“No worries. It’s fine,” she interrupted her.

“So it’s true what I hear then. That he’s your boyfriend and that he’s the reason you moved?”

“Good news travels fast, huh?” She chuckled. “Yes, I live with him in New York now. But there are still some issues regarding Hannigan. Would you do me a favor and transfer me to Helen please?”

“Of course. And, Sabrina, if I don’t speak to you, I wish you all the best with him. He seems worth it.”

“He is.” A moment later, Sabrina heard a click in the line, then, “Helen Choi.”

“Hi, Helen, it’s Sabrina.”

Helen was a capable paralegal with over twenty years of experience and just the person who could help Sabrina.

There was only a second’s pause, before she heard Helen’s reply. “Wow, Sabrina. What a surprise,” Helen said, her voice full of both shock and excitement. “How’s it going?”

“Good. I just got a job offer in New York, and with a bit of luck I’ll have my license in a couple of months too.”

“That’s fantastic. They’re lucky to have you, though I wish you had stayed here.” Helen laughed. “I miss working with you.”

“Yeah, I miss working with you, too. Speaking of work, how are things around there?”


“Peaceful.” Helen didn’t elaborate on her one word response and she didn’t have to. Sabrina knew exactly what she meant.

“I’m glad to hear that. Everyone in that office deserves a little peace from Hannigan’s harassment.”

“You have no idea how nice it is to see the women walking around, smiling, and not hiding in the women’s bathroom to avoid that pervert.”

Sabrina laughed. There were quite a few times she’d hid out in the bathroom with her co-workers in an attempt to get a reprieve from Hannigan. Of course, when they’d all eventually emerged, Hannigan had made crude jokes about why he wasn’t invited to the lesbian orgy. Just thinking about Hannigan, made Sabrina’s skin crawl. One way or another, she was going to make him pay for everything he’d done. Once she was done with him, Hannigan would never dare harass another woman again.

“How would you like to get back at Hannigan?”

“Get back at him, seriously? How?” Interest colored Helen’s voice.

“You remember Daniel Sinclair, don’t you?”

Helen sighed appreciatively. “What straight woman could ever forget a man like Daniel Sinclair?”

Sabrina felt pride swell in her chest, knowing that a desirable man like Daniel belonged to her. Whenever she was out with Daniel, she noticed how other women ran their eyes over him as if they wanted to eat him up, while they shot her envious looks. But Daniel was hers.

“So, how are things going with Prince Charming?”

“Wonderfully. Except for one thing.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Helen asked.

“Hannigan is suing him for assault and for being the reason Merriweather fired him.”

“You’re shitting me! That slime ball doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Merriweather should have fired him years ago for all the things he did to the female staff here.” Then she paused. “So you know about the fight, huh?”

“Yes. And I need your help.”

“What do you need?” Helen asked eagerly.

“I need you to interview everyone who has ever been harassed by Hannigan and collect the information in a statement. Get as much detailed information and include specific dates if they can remember them, specific incidents, locations, circumstances. Anything they remember. Once you have that, email it to me, then I’ll go over it and tidy things up, and email it back for you to get them to sign the statements.”

“You’ve got it. I’ll get right on it.”

Sabrina sighed with relief. It would be so much easier to have Helen coordinate with all the female staff rather than Sabrina calling each of them individually. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

Helen snickered. “Are you kidding? The girls are going to jump at the idea of nailing that bastard to the wall. Now that he’s not looming over us, threatening our jobs, we’ll have no issues standing up for what’s right.”

“You’re a Godsend, Helen.”

“We’ll get him, don’t worry. It was so great hearing from you. Say hello to Prince Charming, will you? And if he has a brother, send him to San Francisco and give him my address. I’m available day and night.” She chuckled. “Especially nights.”

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