Chapter 245: Beast Horde and Intruders

Bells sounded in the whole city; that was the highest state of emergency due to an attack of a beast horde.

The highest beast horde that was registered in their area the last thousand years was a beast horde with about two hundred beasts, and although they hadn’t been easy to deal, they hadn’t been a true threat for the city either.

However, at that moment, they were unable to know how many beasts were going to their city; it seemed like if all the beasts in the surrounding mountains had decided to attack at the same time and that behavior wasn’t normal for beasts.

Usually, the beast hordes were formed by beasts of similar species, but it was unheard of that all the beasts acted together to attack someone. Of course, it was unheard because it was also unheard that a divine beast appeared to command them.

Sadly, they didn’t even think in a divine beast provoking everything because divine beasts only existed in legends and they didn’t believe in their existence.

“Listen up! There are a lot of beasts in this beast horde, but they weren’t too strong, so they won’t be able to break the barrier of our city. However, the part of the gate is far weaker, so we must set traps in the surrounding area to avoid the beast horde from concentrating in front of it. If I discover that someone had made a mistake setting up the traps, that person will turn into a slave!”

A middle-aged man who was a squadron chief shouted and all his subordinates nodded before disperse and start to set up traps in the paths that the beasts would likely follow if they wanted to reach the city gate.

An hour later all the members returned; they didn’t dare to stay more time because the beast horde was nearing them.

“I hope that you did your job well! Remember your fates if you made a mistake.”


That chief hadn’t moved from his position, but while skipping his supervision job, he expected that all the members of his squadron worked perfectly. The members were quite dissatisfied, but there was a mark on their souls, so they didn’t dare to argue.

“Go back to the city!”

After hearing those words, everyone returned quickly to the city; waiting outside was far too dangerous, and no one wanted to die for being slow.

Once everyone crossed the gate, it closed, and the barrier reinforced it. Although it was a weak point compared to the rest of the barrier, it wasn’t easy to break either.

“Really a good defense, it is completely impossible to infiltrate from the sky without being detected. However, it is fairly easy to enter when the door its open.”

The one thinking that was one of the squadron members that had just returned to the city.

“Wyba’s plan has been better than George’s one; there was no way they would ask people to put traps like these for an army because an army won’t fall in such traps. However, beasts have less intelligence, so it is logical set traps for a beast horde. My little sister is really smart; the infiltration is a complete success thanks to her.”

Although that person looked and acted identical to the one who had left the city to put traps, he was another person. Moreover, a person that the members of that city definitely didn’t want to have behind their walls, Yale.

Yale saw that he couldn’t enter by the sky or he would be detected when he reached the city and when he was thinking about what to do, he saw that squadron.

Without alerting anyone, he soul-searched and killed one of the members of the squadron and supplanted his identity with Shape Shift.

Due to having all the memories of the deceased man, Yale had no difficulty to act exactly like the real one, so no one detected anything strange about him.

Yale just followed the squadron, that way he could move without catching any attention. Moreover, he had a rough idea to know where was Ange thanks to the memories of that man.

Sadly the Time Bloodlines that he could detect in the city didn’t seem to be from Ange, so Yale guessed that she was in a place that was isolated from the outside.

Yale noticed that all the inhabitants of the city had marks on their souls; at any moment they could turn into consciousness puppets when the True Empire ordered it. Moreover, there wasn’t any kid in the whole city; they had all been kidnapped long ago and sent to another place by the True Empire to brainwash them since a young age to turn them into blind followers.

He also knew that not everyone had agreed to have those marks on their souls willingly and had only accepted due to the threat to their lives. However, there was no salvation for those people once the mark had been imprinted in their souls.

“Quick! Come! The great nobles from the Zhan Clan have captured an intruder. Moreover, he seems to be a wanted criminal!”

If Yale had heard that in any other situation, he would definitely think that someone discovered him, but at that moment it was one of the members of the squadron who told him to go to see, so that had no relationship with him.

“Has someone else infiltrated here?”

Yale was surprised by that. After all, he knew how strong were the defenses of the city and an ability to change his shape freely wasn’t usual.

The people opened the way to the squadron; any military force held a huge power in the city even if they were pawns like those members. Their superiors treated them quite bad, but those who weren’t in the army were still inferior.

There was a man on the ground with some men holding him down while others were cutting some the muscles on his body to let him unable to move for a while on his own.

Everyone was mocking of that man and looking him with contempt in their eyes, but the contempt in Yale’s eyes was the highest of all of them.

That was a natural reaction that he was unable to stop because the intruder being held on the ground was his father who had always neglected him.

“You! I like that gaze full of contempt. You will be in charge of delivering that man to the prison. Take this token to enter. Later an elder of our great noble clan will turn him into a slave, and we shall humiliate him in public. However, the beast horde is the priority; our amusement will need to wait a bit.”

Yale’s combination of Shape Shift and Body Illusion made it almost impossible for others to detect his identity, and at least for those ordinary traitor members of the Zhan Clan that was impossible. Moreover, that instinctual contempt couldn’t be faked.

Yale quickly nodded; that wasn’t his intention, but that natural reaction of contempt had made those members of the Zhan Clan misunderstand him.

After nodding, he picked the chain that was connected with his father neck and started to walk towards the prison. Of course, Yale’s father was unable to walk, and his power was sealed, so he was being dragged by the ground.

There was a trip of fifteen minutes until the prison and Yale didn’t react to the miserable cries of his father; he wasn’t enjoying that, but that was a great opportunity, so he stuck in his role of a soldier who hated the intruder.

Yale took out the token he had received, and the door of the prison opened; that was a one-time use token to enter the prison and leave it after having put the prisoner in the jail. He did it smoothly like if he had done it a lot of times before.

Once Yale entered the prison with his father he walked slowly towards an opened jail but didn’t enter it. There wasn’t any key for those jails; they closed automatically when someone entered and could only be opened again from the outside using a secret technique of the True Empire which Yale didn’t know.

“Why did you infiltrate into this city?”

Yale asked it coldly; he wanted to confirm how his father thought of Ange because he still believed that maybe he infiltrated to kill some members of the Roanmad Clan in vengeance.

“You bastards kidnapped my daughter and who knows what are you doing to her!”

Yale softened a bit after hearing that; he still didn’t like that man, but at least he risked his life for Ange.

“Do you have a method to save her or even know where she is?”

Yale’s voice was still the same as before.

“Of course I know! Do you think that you can hide everything so well? She is in this same prison but in a special area of it! If it weren’t for those members of the Zhan Clan trying to forcefully recruit me to battle in the front line against the beast horde I wouldn’t have been discovered!”

Yale’s father had lost his temper as he had already lost any hope to escape, everything would be over for him once he was enslaved.

However, at that moment Yale broke the chains and executed Time Healing to heal him while recovering his true appearance making that his father expression changed.

“Yale? No, you should already know your true identity right now. Am I mistaken? Reincarnated expert, Liye.”

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