“God, I love being inside you,” he said, steadily increasing the tempo and intensity of his thrusts.

She wanted to scream her approval, but knew she couldn’t.

They were having sex in an airplane bathroom!

She’d never done anything so crazy before. Well, maybe except for that one time when they’d trespassed and she and Daniel had had sex out in the open, looking out over the San Francisco Bay and Alcatraz. Daniel had a way of making her throw all her inhibitions to the wind.

When she felt him groan and drive into her one last time, a warm spray of his semen accompanying his final thrust, her sex convulsed around his cock, joining him in his release.

Daniel dropped his forehead to hers, breathing heavily. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “Kiss me.”

His lips found hers again and he moved inside her in slow and almost lazy strokes. “God, Sabrina, I can’t get enough of you. I could stay here like this, buried inside you forever.”

“Daniel,” she murmured. “This is crazy.”

“I know.” Slowly, he pulled out of her and met her gaze. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?”

“Thank you.” She felt herself flush at his compliment. No matter how many times he told her that he found her beautiful, it always felt like the first time.


Daniel cleaned himself off and helped her do the same, then reached for his pants, pulling them up, and re-buttoning them.

Sabrina hopped off the sink and readjusted her dress. Then she held out her hand. “My panties please.”

He gave her a wicked grin as he pulled them from his pocket and put them in her hand. “I’m going to take those back as soon as we get home.”

His words dripped with promise—a promise that she intended to hold him to. She slipped her panties back on when a thought struck her. “Daniel? When we leave this bathroom… people are going to know what we were doing, aren’t they?”

Daniel wrapped his arms around her. “So? Personally, I want people to know you’re mine.”

How could she argue with that? Still, even though she’d just joined the mile-high-club, she didn’t want to announce it to everybody. “Daniel… ”

He chuckled, but his eyes shone with understanding. “Okay, if it makes you feel better, you can go out first and I’ll come out a few minutes after you.”

“Thank you.”

She opened the door a sliver and peered outside.

Sabrina took her seat without any of the first class passengers looking at her. But her heart continued to beat excitedly: she was flying to New York to move in with Daniel.

To start a new life.

An adventure lay before her, and she couldn’t wait to find out how their life together would unfold.


“Here we are,” Daniel announced as he fumbled for his key. He slipped it into the keyhole, unlocked the door, and swung it open.

“Ladies first,” he said, extending his arm.

He was excited about bringing Sabrina to his home. Asking her to live with him was something that hadn’t required any major decision making on his side: he’d simply known that it was what he wanted, Sabrina living with him, and to wake up by her side every morning.

Odd, how this decision had been one of the easiest he’d ever made, when before that, a girlfriend leaving more than a toothbrush at his place had practically made him hyperventilate. Whereas with Sabrina he couldn’t wait for her to place her toothbrush next to his and spread her various shampoos and lotions in his bathroom. Her lingerie would rest in a drawer next to his boxer briefs, and her dresses would hang on the same rail as his suits. He’d never thought that he would ever look forward to something so mundane.

Before he’d met her, his life had revolved around his work. Within two weeks, his life had changed drastically and now it revolved around her. Nothing else was more important to him than Sabrina.

Sabrina walked into his apartment, pulling her suitcase behind her. Suddenly, she stopped. “Wow.”

Her head moved to the left, then the right, and then she turned in a complete circle, taking in everything around her.

He smiled, pleased at her reaction. “Do you like it?”

Daniel closed the door behind them and stopped beside her. The look on her face was all the answer he really needed. Somehow he’d been worried that Sabrina wouldn’t like his place, that she might find it too ostentatious. She wasn’t like other women he’d dated. Money and possessions didn’t impress or sway Sabrina. She preferred the simpler things. His place was anything but simple.

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