Chapter 308: Birgh and Durgan

Yale didn’t expect Revgen to speak about such topic, and the faces of Durgan and Birgh paled.

It was true that two days ago, they were quite sad for the fact the kids were about to leave after paying respects to their saviors, so both of them drunk a lot together.

Drinking together led to something that wouldn’t be appropriate for them to admit in front of others since both of them weren’t married.

“Child? Why did Emperor say that I will have a child and imply that Durgan will be the father? I don’t feel anything strange on my body until now, is this a prophecy?”

Birgh was conscious of what happened the two nights ago due to drinking too much, but she couldn’t believe Revgen’s words as anything that wasn’t a prophecy for the future. After all, it was difficult to believe that she was pregnant after just one time.

She had liked Durgan since some time ago while both of them worked together to take care of those kids. Thus, she wouldn’t feel strange if in the future she would marry Durgan and had a child with him, in fact, she hoped that it would turn true someday, but she couldn’t believe that she was already pregnant.

“My friend is the one who makes prophecies. I am not skilled with that.”

Revgen shook his head and then looked at Yale, who didn’t argue with that as he had prophesized some things in the past.

“I can detect a faint life aura in your belly, that kind of weak life aura is that of a yet to be born child. More specifically a faint life aura that appears just after pregnancy, there is no doubt of that.”


Revgen was a Law God in the Life Law, even though Birgh just got pregnant, he didn’t fail in noticing it.

“It was only one time…”

Durgan was shocked by Revgen’s words, but he didn’t dare to doubt about anything the Emperor said. Moreover, he was also in love with Birgh since almost the same time she fell in love with him. Thus, he couldn’t say that he didn’t want to marry Birgh and having children with her.

Despite both of them loving each other, both also chose to hide it from the other feeling that it was one-sided. However, after getting drunk, they stopped hiding it which lead to that situation. If they hadn’t loved each other from the start, even getting drunk wouldn’t have made them commit such act without being married.

“It is true that Birgh is currently pregnant and that Durgan is the father. Congratulations both of you.”

Yale was unable to detect such a faint life aura with the Life Law because he lacked in the control of the Life Law, but using the Divine Life Eyes, he confirmed that Revgen’s words were true. After all, the Divine Life Eyes could check all the status and problems of the target’s body and pregnancy was also shown there. Since Yale knew Durgan, the Divine Life Eyes were even able to determine that he was the father instantaneously.

Durgan and Birgh faces turned red after Yale congratulated them. Both of them couldn’t believe it, but it would be weird if the two great heroes of the empire were lying to them.

“I won’t be able to attend your wedding, and the people that are going with me wouldn’t be able to do it either. That includes Durgan’s little sister, so I need to apologize by that. Sadly, our travel mustn’t be delayed. However, I will give you your present for the wedding right now. I am sure that you will like it. Take it.”

Yale threw out two big pieces of a strange metal to Birgh and Durgan. Liye had looted the members of the True Empire that he had killed and put everything in the Storage Space area that was restricted to others and only Yale could access. Thus, Yale had a vast collection of materials with him, and the ones he threw at them were of such a high quality that made Birgh’s face to be filled with excitement; her blacksmith’s soul was excited for being able to work with that strange metal.

“Thank you very much. I will use them to make a good weapon to Durgan and another for our child later on.”

After storing the strange metal in her spatial artifact, Birgh hugged Durgan’s arm making that Durgan’s arm fell in the midst of her chest. Durgan’s face was red as he wasn’t used to such kind of contact and he felt even more shame because they were in public, and the ones in front of him were the emperor of the continent and Yale, who Durgan considered as his brother-in-law despite Yale hasn’t married Lar despite the engagement. However, Durgan had already decided that he would marry Birgh as soon as possible since she was pregnant.

Since Birgh was already pregnant, there was no reason for delay anything, although both weren’t married yet, they already considered the other as their life-long partner.

In fact, Birgh was already making plans for the wedding in her mind. Although it was a pity that Yale and the others going with him wouldn’t be able to attend, she wanted to make the most perfect wedding possible. Durgan deduced Birgh’s thoughts, but he planned to accept anything that Birgh decided about that topic as he didn’t want to argue and didn’t mind too much about how exactly the wedding would be.

“Thank you very much, Yale. It is a pity that you can’t assist to the wedding, but we understand that you have important matters outside the continent.”

Trying to calm himself, Durgan thanked Yale, but his voice showed that he wasn’t calm at all.

“Emperor, you were the one who noticed about our child, do you want to be the best man at the wedding?”

Birgh was lost in her thoughts about the wedding and couldn’t avoid asking Revgen because the Emperor was the best option she thought for a best man since Yale wouldn’t be there.


Revgen didn’t like such kind of events too much, but since he was the one who brought the topic he needed to accept or would be bad for his reputation, who asked him to open his mouth to tease those two youngsters after noticing that the girl was pregnant? Moreover, since Yale would have left the continent at that time, Revgen would need to endure that alone.

“Emperor, Yale, we will be leaving for now. Have a safe trip, Yale.”

Durgan said that before walking towards the outside of the VIP area while his arm was still trapped by Birgh. He knew that Bight was lost in her thoughts and that it was better leaving before she thought of using a part of the Imperial Palace as the wedding place and asked Revgen for it. He didn’t know that Birgh had already thought about that and planned to ask for it later, there was no need to ask the emperor himself to rent a place in the Imperial Palace for the wedding.

“That was truly unexpected.”

The whole situation still seemed quite unbelievable to Yale despite having confirmed by himself. He was wondering how LaR would react when she discovered that she was about to become an aunt.

Fortunately, she wouldn’t be there when the kid was born, or Lar might enter in a berserker mode when someone called her aunt.

“Well, probably the only one who would dare to say something like that is Revgen.”

After remembering how Revgen usually spoke, Yale believed that he would be the first in teasing Lar with that. Revgen always seemed very serious to outsiders, but to those who were close to him, he wasn’t serious at all.

“I hope that their child wouldn’t have any problems in the future…”

Revgen said those words with a bit of worry in his voice.


Yale didn’t understand why Revgen was saying that about the future child of Durgan and Birgh. Revgen didn’t know how to make prophecies, and even Yale’s Divine Life Eyes didn’t detect anything wrong in Birgh’s belly.

“You sent so many souls to reincarnation, that the chances of the child being the reincarnation of someone are quite high.”

At that moment, Yale understood Revgen’s worries. Knowing the shock of his biological father for the fact that his children were reincarnated experts, he could imagine how much would that impact anyone else even if the reincarnated ones weren’t experts but normal people.

“That is true. Well, the time of reincarnation is mostly random, although so many souls were sent at the same time, a lot of kids born in this last year and they aren’t all reincarnations. If Birgh’s child had luck, it would be born just a normal child.”

Yale sensed the souls that Liye sent to reincarnation and not all the recently born kids in Imperial City had that kind of soul.

Revgen nodded. Although he noticed that a lot of reincarnated souls had been born the last year in Imperial City, they didn’t even reach the half of those born there in that time.

“Well, after some time, you should be able to use the Death Law to confirm it even before the child’s birth. Now, let’s go to the outside. Traveling towards the Zuatania Republic by normal means is too long for my schedule. Thus, I will try to do it in another way to reach it in the shortest time.”

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