“No one forced you, Logan, and don’t ever call me a liar again. Is thatunderstood?”

Logan dropped his gaze and stared down at his shifting feet. “Well, maybe not forced me…but something you did made me act that way. I would never have done all that in my right mind. Never!”

Ian dropped his hand down to graze against Logan’s cock. Instantly, it started to rise up to meet his hand, and Logan’s legs trembled so hard, he almost sagged to his knees.

Logan looked down at himself and groaned. “Oh, God. What’s happenedto me?”

Ian let his fingers trail down to Logan’s balls. He squeezed them and fondled them gently.

Logan’s knees buckled, and his hands flew out to cling to Ian’s shoulders. “Stop. Please stop. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.”

“You’re Werekin now, and you’re mine.”

Logan pulled back, leaning against the doorframe, gazing at Ian solemnly. “What exactly does that mean—Werekin? What does all of this mean? I know you bit me. Am I going to turn into a werewolflike you now?”

Ian chuckled.“No, honey.Forget everything you’ve been told about us, Logan, or seen in movies. None of it’s true.”

Shaking his head, Logan backed away a little. “I remember being in the cell and hating all of you. Then you bit me, and all that hatred just drained away. I think I should feel embarrassed standing here naked, but—I don’t. I know I’m not gay—I’m not! Really!” He ducked his head for a moment and then looked back up directly into Ian’s eyes. “At least I never knew I was. God, what’s happening to me?”


“Werekinmeans you’re one of us now. I’ve had other humans who changed tell me that with the first bite, they feel a sense of relief. Old prejudices and inhibitions disappeared, and many things bubble up from their sub-conscious. For instance, when you mentioned your father, there was bitterness and anger in your voice, and when I told you you’d never be alone, your expression told me you wanted that. You can remember the time before you took my knot clearly if you concentrate. Think about what your subconscious wanted that you’re denying now. Admittedly the Werekin bite sends your libido into overdrive, but it doesn’t kill your free will. It helps lower your inhibitions, though. It allows you to do what you really want.That’s why I gave you a choice.” Ian bent down and kissed him tenderly on his lips, sucking for a moment on his lower lip before releasing him.

Logan dashed the back of his hand against his lip. “Stop! I don’t want this!”

Ian folded his arms and sat back down on the bed. “Yes, you do. When I saw you in the cell, I made the decision to save your life. I didn’t want you hurt in any way. I felt as if I had to protect you. If someone hadn’t changed you into Werekin, they were going to have to execute you. We had no other option since the Hunters ignored our offers of making a deal with them to return you. I had a choice in taking it further and mating with you, and I gave you the choice of accepting.”

Logan shook his head even if he did remember being asked. He refused to talk about it, instead focusing on his father.“He wouldn’t even consider a deal?”

“He never answered, Logan. I’m sorry.”

“He couldn’t have done anything else, I guess. You don’t negotiate with the enemy.” He parroted the words and hated his father even more.

Ian didn’t pursue the subject. “You were so brave coming up to the cell door and challenging me, little as you are. I thought it was amazing.”

“Little?I’m six feet tall and weigh one hundred ninety-five pounds. For a human, I’m considered pretty large.”

Ian smiled. “Not to me. I’m six feetfive, and I don’t even know how much I weigh, but a lot more than you do.”

“I’m not gay!” He cast a worried glance up at Ian. “Am I? Is there something in the blood you made me drink that makes me a fag?”

“Of course not. Settle down and stop being offensive.I didn’t make you drink. I didn’t have to, and if you don’t want me to touch you again, I won’t.”

“Just like that?”

Ian shrugged. “I didn’t force you before. I won’t force you now. You do have to feed from me though. Or from some other wolf from now on. Mine will taste better to you, but if you don’t want me, then there might be other options. You have to feed though. That’s not an option. If you don’t it could cause you to become very sick.”

“Feed from you? From your blood?That’s disgusting.”

“Nevertheless, you’ll do it.”

Logan blushed again. He hated the idea of being forced to do anything. Never one to enjoy being ordered around, he knew this big wolf could make him do whatever he wanted, and the thought made him uneasy. It also made him hard as a rock. Did he like being ordered around by this man?

He looked down at his throbbing cock in fear and confusion. “No more sex!”

Ian nodded. “I’ll wait until you want it.” He smiled into Logan’s eyes. “Make no mistake, Logan. You will want it. Maybe even beg for it again.”

“The hell you say! Don’t hold your breath.” Angrily, Logan crossed over to the bed and grabbed a sheet to wrap around him. He wanted badly to wipe the smug smile off the big wolf’s face.

Ian nodded toward the door. “Okay then. We’ll see. If you’re ready, let’s go to my quarters. I need to show you where your new home is. It’s time to get you settled in as my pet.”

“What the hell is a pet?Like a dog or something?”

“No, not at all. We call our mates and natural-born Werekin pets. As a mate it means you’re mine. I will feed you my blood and care for you from this day forward. You’ll do what I tell you to do.”

“Oh, I will?” Logan stirred uneasily. “Bullshit! Am I supposed to be some kind of slave now? Is that it?”

“No. You’re my mate. I take care of you. What’s so difficult to understand?”

Loganfelt uneasy at Ian’s sharper tone. He still wasn’t comprehending, and he definitely didn’t like the words pet or mate. He wanted more information. Again, he remembered the bite this big wolf had given him before fucking him. His logical mind remembered from somewhere the bite was poisonous and caused humans to change into monsters. Had that happened to him? In a sudden panic he ran to the mirror. All he saw was his usual face looking back out at him. He turned in confusion to Ian, wanting his comfort, being drawn to him, and not understanding that either.

Ian held out a hand to him. “Come here, Logan. I told you to forget all of what the Hunters told you.It’s simply not true.”

Logan backed up a step, shaking his head. “No, not till you explain to me what’s going on.”

Ian sat up straighter. His eyes glittered dangerously. His voice took on an authoritative tone. “When I speak to you, Logan, I expect you to do as I say. Come over here. Now.”

Logan dropped his head. A sharp pang went through him atIan’s tone. Ian was angry with him. While a part of him was defiant and angry, another, more primal part made his feet start to move slowly toward Ian as if he were compelled to please him. He walked to stand in front of him.

Ian snapped out, “On your knees.”

Flushing, Logan fell to his knees, keeping his head down, not daring to look up. He hated himself for his own cowardice. His body trembled all over. What was happening to him?

“Knees apart and put your hands behind your back.” Ian’s tone was quiet, yet firm and unyielding.

Logan did as he was told, and long minutes ticked by while he remained on his knees. Unreasonably, as he knelt there at Ian’s feet he began to feel calmer. Finally, Ian said softly. “This is the submissive position you will assume whenever I say, whenever I am displeased with you, or you’re acting defiant. You don’t question my orders, Logan, or make conditions. Is that clear?”


“How do you feel?”

Logan glanced up, surprised. He lowered his gaze again quickly, unable to keep eye contact. “I-I feel bad.”


“Because-because, damn it, I don’t like to make you mad at me. I don’t understand why!”

“That’s right. I know you don’t understand, but it will always make you unhappy to disobey me, Logan. The more defiant you are, the more unhappy you’ll become.”

Ian caressed the side of his face, and Logan experienced such a surge of relief it almost brought tears to his eyes. What was wrong with him when he cared so much for what this wolf thought of him?He didn’t understand it, but deep inside he knew he cared very much. He turned his face into Ian’s hand.

Ian bit into his wrist again and held it to Logan’s mouth. “You obviously need to feed again. Suck, Logan. When you’ve finished, I’ll take you home.”

Chapter Three

Logan stared at Ian in a daze. He dressed in the black leather pants Ian handed him in the same way. He couldn’t get his head to work and didn’t have a clue why. During the night, he’d been so fucking horny he was in agony, but Ian kept his word, staying on his side of the big bed. He woke Logan around eleven o’clock the next morning, fed him, and buckled a leather collar around his neck, smiling at him proudly.

“You look as beautiful as I thought you would.” Ian took him to what looked like a beauty shop. With orders to Logan to do whatever they told him and stern orders to them not to cut a bit of hair off his head, he left Logan there. He spent a painful couple of hours getting somethinghe didn’t want but couldn’t muster up enough energy to complain. A complete body wax, including his crotch and underarms, took off every single hair that wasn’t on his head. The nagging little voice in the back of his head told him he should be embarrassed with a woman doing that to him. He didn’t seem to care, and his penis stubbornly refused to be aroused even though the woman was bare from the waist up. He laid there like a lump of clay except for the grunts and groans from the pain of having his body hair pulled out by the roots. The women at the shop called Ian when Logan was ready to be picked up, making him soundeven more like a poodle who’d just been groomed. He wanted to be angry over it, but couldn’t summon up the emotion.