated by Sebastians charm, and he was relishing the attention.

I figured this was mine and Alexanders cue to leave the three single vampires alone.

Alexander, I think we left a few snacks in the house, I said.

Oh yeah, my boyfriend agreed, taking my hint. Ill help you.


But before we could rise, Scarlet stopped us. Where is everyone else?

Ohtheyll be coming later, Sebastian said.

Yeah. We just wanted it to be us for a little while, I added.

Then sit down and enjoy yourselves, Scarlet insisted.

Alexander and I returned to our seats. I guess the girls expected a Mansion-size party. I couldnt break the news to them that they were the guest list.

How about we crank up the tunes, Sebastian suggested.

Yes, we love to dance, Scarlet said.

Sebastian turned up the music and the five of us rocked as hard as we could.

It looks like youre having a great time, I said to Sebastian as I danced next to him.


I am.

Do you think youd like to ask one of them out?

I guess. But Sebastians voice wasnt confident. Even though he was having a blast, I sensed Sebastian was still carrying a torch for Becky.

The musics volume suddenly lowered. We stopped to discover Jameson standing by the sound system.

Complaints from the neighbors? Alexander asked, concerned.

Alexander, Jameson announced, you have some guests.

Guests? I asked.

Alexander was just as confused.

Ill only be a moment, he said, excusing himself.

I guess theyre here, Scarlet said. Well chat later.

I was curious what guests were arriving. Since Onyx, Scarlet, and Sebastian were engaged in conversation, I, too, excused myself.

I sped through the kitchen, down the long, haunting hallway, and found Alexander at the front door. I couldnt tell whom he was talking to, so I sneaked up close and peered out.

I spotted Beckys truck in the driveway.

What was she doing here? Was she in trouble?

It was then I noticed Trevors Camaro parked behind the truck.

I wedged myself between the entranceway and Alexander to find Matt fuming at the foot of the stoop.

Whats going on? I asked. Are you all right?

Matt, normally upbeat and smiling, was brandishing a frown. Behind him was Trevor and a team of soccer snobs.

What are they doing here? I asked Alexander.


Matt glared at me coldly.

Its okay, Alexander said to me.

Wheres Becky? I asked. Is she all right?

I thought you were my friend, Alexander, Matt said sternly.

Alexander didnt move. I am, he said calmly. Whats this all about, Matt?

Your houseguest.

Hes out back.

Well, he better stay there.

Is something wrong? Alexander asked.

You bet. Your best friend has been hitting on my girlfriend, Matt challenged.

Alexander shook his head. His best friend had gotten him into a mess. Thats just Sebastians way. He didnt mean any harm.

Did you know that after Sebastian met Becky at Hatsys he texted her all night? Matt asked.

Not at the time. Im not with him every minute.

Sebastian sent the flowers to Becky. Not Raven. Did you know that?

Noor I would have stopped him.

But you did find out.


So were you going to tell me?

There wasnt a need to. We had it resolved.

Really? Did you know he had the nerve to show up at her house?

He did? Alexander said. I thought he bumped into her in town.


And all the time you both were laughing and encouraging him, Matt said, annoyed.

Now, take it easy. I never laughed, and I most certainly didnt encourage him. It was just the opposite.

Now I was mad. It was one thing to accuse me, and now Sebastian, of causing trouble, but quite another to accuse Alexander. You have it wrong, Matt. Alexander

Its okay, Raven, Alexander said, trying to calm me down. I understand you might be mad, Matt. But its not as bad as it sounds.

And to think I included him at Hooligans.

You are misunderstanding what happened.

Am I?

Matt stepped forward.


I was ready to pounce on anyone who charged at Alexanderthough he was quite capable of defending himself.

Alexander held out his arm. Its okay.

Now youre having a party, Matt said. Then he fixed on me. And Ravenyou dont invite your best friend?

Trevor stood behind Matt, arms folded, smiling gleefully.

Whats he doing here? I charged. I thought you werent his shadow anymore.

Hes the one who told me, Matt said. Seems Trevor is a good friend after all.

The soccer snobs surrounded Alexander. I rushed in, but Alexander held me at bay.

I dont think you know who you are dealing with here, I said to the gang of athletes.

Alexander appeared concerned for Matts situation, but he wasnt worried about the threat from the others. He was confident in his own power, and I knew he wouldnt use it unless it was to defend me.

Is Becky with Sebastian? Alexander asked.

Noshes with me, Matt said.

Then isnt that your answer? Alexander assured Matt. After all the texts, the flowers, and the visits, shes still with you.

Matts anger changed to relief. He even broke a smile.

Sebastian suddenly appeared beside us. Whats going on?

When he saw Matt, he knew he must have found out about his feelings for Becky.

Im the one you have a beef with, Sebastian said. This isnt about Alexander.

I know that now, Matt said.


Lets talk calmly, Sebastian urged.

I know how you feel about Beckybut Im the one who loves her, Matt suddenly proclaimed.

Becky hopped out of the truck. She raced to Matt and clutched him around the waist. Hed declared his love for her in front of everyone. She gazed up at me with an almost thankful smile.

I was surprised by Matts sudden passion and proud that he was standing up for Becky. However, I didnt want this conflict to continue.

And just so you know, Sebastian defended, Alexander ordered me to leave the Mansion.

He did? Matt asked.

But I was the one who wanted to stay in town. Raven and Alexander went out of their way to arrange a party for meto find my own Becky. So they really are better friends to you than you might think.


Matt was speechless.

Yeahso you might have Becky, Sebastian began, but I have Raven and Alexander.

Matt was stunned. I feel awful, he said.

I do, too, Becky added.

Matt glared at Trevor. You started this, didnt you? Just like always.

But Trevors attention was on a few cars that had pulled up to the Mansions gate.

Within a few minutes, vehicles began to line the street.

Students came up the driveway and the lawn, decked out in their Saturday-night best and carrying bags of beverages.

Whats going on? I asked.

You know how news travels in this town, Trevor said. Everyone likes a party. Not just you guys.

Wheres the coffin guy? a Pradabee asked.

Is that him? another asked, pointing to Alexander. Hes gorgeous!

I wonder if he has a dungeon, the Pradabee commented. Or a secret room. I wouldnt mind if he locked me up in one. The pair laughed and followed the others to the backyard.

What are we going to do? I asked frantically. Call the police?

Noits fine. Alexander beamed.

Alexander surveyed his uninvited guests and their festive mood.

Well, we dont have enough drinks, I said. I mean, the non-Romanian kind.

Doesnt seem to matter. Looks like they are bringing their own, Alexander commented.

Sebastian lit up. Now, this is a real party. This is what were missing by being homeschooled. Look at these girls. Theyre all hot!

We arrived in the backyard to a full-fledged happening. The backyard began to fill up with every teen in town.

Heres some liquor, a soccer snob said, holding the unfinished Transylvania 1972.

He lifted it to his lips and leaned back to take a huge swig.

No I yanked it out of his hands. Thats an import! I chastised. I grabbed the goblets and carried them into the house like a seasoned waitress.

As I exited, I met an anxious Jameson in the doorway, examining the expanding party.

Miss Raven, what has happened?

We had a few party crashers.

A few? More like a hundred. I must go to the basement. I know we have more stock.

Not the cellar, Jameson, I said. Its not that kind of party.

Of course, I meant in the downstairs pantry. Jameson fretted. Oh, I wish I had time to prepare!

Id watched plenty of movies. Couples using pieces of furniture and empty bedrooms for makeout sessions while others used the furniture as coasters. I didnt want the Mansion trashed and, more important, Alexanders and Sebastians identity revealed. Dont let anyone in the house, I told Jameson before he started off. If they find Sebastians bed

I understand, Miss Raven.

Just then two girls came up to the door.

Which way to the bathroom? one asked.

That way, I said, pointing to the street. There is one at the gas station. Or, better yet, I bet theres a golden-seated one at your home.


The girls glowered at me and returned to their boyfriends.

Ill stand watch as soon as I get back, he said nervously. Jameson wasnt the only one upset. I returned to find my partylike my lifeout of control.

Couples were mashing. Some were hanging out by the fire pit. Others were dancing.

I spotted Onyx and Scarlet hovering on either side of Trevor. The girls were fawning over his beefy physique.

Where was Sebastian? The girls were supposed to be drooling over him. But none of the vampires seemed interested in the others at this point.

I stormed through the crowd and toward the girls. Scarlet pretended to arm-wrestle with Trevor and then turned his wrist to examine it.

I saw Scarlets fang catch the light of the fire pit. Onyxs onyx tattooed fang sparkled when she grinned.


Trevor was in heaven. But if Onyx and Scarlet had their way, he might be somewhere else.

Scarlet lifted his wrist to her mouth.

Scarlet! I called. Onyx.

Not so fast, Trevor warned, holding Onyx by the waist. They are doing just fine. You arent the only one interested in threesomes.

First of all, Im not. And second of all, this isnt that kind of party.

Is jealousy the only emotion you feel? Trevor charged. Even in front of Monster Boy? he said. But it appears hes already busy, he said, gesturing to a few girls who were talking to Alexander. But dont worry. You can join in with us. I wont tell.

I wasnt pleased that my schoolmates were fawning over my boyfriend, but I had more urgent matters to attend to.


Save it for school.

I wrangled the girls away from Trevor and whispered in Onyxs ear. Hes not a V.

Not a V? He had overheard me. What does that mean? Virgin?

Oh, really? Onyx said softly.

They were shocked.

Funny, we both sensed he was, Scarlet whispered. Its not the first time weve made a mistake, she said, alluding to me.

Remember why I invited you guysfor Sebastian, I urged.

But Scarlet wasnt walking away. She was charmed by Trevor and continued to hold on to his hand.

You can have Sebastian, she said in a low voice to Onyx.

She cant like Trevor, I said. Thats not an option. Remember what we discussed, I warned through gritted teeth. No one gets Dont worry, Raven. Shes just having fun, Onyx said, stopping me. And I plan to do the same. Onyx flipped back her jet black locks and disappeared into the crowd.

This party was getting out of hand. Vampires mixing with unsuspecting mortals. I had to make sure no one was bittenespecially Trevor Mitchell.

I looked to Alexander and Sebastian for help. Sebastian was now talking to the girls who were interested in Alexander, and Alexander was entranced by his rocking party.

I turned to go back to Trevor and I bumped into Becky.

Im so sorry, Raven, she said. Can you forgive me?

Uh, yesbut I have something else I have to deal with right now.

Pleaselisten, Becky pleaded. Youre the one who always talks about being in trouble, but Im the one who keeps getting you there. You are my best friend. Now and alwaysand I dont want anything to get in the way of that.


I hated not telling you about the party, I said. I did feel like a sneak. But I had to protect you.

I totally understand. You and Alexander are so kind to Sebastianand to me. And look what weve done. We brought Trevor and the entire school to the Mansion. Becky sat on a bench lined with plastic skeletons. Im so ashamed.

Its okay, Becky. I gave her a hug. Alexanders having the time of his life. Babes dancing in his backyard. Jocks hanging out. Its an image I never imagined. Its a blessing, really. Hes so isolated being homeschooled, and now hes more popular than Trevor.

Becky managed a small grimace. You dont hate me?

Of course I dont hate you. Youd have to do a lot worse than bringing Trevor to the Mansion for me to not like you. But speaking of TrevorI have a major issue to address. Can you help me?

Of course.


Just as I began pushing past the crowd to separate an embracing Trevor and Scarlet, all heads turned toward the back stairs.

I saw a sight I thought Id never see. I was completely unprepared.

Descending down the Mansions back stairs as if a soft halo of light were around her was a gothic fairy girl with candy-pink-colored hair perfectly woven into two braids and wrapped in Wednesday Addamsstyle black bows, wearing an offbeat Alice in Wonderland dress with black-and-white tights and pink combat boots.

She was as beautiful as she was cute, as fragile as she was confident. Her frame was that of a whimsical angel with the wings of a devil. And everyone at the party was spellbound.

It was Luna Maxwell.

I hated how beautiful she was. She had perfectly porcelain skin, and her glossy pink lips sparkled like tiny stars. Her presence lit up the crowd. She drew everyones attention like a starlet.


The crowd was hypnotized. Sebastian was mesmerized. For a moment, even Alexander was transfixed.

And looming right behind her was her twin brotherJagger, Alexanders former nemesissporting familiar bleached-white hair with bloodred ends, a freakishly frightening Joker T-shirt, and red Doc Martens.

Our party had officially spun out of this world.

How was I going to hold all these vampires at bay from mixing with the mortal students of Dullsville? How were we going to keep their Underworldly identity a secret? And if their cover was blown, how was I going to keep Alexander from having to leave Dullsville?

My blood boiled and my flesh flushed. I felt dizzy and queasy. The voices and music became muddled, and everyone suddenly seemed very far away.

I was sure I was falling.


Then the world went black.