She shouldn't have done it.

God knows, she ought to have kept her head and tried to contain the smoke rather than flinging more fuel on the fire. But as Taryn stormed out through the five-star restaurant, half-aware of curious patrons' heads turning, that more volatile side of her nature was glad she'd let Cole Hunter know precisely what she'd thought. Sandbox, indeed!

He was lucky a glass of wine was all she'd thrown.

Outside, the fresh air hit. Stopping at the bottom of the restaurant's half-dozen stone steps, she glanced around with stinging eyes before the realization struck. Cole had driven her here. To collect her sedan, she'd need to grab a cab back to Hunters.

And tomorrow? Cole had as good as said her idea sucked and she was through. Hopefully Guthrie would have something to say about that. But if she went to the senior Hunter about this situation, she'd feel like a tattletale whining to daddy about her bullying big brother. How she longed to circle her hands around Cole's big tanned neck and squeeze until he turned blue. Lord how she wished she'd never met the man.

She noticed a concerned-looking doorman crossing over at the same time a low, smooth voice wrapped around to startle and disarm her from behind.

"Would you kindly tell me what that was about?"

She swung around and glared into Cole Hunter's flashing green eyes. She hated that her voice was shaky.

"Kindly leave me alone."

"You came with me - "

"And I'll leave without you." She directed her next words to the fidgety doorman. "Can you organize a cab, please?"


Waving a hand, Cole sent the poor doorman back to his corner. "I'll drive you to the station, or home, if you like."

"I'd prefer you didn't."

"I'd prefer that I did."

"So you can goad me into doing something else I might regret?"

He stepped closer until his shadow consumed her and his lidded gaze dropped to her lips. "And just what is it you're afraid you'll do?"

When his eyes met hers again, she felt the stakes between them change and swell. Was it her imagination or had he just propositioned her?

She ought to be outraged. She should want to slap his face. But the heat racing over her skin, snatching her breath and warming her insides, suddenly felt less like anger and a whole lot more like anticipation.

She croaked out, "I never asked to come here tonight."

"No. You were only jumping around like a Christmas puppy, wanting me to see your idea right away."

"You said you wanted to see it."

"When it was good and cooked."

She hitched her carryall strap higher on her shoulder. "Admit it. You never had any intention of giving me a chance."

"Whoa. Don't put this back on me."

"No. I should be overjoyed with needing to jump through your hoops after I've already landed the job."

He blinked at that then absently readjusted the platinum watchband on his wrist. "I'm yet to speak to my father about signing you without consulting me first."

"Perhaps you should have done that before putting me through that charade."

"Sorry for doing you a favor."

"Forgive me if I don't shower you with thanks."

A cab rolled up the lantern-lit drive while a valet brought Cole's car around at the same time. Shaking with rage - with hurt and frustration - she made a beeline for the cab with Cole hot on her tail.

That doorman came forward to open the passenger door. With one sharp look, Cole sent him packing again. Then, refocusing, he crossed his arms over that stained damp shirt.

"I'm sorry you can't handle the truth about the premise of your show."

"Your version of the truth," she pointed out.

"Like it or not, mine's the only version that counts."

She crossed her arms, too. "Has anyone ever suggested that your ego might be a trifle oversize?"

"My temper, too - particularly, but not excluding, when I'm soaked through and smelling like a barroom floor."

Her conscience pricked. She looked him up and down. Then, although it pained, she offered up what her aunt might consider polite and fair.

"I'll pay for dry cleaning."

"Shirt, trousers and tie." He pretended to wring the strip of royal-blue silk. "You didn't miss much."

"There's nothing wrong with my pitching arm. I was captain of my school softball team five years running."

"Remind me to stay out of your way if you try to swing a bat."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure none of my home runs land in your sandbox."

Cole looked at her harder, his gaze penetrating - judgmental - and yet she got the impression that a different, less hostile emotion churned just below his surface. Maybe a miniscule touch of grudging respect? She crossed her arms tighter. Too little, too late.

Finally he shrugged back both shoulders and tucked in his chin. "Maybe I was a little over-the-top with the sandbox line."

She pretended to tug her ear. "Was that Cole Hunter apologizing?"

"Merely an observation."

His brows lifted as if he were waiting for her to return the sentiment. No way would she give another inch.


She didn't need for Cole to walk away from this confrontation thinking he was the better man. She might be right, but she wasn't stupid.

With the cabbie and doorman hanging back, waiting, she eased out that pent-up breath and let her arms unravel.

"Well, maybe," she ground out, "I didn't need to toss that second drink over your lap."

The intensity of his gaze gradually lifted and, after another deliberative moment, he tilted his head at his car. "So you up for a lift back to the station?"

"Only if I choose the topic of conversation."

He clutched at his chest. "You'll even talk to me?"

"Not about anything personal. And I'd prefer not to discuss my project with you any more at this time."

"I'm sure that's wise." He started off then stopped, waiting for her to join him, which - after making him stand there wondering for another five full beats - she did.

"Maybe we could discuss vegetarian cuisine," she said as they reached his car.

He grunted. "What about sports?"

"I'm in charge, remember?"

After she'd slid in, but before he shut the door, she heard him mutter, "Enjoy it while it lasts."

Cole drove back to the station listening to Taryn share her secrets on the abundance of ways one could combine pumpkin with pine nuts. Fascinating.

But now, as he made his third stop for the evening - at his father's Pott's Point mansion - he could admit he'd almost enjoyed the final stint of his evening with this persistent producer. Even as the wine dried on his clothes, he surrendered a smile remembering the poised timbre of her voice and glorious lines of her legs as she'd chatted on.

One moment spitting fire, the next a consummate ice queen. He didn't know which intrigued him more. From the moment he'd laid eyes on her, sitting demurely in his father's reception lounge, he'd been struck by those lips, her hair, that barely subdued sexuality. After her spectacular meltdown at the restaurant tonight, perverse though it might sound, his attraction for her had only grown.

By the time he pulled up beneath his father's extravagant granite forecourt, Cole was trying to shake the image of Taryn twining her arms around his neck and searching out his kiss - not because he felt guilty necessarily, but because he didn't need any added aggravation when he visited this place. Guthrie he could handle. His father's wife, Cole didn't want to touch.

He'd fortified himself and was about to slip out of the car when his cell sounded. Two callers - Dex and Wynn combined. Cole connected and Wynn spoke first.

"How's Dad holding up?"

Then Dex. "Do the authorities have any clue who's behind it all?"

"We'll get the guy," Cole told them. "Don't worry."

Cole hadn't been able to get a hold of either brother this morning, or Teagan, for that matter. They had their differences but, beyond and above all else, they were a family. Cole wasn't certain which brother had organized this conference call, but he was grateful to have the opportunity to fill them in. Dex and Wynn had a right, an obligation, to know about this second attempt on their father's life, and Guthrie would never tell them. He wouldn't want any of his children to worry.

When Cole finished passing on the incident's details, Wynn cursed under his breath.

"Cole, what's the plan? You'll put some safety measures in place, right? Get a P.I. on board?"

Dex's deep laugh rumbled down the line. "As if Cole could stop himself from taking charge."

Cole huffed. "I don't hear either of you offering to fly back and help man the fort."

"As a matter of fact - " Wynn started at the same time Dex said, "I'll be right out - "

But Cole cut them both off. "Stay where you are." Wynn couldn't spare time away from his seat in New York and Dex's smugness would only drive his older brother nuts. "I can handle whatever has to be done."

Dex said, "Well, if you need anything..."

Flicking a glance toward the house, Cole thought of his stepmother. "Maybe a leash," he muttered.

Wynn asked, "What was that?"

"Nothing." Cole opened the car door. "I'll keep you guys in the loop." He hung up, and a moment later rang the bell. A woman he'd never seen before fanned open the tall timber door. His expression must have looked as confused as hers. Drab, overweight. Was that a mustache? Shrinking back, he thrust his hands into his pockets.

"Who the devil are you?"

"I work for the Hunters."

Cole examined the woman's garb: a dreary gray old-fashioned uniform. "What happened to Silvia?" And her vibrant colors and big friendly smile.

The woman shrugged a pair of round shoulders. "Think the madam said she'd been here too long."

He grunted. Obviously Silvia had become an annoyance for dear Eloise. He'd seen the calculating look in the younger woman's eye whenever the Hunters' much-loved housekeeper had entered a room or dared to have a laugh with Guthrie. Silvia knew this house, the history and its characters inside and out. And like the Hunter boys, Silvia hadn't approved of the master's new bride one scrap. Seemed it'd taken Eloise five years to weed their old friend out. So, who was next on the ambitious second Mrs. Hunter's hit list?

The new help wiped a worn hand down her starched apron and asked, "Who shall I say is calling?"

"Name's Cole."

Dull hazel eyes rounded. "Mr. Hunter's eldest?"

As she studied the wine drying on his shirt, he wove around her. "Where can I find him?"

In the cavernous double-story foyer, another voice joined in. One Cole recognized - and loathed.

"Cole, honey, come on through."

Decked out in a full-length silk robe the color of ripe strawberries, Eloise beckoned him from beneath the decorative arch that led into the front sitting room. He wondered if she were vain enough to wear all that makeup to bed. So different from his naturally beautiful mother. He wouldn't start on the difference between poise and class.

Dismissing the stirring in the pit of his gut, Cole strode forward. "I wanted to check in and see how he was doing."

"After that terrible business this morning, you mean."

Cole was already inside and glancing around that sitting room. An empty room. He ran a hand through his hair. He really didn't have time for hide-and-seek.

"Where is he?"

He spun around. Eloise was standing so close behind, he almost knocked her over. Theatrical, as usual, she emitted a small cry of surprise and swayed, no doubt hoping he'd physically prevent her fall.

Cole only stepped well back then asked, "Is he in the study?"

Filing long graceful fingers back through her disrupted fire-red mane, Eloise pretended to gather herself before heading for the liquor cabinet and holding up a decanter.

"Can I tempt you?"

Cole shuddered. Not on your life.

He made a civil excuse. "I'm tight on time."

Examining his shirt, she set down the decanter and strolled back over. "Looks like you've already indulged."

"My father, Eloise. Where is he?"

"Your father's not here. He went out with that new bodyguard of his." Looking inward, she frowned. "Tall. Brooding. Not a friendly type at all."

Cole grinned. Good. Last thing Guthrie needed was the man meant to protect him succumbing to the mistress's so-called charm.

Retrieving his cell, Cole speed dialed his father. When Guthrie didn't pick up, Cole left a text message: Call CH ASAP. Then he headed for the door, muttering to Eloise on his way out, "I won't keep you."

But, in her sweeping strawberry robe, she was already scooting around him like her rear end was on fire. When she faced him again, a generous amount of cleavage was showing. Guthrie said she made him happy, and Cole could imagine Eloise doing just about anything to maintain her allowance. Then again, if her older husband was out of the picture, she wouldn't have to please anyone but herself.

"Before you go, I was hoping you could help me out," she was saying. "Or rather help your little brother."

About to push on around her, Cole stopped. Dates indicated that Guthrie had married Eloise when she was already pregnant with a boy the whole family had instantly taken into their hearts. Whenever Cole visited, his little brother would talk about becoming a fireman, or, if he wasn't brave enough for that, one of Santa's elves. Oh, to be that innocent.

Cole asked, "What's Tate want?"

Eloise collected an electronic gadget off a nearby sideboard. "Tate was a horror this evening when he couldn't get this to work. I had to send him to bed early."

Cole almost reached for the children's e-tablet then thought better of it. He wanted to help, but it was wiser to leave.

"Dad can fix it when he gets home."

She laughed. "You're funny. Your father working something like this out."

Cole scowled. "He's an intelligent man."

"But, honey, he isn't a young man." Her gaze stroked the expanse of his chest. "What we need here is someone who's up-to-date with all the latest." She held the gadget out again. "Tate will be so proud when I tell him big brother Cole took the time to fix this."

Cole set his jaw. He had no time for Eloise, but he loved Tate. Cole pitied him too for having a mother who placed the importance of painting her nails above anything her son might like to share. Last Christmas, while Tate had ripped open his presents and pored over the bike and Rollerblades Santa had left, Eloise had been a big no-show. When she'd finally scraped herself out of bed around noon, bloodshot eyes told the story of a boozy Christmas Eve. At the time Cole had wondered with whom. His father had looked fit enough to run a marathon, even if he didn't quite meet his eldest son's unimpressed gaze.

Reminding himself to think only of Tate, Cole took the device and perused the program keys. When, pretending to be curious, Eloise and her claws tipped too close for comfort, Cole lifted his gaze and issued a pointed look. Back off. At the same time, he caught movement near the archway. That woman - the new housekeeper - stood halfway hidden behind the connecting wall. Eloise followed Cole's line of vision and, taken aback, drew her robe's opening shut.

"Nancy, you go on to your quarters," Eloise said. "I won't be needing you anymore tonight."

With a curt nod, Nancy and her mustache slunk away. If Eloise wanted female help that her husband would find not the least attractive, she'd creamed the top shelf. And Cole didn't restrict that to looks. Nancy was downright creepy.

Attention on the tablet again, Cole fiddled until the screen lit up. After making certain the applications worked, he slid the device back on the sideboard. As he headed out through the foyer, a disappointed Eloise called out in her annoying Southern drawl.

"Your daddy will be back soon. Sure you don't want to stay awhile?"

Cole opened the door and kept right on walking.

Taryn Quinn didn't like to discuss family. He didn't particularly like discussing his, either. An out-of-control playboy brother, a big bad stepmom and a father someone wanted dead.

As Cole slid back into his car then ignited the turbo engine, he wondered again who was the mastermind behind the bullets this morning. His father was absent tonight. Did that mean this bodyguard he'd hired was on someone's trail? When this ugly situation was done with and the perpetrator behind prison bars, he'd certainly sleep a lot better. But for now...

It was late and he was sticky.

Keeping the revs down so as not to wake Tate, he rolled down the drive as his thoughts swung again to Taryn Quinn. She'd denied any romantic connections with her former boss and he believed her. But a woman like Ms. Quinn wasn't long without an intimate relationship, and after witnessing the fiery side of her nature tonight, it'd be easier if the terms "Taryn Quinn" and "supersexy" weren't tangled up together in his head.

Accelerating, Cole swung onto the wide tree-lined Pott's Point road and wondered. Was Taryn "taken" or was she "taking a break"? Could be she was a new age woman who, too busy for connections, preferred the advantages of a friend with benefits. If he wasn't certain she'd hurl something heavy at his head, he'd set aside his business-only-with-employees rule and ask.

Giving in to a grin, he shot onto the expressway.

Hell, he just might ask anyway.

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