ORIGINALLast Wish SystemAuthor: Alemillach

©  WebnovelChapter 1: Yale RoanmadAt night, light could still be seen in the library of one of the biggest clans of Nacesai city, inside there was only a six-year-old kid reading thick books.

That kid’s name was Yale Roanmad, one of the legitimate sons of the Roanmad clan. Yale’s father was an influential figure in the clan, but he had a lot of sons and daughters, legitimate as well as illegitimate.

Usually, illegitimate children have almost no rights in the clan, unless they display extraordinary talents and then become recognized by the clan. However, they are still allowed to live in the clan until they grow up. After growing up, they will become servants or lose the rights to live in the clan domains.

Yale’s mother was one of the official wives of his father, and even the servants gossiped about how there was real love between his father and mother. Under such circumstances, Yale’s standing in the clan should have been a very good one. However, his mother died when he was born.

Since that time, his father, as if blaming Yale for her death, never showed any hint of goodwill toward him. Instead, he would rather ignore him completely, Yale had only seen his father in official clan affairs.


Thus, even if the clan didn’t suppress him and he was still in a better position than the illegitimate sons, there is not all that big of a difference. In fact, some illegitimate sons of his father hated him and were always thinking about how to disturb him. Nonetheless, Yale liked to read and study a lot of books, so he spent most of his time in the library or his room, and these areas weren’t locations that the illegitimate sons, who weren’t recognized by the clan had access to. They were too restricted in which places they could go inside the clan.

If Yale were a normal six-year-old kid, he would have suffered a lot with his mother dead and with his father ignoring him.

Compared to other kids his age, Yale wasn’t exactly normal; he belonged to a rare group of people, who can retain memories from before they were born, in other words, memories of their past lives.

In fact, Yale barely qualified as a member of that group, as compared to others with the same condition, he remembered only a little bit, while they retained the memories of all their past lives or almost all of it. Furthermore, his inherited knowledge of his past life was mostly miscellaneous, not very useful.

But even if it’s only a little, that’s enough to make the difference between him and other kids of his generation, because the small fragments he remembered included his own past life’s death, the pain, impotence, and regret he felt in those memories aren’t something that normal kids would understand.

Yale knew the taste of death and didn’t want to taste it again, his previous life was a life without too many difficulties, and in the end, he still died painfully. Even if he didn’t remember the details, Yale was sure the description painful was still mild for what he sensed. On the other hand, he knows that his present life is the opposite, even in his clan there’s the law of the jungle, the strong is always in the right. He refused to be weak; Yale was extremely hard-working since birth.

His hard-work wasn’t related to obtaining physical strength, but rather to acquire knowledge; his memories told him that knowledge is power. In fact, the lack of knowledge was what led to his painful death. Thus he learned to speak and write a lot faster than other kids, and soon started his bookworm like lifestyle.

The clan servants in charge of him were astonished by his intelligence and hard-work, but no one suspected his condition, all servants thought he was an intelligent child who lacked love and in the end buried himself in the world of his books.

Even if he had some fragments of memories, they couldn’t influence Yale to the point of becoming his previous life’s extension like the famous people with memories of their past life. Yale was only Yale, he couldn’t be considered a dead man in the body of a kid, so even if Yale was more mature and hard-working than other kids, he was still a kid, and his lifestyle became nothing more than a reflection of his current situation.

As for how the other kids thought of him, Yale ignored it, after all, they were normal kids, even if they become evil in the future, he could do nothing in his situation.

Furthermore, with all the kids being less than ten years old, they were protected by the laws of the world, acting against them would cause a lot of problems to the aggressor, only if the kid provoked the aggressor would the protection disappear. The laws of the world protected the children, but they are not meant to let them become arrogant in front of their elders.

Yale would be safe until he became ten years old. Thus he decided to focus on his goal, to unlock the good fortune that his own past life last wish granted to him, Yale knew that was the only way he could become successful in his future and the earlier he unlocked it, the better.

He became aware of that good fortune he obtained as a legacy of his past life on his fourth birthday. At that time, a voice appeared in his head.

“This is the Last Wish System, created by your own past life’s last wish; if you want to unlock it, you must gather a vast quantity of knowledge.”

Yale was shocked when he heard it, but as he could see the words he just heard in his mind, Yale understood that this wasn’t his imagination, even if he didn’t remember what that last wish was, his intuition told him that the Last Wish System was a good thing.

Yale liked to study from the very beginning. His new circumstances only made him study even harder, to the point of becoming the clan bookworm, spending almost all of his free time in the library.

After the appearance of the message, Yale realized that the more he studied, the easier it became to learn and memorize new things. Yale was even more assured of the Last Wish System was what he needed more than anything else.

The library had a public section for all the official clan members, there were no restrictions to reading inside, and it was easy to lend a book or two from the library to his room.

There also existed restricted areas, where different conditions would be required in order to read books. Even though Yale had a premonition that those books would help the Last Wish System more, he had no means to fulfill any of the requirements.

Of course with the help of his father, it would be possible to get to read some less restricted books. However, his father rejected to even talk to him; it seemed that becoming a bookworm disgusted his father, who believed that men should only use their fists to speak and training the body was the only way for a man.

He had this lifestyle until one night, while he was still reading books late at night, the first time he ever remained in the library past midnight. His servants should have been rushing to find him, those weren’t hours for a kid to be still awake. This night, however, he sensed that he was almost at the point where the Last Wish System would react, Yale spent the last two years for that, so he continued without noticing that the sky turned dark hours ago.

Yale had read a lot of books since he was born, a frightening number for a six-year-old kid, but even if anyone knew he is a bookworm no one could even imagine how many books he really read.

When Yale just finished the thick book he was reading, inside his mind, the Last Wish System finally reacted.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Last Wish System. At the start the schedule will be 3 chapters/week, I have plans to increase it later on.Rate this chapter252  comments, join in Chapter 2: Last Wish System“The conditions have been fulfilled; the Last Wish System is now unlocked.”

“Last Wish System is launching; please wait.”

At that moment a progress bar appeared in Yale’s mind, in two minutes it was complete.

“Last Wish System launch finished successfully; Yale Roanmad registered as the system’s user, you can start using the Last Wish System.”

Yale was excited, but before he could do anything, the system spoke again.

“Do you want to start the Last Wish System tutorial?”

Yale still didn’t know what functions exactly this system had, so he said in a loud voice.

“I want!”

But the system didn’t react; he tried again.

“I want to start the tutorial!”

The system remained unchanged; Yale stopped speaking as he noticed that it was already very dark, and no one else was in the library. He was lucky because if someone were here, he would be scolded and more important, the system’s existence could have been revealed to others.

He was sure the system was very precious, enough to awaken the greed of others, something that requires so much knowledge to unlock can’t be an ordinary thing, if the Last Wish system’s existence were made public he would have a rough time.

He swore in his mind that he wouldn’t make a mistake like that again, the Last Wish System should remain as his most valuable secret, Yale needed to ensure ways to hide it from others, or he would suffer.

“User didn’t need to worry; no one can detect the existence of the Last Wish System if you don’t reveal it.”

Yale was surprised; the system reacted to his thoughts, then he tried to say in his mind the same words he shouted before.

“Tutorial starting…”

Yale sighed in relief as it worked, he now understood that he only needs to think to use the system, before he has been too excited and didn’t think before shouting. Yale stopped pondering and paid attention to the system tutorial.

“The Last Wish System has two main functions, the Database Search, and the Quest Menu. The Database Search lets the user search any information stored in the database; the system has already scanned your body and soul, all the information is synchronized to the database, all the knowledge required to unlock the Last Wish System is also available to consult at any time.”

Yale was delighted hearing that, even if he had a very good memory, he couldn’t remember everything he read or saw in the past. He can retain the general information of most things, but he could not remember all the details, with this function he could obtain all the information he needed at any time!

But the thing that picked his attention was this scanning of body and soul; Yale pondered about what kind of information the system could get when the system stopped his thoughts.

“As the user is interested in it, the most relevant information extracted from body and soul will now be resumed in two new auxiliary functions. The Stats Menu and the Innate Talent Menu.”

As the system was speaking Yale was shocked, he was curious about that, and then the system generated two new functions, originally the system only had two functions, now the system functions have doubled.

He wasn’t sure about the Stats Menu, but the Innate Talent Menu is something that anyone would want, only by having the words Innate Talent would pick anyone’s attention. Innate Talents were something one is born with, and one can’t acquire more, although it’s possible to upgrade your existing talent, the difficulty becomes enormous as one grows up.

The tradition was to test the kids only on their tenth birthday when they lost the world’s protection and became able to begin training, testing it before could make the results inaccurate, Innate Talents are difficult to measure.

Yale suspected that this Innate Talent Menu would be able to show his Innate Talents at any moment, Innate Talents could be in the body and the soul, the Last Wish System should have the necessary data since it already scanned Yale. He read that some people become able to sense their Innate Talents, sensing oneself is always easier than sensing others, but only true geniuses or truly lucky ones could do it.

If Yale were able to know about his Innate Talents now, his possibilities of improving would be much higher than others because he only was six years old, these four years of difference are very important.

He was still lost in his thoughts when the system continued.

“The Stats Menu can show the user data in numeric value to make them simple to understand.”

Then the Stats Menu appeared in his mind.

“Name: Yale Roanmad | Age: 6 (World’s law protection) | Body Level: 0 | Mind Level: 0”

“Vitality: 3 | Strength: 1 | Agility: 1 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 7”

The system said that one point was the minimum value, Yale had a weird expression on his face as he murmured.

“What the… I know I don’t exercise very much, but having only one point of strength and agility…”

In truth, it was not weird for Yale to only have a single point in Strength unless he was born with some innately powerful body, that evaluation is normal at his age and lifestyle, but having the weakest strength isn’t something that Yale liked.

His vitality is rather average for his age. But having seven in dexterity is a lot. As for intelligence and wisdom, they were at the maximum value possible, at least without training his mind. At level zero no Stats can surpass ten, that’s the absolute limit, to exceed it the level should be two, in other words, one needed to become a 2-star mortal erudite.

There are two main ways to get strong in Yale’s world; the first is by practicing Inner Qi and becoming a Warrior, the other is training the mind and becoming a Magus. There are some other variations, most of them lost since ancient times or abandoned due to their inefficiency in front of the two main ways.

The system only showed information about the two main ways, the levels of both ways are independent, and they had different restrictions, the body leveling would allow the increase of vitality, strength, and agility. On the other hand, the mind leveling would allow the increase of intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity.

In the system being level zero in both is what is known simply as a mortal, normal people, at the moment one starts to practice training in Qi or magic would be automatically at level one, equivalent to a 1-star mortal fighter or a 1-star mortal erudite. That wouldn’t change the Stat limits but indicates that one had at least the talent to surpass ordinary people, a first step towards becoming an expert.

Of course, it was possible to train in both, a lot of people tried to do it, but in the end, almost all chose to focus only in one way as one needed to reach Rank 1 Novice Warrior or Novice Magus before the age of sixteen. After one turned sixteen, it would be impossible to surpass the 9-star mortal stage. Thus, in the end, focusing on one way leads to having a better chance of reaching at least rank 1 in one way.

Practicing internal Qi or magic can only be done after one became ten years old and lost the world’s protection, no one can succeed before, and one could even harm themselves trying.

Due to his age, Yale was still a mortal and based on his Stats; obviously, he was well suited to become a magus and had a very difficult path if he wanted to become a Warrior. But that wasn’t that important, Yale still had almost four years to train before he could start practicing, so improving his Stats would be very good preparation, and as intelligence and wisdom were already at his limits, he should focus on his other Stats.

Thus, what was important to Yale, more than the stats were his Latent Talents. One could still practice Inner Qi as long as one trains hard enough, even without related Latent Talents.

However, magic requires having at least a related Innate Talent; if one didn’t have at least the lowest grade of Magical Talent it didn’t matter if one is at the maximum Stats in intelligence and wisdom, there’s no way to become a Magus.

The system finally finished explaining everything about the Stats to Yale when it finally changed to the Innate Talent Menu; Yale was extremely nervous as it appeared in his mind.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Here’s the second chapter of the novel, the schedule remains 3 chapters/week, but as I see that some people are reading, commenting and giving power stones to the novel, even when it only had one chapter, I’ll try to publish an additional chapter this week.Rate this chapter108  comments, join in Chapter 3: Yale’s Innate TalentsOnce the Innate Talent Menu opened, Yale saw in the first line the words [Last Wish System] without any description more than [Special Innate Talent].

Of course, the Last Wish System counts as Yale’s Innate Talent, he already predicted it, that was the only explanation for the system’s existence, the system was a special type of Innate Talent.

Special Innate Talents could be the worst or the best, any Innate Talent which had any functionality other than directly making practice easier was considered a special type. Thus some were very useful while others were trash, but the good thing about any special Innate Talents is that unless one reveals them, no one will be able to know about the existence of the Special Innate Talent.

Under that, there was only one more line [Magic Latent Talent: Lowest grade] with a simple description [The lowest kind of talent to practice magic].

Seeing that, Yale sighed. It was still possible for him to practice magic, but his talent was the worst for practicing it. However, as he was still young, he tried to be optimistic about it, thinking about how he could improve it.

The only sad thing is that he didn’t have any elemental affinity, with an elemental affinity, practicing elemental magic would become easier.

“The system can show information about how to improve an Innate Talent; would you like to update the Innate Talent Menu?”

Yale immediately accepted on his mind, pondering why the system hasn’t shown it since the start.

A new line appeared below the description:

“Upgrade: Complete the related Quest to upgrade to Low grade.”

Yale inwardly sighed.

“That should be related to the other main function, that Quest Menu, I wonder how it works.”

The system improved the auxiliary function as he needed, that flexibility was something Yale liked.

It seemed that as long as the information was in the database, it was possible to add it to an auxiliary function to make it easier to review the information; then he tried to ask other information to see if it’s added to the Innate Talent Menu.

“How many grades had the Innate Talents?”

Yale knew it, he read it in books, but he wanted to test the system.

“The grades of Innate Talents from lowest to highest are lowest, low, mid-low, mid, mid-high, high and perfect.”

As the system replied, Yale was more sure he was on the correct way of understanding how the system works. Now that information appeared in a sidebar of the Innate Talent Menu.

Yale smiled as he proceeded with the tutorial without saying anything more, he was curious about that Quest Menu. As Yale didn’t ask any more questions and stopped paying attention to the Innate Talents, the system showed the next part of the tutorial.

“This is the Quest Menu; the user will obtain quests related to him and given proper rewards for completing them. The user needs to finish the quest manually, once the requirements for completion were met to obtain the rewards. Right now, the user has two active quests and one completed quest.”

Yale didn’t understand how he could have completed any quest but paid attention to the Quest Menu, all the Quests he had were under the tag [Skill Quest]. The first one was called [Magical Talent upgrade: Low] and was the one Yale have completed without knowing.

Yale then saw the already completed requirements for the quest, as he saw them, he understood why he had already met the requirements without doing anything.

“Obtain 6 points in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”

Yale already has ten points in Intelligence and Wisdom, Dexterity was lower, only at seven points, but it still surpassed the minimum required for the quest. Yale only thought about finishing the quest, and the quest ended, rewarding him.

Yale’s [Magic Latent Talent: Lowest grade] became [Magic Latent Talent: Low grade]. There was no doubt about that; Yale revised the Innate Talent Menu to confirm it. He never thought that upgrading an Innate Talent would be that easy, even with his age it should be significantly more difficult than that.

Yale realized that the Quest Menu’s nature was completely different to the other functions, the others gave him information, which was extracted from his body and soul or from the knowledge he recollected.

However, the Quest Menu improved himself, this information was very good, Yale was already satisfied with that, but the Quest Menu made his Magic Talent immediately increase.

“Could it be that the legacy included methods to improve the latent talent quickly? But those were lost since the ancient era, I never cared about my past life, but now I’m truly becoming curious about who I was.”

Yale went back to the Quest Menu, the conditions to improve his [Magic Latent Talent: Low grade] was still the same as for improving the Lowest grade.

There was a new quest available, [Magical talent upgrade: Mid-low], and this new quest already met the requirements for being finished.

“Obtain 7 points in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”

Yale was shocked as he saw almost the same condition as the previous Quest, it only required one more point than the previous one.

“If this is a pattern, that would mean I can get a High-grade talent with ten points?”

Yale was speaking to himself in his mind, but the system didn’t reply to him, then he finished the quest, and as he checked the Innate Talent Menu, he saw the words [Magic Latent Talent: Low grade], the upgrade condition remained the same.

Yale changed to again the Quest Menu, and another quest was available under the Skill Quest tag, as expected, it was [Magical talent upgrade: Mid], but it wasn’t ready for completion like the other two, but the requirements followed Yale’s guesses.

“Obtain 8 points in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”

Yale was still missing one point in Dexterity so he couldn’t complete the quest, but he had a broad smile on his face as he confirmed his thoughts. Furthermore, with a mid-low grade talent now, he would be considered below average, but not too bad, there were very few people with low talents who reached the Rank 1 Novice Magus, but with mid-low, there were a lot more.

A lot of people with the lowest or low Magical Talent chose to become archers, they would train until becoming rank 1 Novice Warriors, and after that, they slowly train their mind until they become a 2-star mortal erudite. With their talent, they will never have a chance to become a Rank 1 Novice Magus, but their Dexterity would be much higher, and it was an important aspect to all archers.

Yale read some books speaking of a lost way to train the path of archery which was a lot better than the present’s limited mixing.

The archers were extremely popular in ancient times, their effectiveness in battle was a lot higher than normal warriors, and they were able to use simple spells, mostly to reinforce arrows or enhance movement.

Thus, even having less endurance than the warriors and less magic power than the magus, they were more balanced overall, sadly the training methods were lost, and the archers ended their golden age.

Yale ended his thoughts and now focused on the second quest, that was [Elemental affinity], and its requirements were quite simple, or at least simple for Yale.

“Obtain Magical Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale was still having only a mid-low grade talent, but he only needed one more point in Dexterity to advance to mid-grade, and thus also complete this quest. But the reward left Yale without words.

“Reward: Elemental affinity (Perfect grade).”

Even without knowing what kind of elemental affinity it was, only by being a perfect grade one it was enough to change someone’s destiny, any magic related to that element would become extremely easy to practice.

Before, Yale hoped to have some elemental affinity, but he wasn’t thinking of a perfect grade one. At that moment, he would have been very happy with a mid-grade one.

And that reward also increased the curiosity of Yale for his previous life, and regretted his lack of consistent memories; the Last Wish System was a Special Innate Talent which can add and improve other innate talents, that’s heaven-defying.

There was only one more quest, and the name quickly picked the interest of Yale, [System special function: Storage], its definition was somewhat different to the previous one, but the words used were still only a few.

“Complete the first Main Chain Quest.”

“Reward: The system will add [Storage Space] for the user to put physical objects inside.”

Yale’s eyes became even more opened, storage space was a function usually found only in items, and not the cheap ones, being able to store physical things in a separated space without any item is something only very powerful experts who understand the laws of the space could do.

Yale immediately said in his mind [Start the Main Chain Quest], based on the previous system reactions that should have activated the Main Chain Quest, but the system’s answer wasn’t what Yale expected.

“The user didn’t meet the requirements to start the Main Chain Quest; it will start automatically when the conditions become fulfilled.”

In Yale’s mind, the condition appeared as he wanted to know. There was a new tag before the Skill Quest tag, the words there were [Main Chain Quest], and under them a short text explaining the conditions to unlock it.

” Complete 3 Skill Quests to unlock.”Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Finally the third chapter here, it became longer than expected.

I’ll publish another chapter this week.Rate this chapter96  comments, join in Chapter 4: Yale’s TrainingAs Yale read it, he understood that he was left with only one path to advance, he needed to increase at least one point in Dexterity.

“Increasing my Dexterity by one point shouldn’t be difficult, I can think of several ways to do it, but I want to do it the most optimal way. If I can increase it to ten points instead and the Quests follow the same pattern I can obtain a High-grade Magical Talent.”

The system immediately replied.

“The most optimal way for the user to increase the Dexterity points would be to practice mortal’s archery, and at the same time it would increase the Strength points.”

Indeed, the traditional archery of mortals was very good to train Strength and Dexterity, and as he can only increase his Dexterity to continue using the Quest Menu, it was a very good option. Furthermore, he wanted to increase his Strength points; he felt ashamed of having only one point.

The system seemed to know that as it suggested the mortal’s archery. Usually, only the ones who want to become archers trained mortal’s archery as a foundation.

However, it wasn’t unheard that some kids wanted to train it before knowing their Innate Talents, it was still good training for the body, and less painful than other mortal’s training like the sword or the spear, although it was looked down upon just because of that by the pure warriors.

“It seems that I need to start practicing archery, tomorrow I will ask the servants to apply for the clan’s archery lessons.”

With that said Yale was determined, he stood up and finished paying attention to the Last Wish System and at the same moment the system reacted.

“The tutorial finished, the user could repeat the tutorial at any moment.”

As Yale expected, the tutorial explained all the actual functions of the system, so the tutorial should end. He also suspected that when the system unlocked more functions, there will be a proper explanation for them.

Yale didn’t want to spend more time in the library and went back to his room. Of course, he was “caught” on his way by one of the servants and got scolded; Yale didn’t mind, he was still processing the things happening to him and making plans for the future.


The next morning, Yale told his servants that he wanted to practice archery, the servants were surprised, but they did it without asking anything, that was the relationship between Yale and the servants, there was no affection between them. For the servants to attend Yale was only their work, nothing more.

Yale also knew that even if he already requested it, he wouldn’t be able to start right now, his position wasn’t good enough to directly enter some archery classes without previous notice, it would take around a week to be able to start practicing archery.

However, even if he obtained immediate access to an archery class, he wouldn’t be able to shoot an arrow with his puny strength, so he decided to use this time to exercise his body.

Yale tried to do some pushups in his room, but he wasn’t even able to complete one before being exhausted.

“Seems that the system wasn’t lying in the evaluation of my Strength points, I’m too weak, I always thought that doing pushups was an easy task when I read about it, but my body is completely unable to do it…”

Of course, that wasn’t enough to stop Yale; he didn’t have any equipment to train, so he focused on basic exercises, even if they were extremely tiring for him.

On the second day, Yale asked the system to inform him if any of his stats changes, and the system then set a notification alert to stat changes, but at the end of the day, Yale’s stats were still the same.

At the same time, there was an unstoppable gossip within the clan, the clan’s bookworm became crazy for physical training.

On the fifth day, Yale’s training continued without results; his stats remained the same.

Therefore, when the servants told him that he received a letter from his older sister, he stopped training. Yale’s older sister was the only one in the whole clan that truly cared about Yale, and also the only one Yale cared about within the clan.

Her name was Ange Roanmad, a truly dazzling figure even in the whole of Nacesai City. She was only five years older than Yale, but she already was a 4-star mortal erudite. Furthermore, she had a high-grade Magical Talent and a perfect grade healing elemental affinity.

Because of that astonishing Innate Talents, the Nacesai Academy came to recruit her. Usually one needs to pay expensive fees and pass some tests before being able to enroll, but Ange’s situation was extremely special.

In the whole last thousand years, Nacesai City didn’t give birth to anyone with a perfect grade healing elemental affinity until Ange. Healing elemental affinity is a special type of elemental affinity, as it gives the talent to train any spell related to healing disregarding the element it belongs to.

Healing spells are extremely difficult to master, especially the ones with the capacity to heal others and also the healing elemental affinities are quite rare. Thus, there weren’t many healers, and they were highly valued.

Because of that, Ange spent almost all of her time in the Nacesai Academy; the academy treated her very well, she had all the resources she requested. However, she lacked the freedom to go back home; Yale had only seen her a few times since she went to the academy.

Yale and Ange communicated mainly by letters and for Yale, reading his sister’s letter was something even more important than training, as she was his only emotional support.

This time, the letter wasn’t talking about her living in the academy as usual, but rather about Yale’s sudden change of living habits as he started to train without stopping instead of passing his whole day reading books.

Indeed, the gossips about him reached his older sister. Ange was always inquiring about how her younger brother was doing, she was a very kind girl and very protective towards his younger brother.

They also had the same mother, so they were different than other brothers and sisters in the clan. Their relationship was very deep, and the death of their mother led to Ange always being very concerned about Yale, who didn’t have anyone other than her.

Those circumstances also made Ange mature relatively faster than other girls of her age, and her father didn’t ignore her as he did with Yale, so even before her Innate Talents shocked the city, she already had a good standing in the clan.

Of course, she tried to change her father’s opinion about Yale, but that’s the only topic that her father never gave her any room for discussion.

As her position in the city became higher, she thought about ways to help her little brother.

As Yale was a well-known bookworm, she prepared to look for some good books to give him when she reached the 5-star mortal realm, only then would she get access to more valuable books than the ones in the clan library.

Given her importance to the academy, if she wanted to give one or two books to her younger brother, the academy would accept it. However, as she heard about Yale’s changes she changed her mind and sent him some medicinal pills.

Those were of the lowest grade and only useful for restoring stamina, someone that was only a mortal like Yale would recover all his stamina, but those who started practicing would have only some stamina restored.

Thus, those medicinal pills weren’t that valuable, and Ange managed to get them without too much difficulty, but those medicinal pills were just what Yale needed the most at that moment.

In truth, Ange thought that Yale longed for parental love and started training his body to please their father who valued physical strength the most. So she hurried to give some medicinal pills to Yale to help him with his training.

Yale was extremely grateful to his sister, even knowing that she probably misunderstood the reason for his training, as she always thought that Yale wanted to obtain the appreciation of his father.

No matter the reason, those medicinal pills were what he needed the most, and he wouldn’t waste them. With them, Yale started training without stopping as he used those medicinal pills instead of resting.

Finally, the next morning a notification appeared on his head.

“System alert: Strength points increased from 1 to 2”.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

The promised extra chapter is here!

Thank you to all who read and supported Last Wish System in this first week.

And starting next week the minimum release schedule will be 4 chapters/week!Rate this chapter71  comments, join in Chapter 5: Archery LessonsAfter hearing the notification Yale smiled and continued his training, he wasn’t satisfied with only two points.

Yale’s training continued until the seventh day when he would start the archery lessons. In that short time, he managed to increase his Strength points to three, but not only that, Yale’s vitality increased to four.

With Yale’s actual stats, only the agility remained under the average mark for his age, using the system’s stats, the average for a six-year-old kid physical stats is three, then Yale couldn’t be considered weak among his peers now, but couldn’t be regarded as strong either.

Of course, in the mind stats, Yale was extremely outstanding, the average was only two points. However, Yale cared more about his weak points as they can improve much more.

Yale reached the archery training ground while lost in his thoughts.

“So, you are that famous bookworm.”

A tall man with a hawk-like nose was who spoke those words.

“I’m Yale Roanmad; I applied for archery lessons.”

Of course, the tall man was mocking him, but Yale didn’t care, as long as he could use archery to improve his Dexterity.

“I doubt that a weakling like you can hold a bow or shoot an arrow, but I can’t deny you for more than a week, you’re lucky to be a legitimate son.”

Then the man gave Yale a bow, a bow that obviously wasn’t of the appropriate size for a beginner of Yale’s age. Yale read about archery before, so he knew about the different kinds of bows and which suited him more, he even contrasted the information with the system.

“I rather choose this other one.”

Yale replied, picking a bow which was suited for him, he knew that even if the instructor can recommend a bow to the students, the students had the right to choose in the end. However, as the students usually didn’t know anything about bows, they would follow the instructor recommendation.

The instructor’s face changed when he saw Yale’s actions, the instructor wasn’t a legitimate child of the clan, and even if he became recognized in the end and became an archery instructor, he loathed those lucky legitimate children.

Choosing a bad bow for Yale was the limit for him. As an instructor, he couldn’t harm a legitimate son of the clan without reasons and even less one under the world’s protection; he could explain the fact of giving him a bad bow as teaching him the importance of choosing a bow well, the clan wouldn’t punish the instructor.

Letting the students learn from their errors is still a valid teaching method, even if the mistake was trusting the instructor.

But if Yale chose his bow himself, then that’s all, the instructor couldn’t change Yale’s decision and what frustrated him more was that Yale’s selected bow was an appropriated one.

“It seems that you know something about bows, you passed the test; you can call me Instructor Nosehawk.”

Yale didn’t reply, but in his mind, Yale was thinking.

“What a test, you were trying to annoy me. Furthermore, what’s with that name? You have a hawk-like nose, but for your father to name you Nosehawk isn’t that a bit cruel?”

Yale started walking until he reached the position set for the students to shoot. Including Yale there were only ten students, the training camp had room for many more students to practice at the same time, but archery wasn’t popular enough.

Nosehawk started to give instructions to the students, he was teaching well this time, if all the students get injured he would be blamed without doubt and archery wasn’t a joke, even if the arrows were modified so they wouldn’t kill anyone, they were still dangerous.

At the instructor’s signal all of them shot at the same time, only three people hit the target, two of them hit the very center of the target, they were the most veteran students, and they were already nine years old. The third was Yale, even if he didn’t hit the center of the target like the other two, he still hit the target.

Yale thought that the results were not bad for his first try, then something unexpected happened.

“Quest Menu unlocked a new type of Quest. Dynamic Quest section added to the Quest Menu.”

Yale was shocked; he never thought that the system would unlock something because he shot an arrow.

“A Dynamic Quest is a special type of Quest; it’s unlocked when the user performs a certain action, would the user like to activate notifications for Dynamic Quests?”

The system continued, and Yale accepted.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot one hundred arrows. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale now had a wide smile. Fortunately, he just hit the target so no one would suspect anything because he was smiling.

“It’s only a matter of time to obtain it, what a great surprise.”

However, the system continued.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Mid-high grade.”

Yale was even more surprised, but the system continued.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: High grade.”

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit in the middle of the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Perfect grade.”

Yale was without words and also had some doubts about the Dynamic Quests.

“The user could complete all the Dynamic Quests; you can obtain one reward and continue trying to complete the others. The rewards for the Dynamic Quests would be automatically redeemed when completed. There are Dynamic Quests with a time limit, but only if the Dynamic Quest stated it.”

In an instant, the system solved Yale’s doubts.

“Then, if I keep practicing archery, there’s possible to obtain a perfect grade Innate Talent, the conditions for that are very difficult, but if I get the other rewards first my abilities with the bow would become greater. Furthermore, I can do those Quests at the same time that I train my Dexterity.”

Yale was even more happy in his mind as he shot the second arrow, the results were similar to before.

The training continued, they shot thirty more arrows before finishing the lesson, and Yale only hit the center of the target two times, the rest of them still hit the target.

Yale was quite tired as he returned to his room, he almost completed one-third of three Dynamic Quests, but if he failed even one arrow the third one would restart.

He tested it with the perfect grade reward Dynamic Quest when he hit the center of the target, and afterward, he only hit the target; the count went back to zero.

Yale was sure that he could get the High-grade Innate Talent in a few days, but the perfect grade would be very difficult.

As Yale still had medicinal pills, he continued his training in his room, knowing his sister it would be strange if she didn’t send more medicinal pills soon, so Yale used them without worries.

This routine continued for two more days, Yale almost completed the two first Dynamic Quests, but he failed one arrow, so the third went back to zero.

As Yale expected, he received more medicinal pills from his sister. Without having to worry about his stamina. The morning before starting the fourth archery lesson, his Strength points increased to four, and an hour later his Vitality points to five.

As for Dexterity, the points remained the same, but Yale wasn’t expecting to increase them in only three days of archery training, so he went to the archery lesson with expectation for completing two Dynamic Quests.

Yale only shot four arrows when the system’s prompt appeared.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot one hundred arrows. Reward obtained: Archery Innate Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale wasn’t sure what changed, but he seemed to become more familiar with the bow.

“That should be the effects of an Innate Talent related to weapons.”

Yale’s proficiency with the bow become better the moment he obtained the Innate Talent, that was a good point about the Innate Talents related to weapons, using the weapon would become more instinctive the higher the Innate Talent grade one had.

Furthermore, any stats related to the Innate Talent would become easier to increase when practicing with the weapon, Yale’s path to obtaining ten points in Dexterity became easier thanks to the Dynamic Quests.

Yale shot the next arrow in the middle of the target, alongside a new prompt from the system.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward obtained: Archery Innate Talent: Mid-high grade.”

Yale had only failed the target once, so the next arrow completed the second Dynamic Quest.

As his Innate Talent become better than before his archery improved even more, now Yale was able to hit seven consecutive shots in the middle of the target before his record was only of two successive shots, Yale improved a lot.

To Yale the archery lessons weren’t real lessons, only training because Nosehawk didn’t give him any advice, he occasionally gave pointers to the others, but Nosehawk ignored Yale.

Yale only needed to train in archery, and he didn’t care about Nosehawk, Yale had seen him shoot an arrow, and he wasn’t that good for his age. He was only qualified to teach kids under ten years old, in the Nacesai Academy were some kids better than Nosehawk.

Even the two nine-year-old kids from the class were almost as good as the instructor.

Thinking about his useless archery instructor, Yale shot the last arrow of the day; he would need another day to finish the third Dynamic Quest.

The arrow hit the middle of the target, and a notification appeared in Yale’s mind.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

The first chapter of the week.

Thank you for still reading Last Wish System this second week.

Update: As it was suggested in the comments I created a Discord Channel for the novel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter65  comments, join in Chapter 6: Main Chain Quest Options“System alert: Dexterity points increased from 7 to 8.”

Yale didn’t expect to increase his Dexterity yet. He thought he would need at least another week, but he didn’t include in his calculations the effects of his newly acquired Innate Talent.

Yale didn’t use the system until he went back to his room, that Dexterity point was something blocking him from doing anything else in the Quest Menu, except for his newly unlocked Dynamic Quests.

Yale seated in his room and went to the Quest Menu; then he finished the Skill Quest he completed when obtained the eighth point in Dexterity.

Yale’s Magic Latent Talent turned into mid-grade, and a new Skill Quest appeared, named [Magical talent upgrade: Mid-high]. The requirements followed the previous ones; now Yale required at least 9 points in the three mind related stats.

Finishing the previous Quest also completed the requirements to finish [Elemental Affinity] and obtain a perfect grade Elemental Affinity. Yale didn’t hesitate as he finished the Quest and quickly went to check what kind of elemental ability he obtained.

The new line in the Innate Talent Menu was “Thunder Elemental Affinity: Perfect grade” with a simple description.

“The best affinity to practice thunder magic.”

Then, Yale sighed.

“My luck is really bad.”

It wasn’t that the thunder element was bad, but it was harder to practice than other elements with the same affinity, and the overall power of all the normal elements was almost the same. Thus, the thunder element couldn’t be considered popular.

There were seven normal elements: fire, water, wind, earth, thunder, light, and darkness. Each had their pros and cons, but everyone acknowledged them as equals in general power.

However, thunder, light and darkness difficulty to train were much higher than the others, so there were only a few people focused on them. Mainly because that was their only affinity and to choose any other element would be even slower to train, they were considered more difficult only in case they had the same affinity as the others.

The training speed was a little better than the healing element, which was a special class of affinity, but healing was something much more valuable, you would need at least perfect grade affinity in five elements to compare to someone with a healing perfect grade affinity.

Yale recovered quickly, a perfect grade Elemental Affinity was good in any element, the thunder wasn’t the best to train quickly, but he originally didn’t have even a single Elemental Affinity, he couldn’t be picky.

Yale expected a new Skill Quest after completing the Elemental Affinity one, but no more Quests appeared.

“Well, perfect grade Innate Talents are rare, I already have a perfect grade Elemental Affinity, and I have a lot of chances for obtaining the perfect grade Archery Innate Talent, I mustn’t be greedy.”

Yale stopped thinking about the Skill Quests as there was one more thing that he should be able to do now that he completed more than three Skill Quests, the Main Chain Quest.

“Start the Main Chain Quest”

Finally, this time the Last Wish System started the Main Chain Quest.

“Main Chain Quest is starting; every Main Chain Quest is composed of multiple sub-quests. There are four different Main Chain Quest options which represent four different paths. The user needs to choose one; the user couldn’t change the choice afterward, please think carefully.”

Yale was startled, this was the first time the system asked him to choose something like that, then he immediately asked the system for more detailed information of every choice, this time Yale didn’t want to make a mistake.

“The selected Main Chain Quest would help the user on his path in the future; all the choices will give the user a practicing method for the chosen path before finishing the first Main Chain Quest.”

“The first option is the Warrior Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on the physical body. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior before sixteen years old while following the first Main Chain Quest are a hundred percent. By choosing the Warrior Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain the following reward: All physical stats upgraded to 9.”

Yale’s eyes opened as he heard the system, the reward of the Warrior Path was awesome and following the Main Chain Quest, he would become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior without a doubt. However, Yale wanted to hear all the options.

“The second option is the Magus Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on the mind and magical spells. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Magus while before sixteen years old following the first Main Chain Quest are a hundred percent. By choosing the Magus Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain the following reward: Two perfect grade Elemental affinities.”

Yale was delighted, two perfect grade Elemental affinities plus the perfect grade Thunder Elemental Affinity he already obtained, a total of three perfect grade Elemental affinities.

Even if it still couldn’t compare to a perfect grade healing Elemental Affinity, at least Yale would be somewhat valued and would obtain a decent amount of resources once he joined the Nacesai Academy. Yale was more biased towards the Magus Path since young and his chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Magus was still a perfect one, but he continued listening to the system, he was curious about the other two paths the system had yet to explain.

“The third option is the Ancient Archer Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on both body and mind. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Archer before sixteen years old while following the first Main Chain Quest are fifty percent. By choosing the Ancient Archery Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain the following reward: Hyper Vision Special Innate Talent. Attention: The Ancient Archery Path has no relation to the modern archery in the user’s world, it is a complete path of its own.”

Yale was without words, the current world had lost the Ancient Archery Path long ago, and then archery became a mixed and incomplete path, but with this Main Chain Quest that lost path could appear in the world again. Furthermore, Yale was curious about what effects that Special Innate Talent had.

” Hyper Vision Special Innate Talent: Gives the user a vision capable of seeing in detail all things under one thousand kilometers.”

For an archer that Special Innate Talent was extremely useful, if one had enough Dexterity and Strength, it wouldn’t be impossible to shoot arrows at the distance of hundreds of kilometers, but usually, the lack of line of sight limited the distance in which one could shoot with precision. Usually, long-distance shots were only done by a lot of archers at the same time solving the precision problem with quantity.

If there weren’t any obstacles while using Hyper Vision, then an expert archer’s might would become terrifying. However, it wasn’t easy to have a battlefield without obstacles; then it would become difficult to use the full strength of Hyper Vision unless one found a very high spot to shoot.

That’s good to launch a sneak attack, but it would be impossible to use the Hyper Vision at max capacity in the middle of a battle. Even in that case, the Special Innate Talent would still be useful, but it was obvious that the main point of Hyper Vision was to launch sneak attacks.

The third option tempted Yale, but he still didn’t want to choose anything before hearing all.

“The fourth option is the Origin Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on being able to advance in the Origin Path. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice before sixteen years old while following the first Main Chain Quest are ten percent. By choosing the Origin Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain no rewards. Attention: If the fact that the user has access to the Origin Path is made public, the user’s chances of survival are almost zero.”

The last one seemed to tell Yale to avoid it and don’t choose it, only ten percent of success, no rewards for choosing it, a death warning if the word spread and even when he asked the details of the Origin Path to the system he didn’t get any reply.

On the other hand, that mysteriousness was also attracting, and by being able to attract such a calamity if it were known, that path should be very special.

Yale had a battle inside his mind; all the options had good points and bad points.

The Warrior Path would solve Yale’s weak body, and even without the system Main Chain Quest assistance Yale had confidence in also becoming a Magus, but he would be alone on that path.

The Magus Path would give Yale a very strong foundation to become a powerful Magus, but his body would be weak, and he probably wouldn’t be able to become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior before turning sixteen.

The Ancient Archery Path was a lost path from ancient times its value was enormous, but training that path wasn’t compatible with being a Magus or a Warrior, by choosing the Ancient Archery Path, Yale could only become an archer.

The Origin Path is the most mysterious one, the information about that path was non-existent, and its existence could create a calamity for Yale. Choosing that path would be a very big bet, a bet with his future and his life on the line.

Yale meditated in silence until he made a decision, the most important decision he made in his whole life.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Second chapter of the week.

If you want to join Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter126  comments, join in Chapter 7: Yale’s Chosen Path“I choose the Origin Path.”

Yale decided to make the great bet, the other paths are safer, but with them, he would limit himself in some way. On the other hand, the Origin Path is dangerous, and Yale knew nothing about it, but it showed danger and difficulty as the main bad points.

Yale didn’t believe that the system will offer some trash path, he made a bet for the Origin Path as Yale already needed to conceal the system and his path for training was difficult from the start.

Yale hoped that the Origin Path beside being the most difficult and dangerous would also be the most powerful.

And even if the Origin Path didn’t meet Yale’s expectations at least being something from the system Yale was sure that it would be a good path.

“Since the user has chosen the Origin Path the user will obtain some information about it. If after hearing it the user regrets the decision, then the user can change the Origin Path for one of the other paths in exchange for not obtaining the originally offered rewards for those paths and get all the information about the Origin Path wiped out from the user’s memory.”

Yale paid attention to the system; he didn’t expect such a notification. However, he also wanted to listen to more information about the Origin Path, so he paid attention to the system words.

“The first information the user’s needs to know it that the Origin Path is an Ancestral Path legacy found by the user’s past life and also the reason for his death.”

Yale was without words after hearing that; it wasn’t that the Origin Path could kill him, the Origin Path already provoked his death once.

“The Origin Path was the first Path that appeared in the world in ancient times; there isn’t any information about the creation of the Origin Path.”

“However, the requirements to practice it and the difficulty to improve lead to the creation of some weaker paths derived from it. Almost all the derived paths became lost in time like the Ancient Archery Path. Only the user’s actual world’s Warrior Path and Magus Path remained, both of them were only third-class derived paths.”

“The Origin Path allow all the stats to increase, having its difficulty as its only flaw. On the other hand, the best-derived paths known as first-class paths only allowed five stats to increase, and with that flaw in the path of training, the path became easier to train.

“But first-class paths weren’t easy enough to mass produce practitioners. the second-class derived paths were born to allow more people to practice, they were still difficult but they were way easier compared with the first-class ones, but they allowed only four stats to increase.”

Yale thought immediately of the Ancient Archery Path, one of the reasons it was considered very precious and led the archers to their golden age was the fact that they could improve four stats instead of only three.

“Finally, the third-class derived paths appeared and only allowed to increase three stats. If any training method allowed to increase less than three stats, then it would be handicapped. Also, virtually all people can practice at least one of the third-class derived paths; thus the third-class become the lowest class.”

To Yale, it was hard to believe that the two most powerful paths of his world were only meeting the minimum requirements to practice successfully. The revelation that they were the weakest and any other paths were handicapped would be a blow the mind of anyone. However, aside from the two main paths and some mixings using them still allowed to enhance at least three stats, no other path worked to become a real expert.

“Due to the lack of talent in the world, the Origin Path disappeared in the flow of time, and soon the first class derivate paths were also lost.”

“After some centuries only the Ancient Archery Path remained from the second-class derived paths and it the end was also lost. After that, the Warrior Path and the Magus Path become the most popular and become the only two paths of the world, with all the others becoming lost.”

“There are only a few people in the world who know about the first class derived paths, and even less who know about the Origin Path. However, any of these people could kill the user as easy as killing an ant. Furthermore, even if the Origin Path could only be trained from the start and could not be changed to another path midway nor be started after having practiced some other way, the Origin Path was still useful for their descendants or even for their reincarnations.”

“The user still wants to choose the Origin Path or would he like to change it?”

Yale’s mind was too shocked to reply at that instant; he was still processing the information he just learned. However, once he calmed himself, a determined look appeared on his face.

“No matter the danger, the more valuable and powerful the Origin Path is the more I want to train it. I still choose the Origin Path.”

“Origin Path selected, Quest Menu updating.”

After a few seconds, the system continued.

“The user wants an explanation about the requirements to start practicing the Origin Path?”

Yale indeed wanted a detailed explanation of the Origin Path; he selected it knowing it would be difficult and he was curious about that difficulty. Soon the information appeared in his head.

“Requirements to start training the Origin Path: Memorize the Origin Path training method, all the stats should be at the max before becoming ten years old. Once turning ten the Origin Path would automatically enter the one-star mortal realm.”

Those requirements were indeed higher than the other paths, having all the stats maxed before becoming ten years old was indeed difficult. However, compared with the following requirements the first one were like a joke.

“Requirements to reach two-star mortal: Master a battle skill and a magic spell in less than three months since having become a one-star mortal.”

That was truly difficult, mastering a battle skill or a magic spell was a normal condition to reach the two-star mortal fighter or the two-star mortal erudite realm. However, there was no time limit like that, the time limit is only at sixteen years old, and that’s to become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior or Novice Magus, if there were such time limitations to reach the one-star rank there wouldn’t be a lot of practitioners. And having such a time limit to master both a battle skill and a magic spell was almost impossible.

However, Yale had faith in the system, since it gave him a ten percent chance, it wasn’t impossible at least for him.

That showed the real difficulty of the Origin Path, and that’s only the information until reaching the two-star mortal, the system didn’t show any information for afterward, only an alert.

“Alert: No more information would be shown for the next stages until the user becomes a two-star mortal. If the user doesn’t meet any of the conditions when the time limit is reached, the user wouldn’t be able to continue practicing the Origin Path, and due to its incompatibilities, the user would never be able to practice any other path.”

Yale understood how important it was for him to reach the requirements if he failed to become a 1-star mortal, he would lose the system assistance, but he would still have hope to practice other methods. However, once he started practicing the Origin Path, he would never be able to change it, so failing to meet the requirements even once would mean the end of the way to Yale.

“No matter how difficult it becomes, I will never give up.”

Yale was determined to succeed and to succeed he couldn’t lose even a moment; then he opened the Quest Menu to see what the first sub-quest of the Main Chain Quest was.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Third chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter78  comments, join in Chapter 8: Old Man Swordmad“Main Chain Quest: Origin Path Rank 1”

That was the header the system showed for Yale’s first Chain Quest, and the main objective of this Main chain Quest was to reach Rank 1 Novice in the Origin Path.

As for the first sub-quest, it was something Yale didn’t expect.

“Sub-quest: Become an apprentice of a Sword’s Master. Reward: Sword Innate Talent (the grade is variable, the more powerful the master, the better the grade).”

Yale didn’t understand the reasons for the first sub-quest as he never showed any interest in the sword. If the requirement for the Origin Path was training with a weapon, he was already training archery.

“The system determined that among all weapons, the sword is the one with more benefits for the user to reach the requirements for the Origin Path. Training with the sword would help to increase Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Dexterity.”

Indeed, those were all stats that Yale needed to improve. But he still didn’t understand why the reward would be of a variable grade. With a great master, Yale would obtain a better grade for the Innate Talent and better advice while training. On the other hand, if the master was ordinary, Yale talent and help while training would also be ordinary.

The system was telling him to obtain a good master.

“Seems that I need to find a good master and begin to train the sword, but those sword instructors are almost at the same level as Nosehawk, there are kids better than them. If this were the Nacesai Academy, I would be able to find better ones. However, I can’t lose these four years until I’m able to enter the academy, to increase my Agility points I need training the sword.”

Yale didn’t know what to do, he thought about asking his sister for advice but explaining why he needed a master better than the clan instructors would be difficult given that he never trained the sword before. Furthermore, he didn’t like to rely on his sister; she already helped him a lot.

“Wait, if I correctly remember there is someone within the clan who was a real Sword’s Master, but he’s eccentric and doesn’t take any disciple unless he had some personal liking to them, he even rejected some extremely talented kids. However, fifty years ago he took a disciple who was without any talent, to that eccentric old man the talent really didn’t seem to matter, then I have a chance.”

That old man was quite famous in the Roanmad clan, he lived for a very long time, and no one knew about his true age nor his true name. With his talent, he could have any position he desired in the clan, but he only liked to train the sword.

A lot of youngsters wanted to become the old man’s apprentices, but since fifty years ago he didn’t accept any other disciple. The last disciple became very powerful after training with the old man, but in the end, he died in battle.

“I’ll try to become an apprentice of that eccentric old man; if I fail, then I would need to rely on big sister’s influence to obtain a good teacher to train the sword. However, I feel that sister wouldn’t be able to get someone as good as that old man to teach me.”

Yale stood up and left his room; there wasn’t any need to wait as he would need to ask that old man personally if he wanted to become his apprentice and Yale needed to improve quickly as the Origin Path had harsh requirements.

Yale walked until he reached that old man’s place and knocked on the door.

“The door is open.”

After hearing that Yale opened the door and saw that famous old man for the first time. He was tall with long white hair and a short white beard; his face looked old but at the same time full of vitality. His clothes hid the frame of his body, but he wasn’t as bulky as most warriors.

However, no one would doubt his power, those who killed his previous disciple got fully eradicate by him the next they.

“Good afternoon.”

Yale said while bowing to the old man politely.

“Good afternoon kid, you should also be here to take me as your master, right?”

That scene happened a lot of times with many members of the younger generation, to the old man this was a normal occurrence.

“Yes, I came here to become your apprentice.”

Yale didn’t try to conceal it as he also knew that lying to someone like that old man wasn’t a good choice.

“You should be that bookworm Yale who recently became mad about physical training; you are quite famous recently, you know?”

Yale was surprised that the gossips about him reached even that old man.

“Yes, I’m honored that you knew about me.”

Yale bowed again; he didn’t want to show any disrespect for that old man, even if he didn’t take Yale as a disciple, it wasn’t good being on bad terms with him.

“You can call me Swordmad, that’s how everyone calls me, you seem vexed about not knowing how to call me.”

Yale felt ashamed because that was true, he didn’t know the old man’s name before.

“If you want to become my disciple you need to give me a sincere answer to a question. If I like it, then I’ll take you as a disciple if not you can go back to your room.”

Before Yale could say something else, Swordmad went straight to the point, and Yale nodded in reply.

“If I ask you to focus only on the sword, abandoning everything else like reading books, training Archery, going to the Nacesai Academy and then training only the Path I told you to practice, would you accept?”

Yale knew that the answer was very important, but instead of thinking, as usual, he replied immediately without thinking of anything beforehand, he spoke his true feelings.


“I want to train with the sword, and I’m serious about that, but I would never abandon anything else for that.”

“The knowledge obtained from reading books is something useful even for battling with the sword.”

“The meaning of archery is to battle in long-range, it won’t overlap with the sword.”

“Going to the Nacesai Academy is my only way to reunite with my sister, she’s the only one who treated me well, I will go to the Nacesai Academy no matter what happens.”

“And what Path to train is only my decision, no matter who becomes my master I will only follow the Path I choose, I would never change it because others told me to do so.”

After he finished speaking Yale became aware of what he said, he was extremely disrespectful to Swordmad, but for some reason, he lost the control of himself.

“So, that’s your answer…”

Yale was dispirited, after what he said he didn’t have any hope to become Swordmad’s apprentice.

“You at least replied me with sincerity; I punished those who lied to me before no matter what they said.”

Yale was now happy about losing his control if he lied there was no way Swordmad wouldn’t notice.

“About your answer, it’s obvious that you didn’t want to focus on being a Warrior focused on the sword nor want to inherit my path; you take the sword as something extra.”

Yale remained silent because that was the truth. He wanted to train the sword seriously because it was important for training the Origin Path.

“You seem to be clear about what you want to do, and you refuse to abandon anything in exchange for becoming my apprentice. You value your ideals more than the fact of becoming my apprentice, do you think I would accept something like you as an apprentice?”

Yale still didn’t dare to say a word, he couldn’t lie, and Swordmad was only speaking the truth. Yale only wanted to go back to his room and forget this conversation.

“The answer is yes; I like stubborn kids like you. To be successful in life, it’s important to follow your own decisions and don’t let others change what you decided. The question before was only a test; I won’t ask you to abandon anything.”

Yale was flabbergasted, he didn’t expect this development.

“From now I accept you as my disciple.”

As Swordmad words resounded in the room, the Last Wish System reacted showing a notification.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Fourth chapter of the week.

Thank you to all who still read Last Wish System!

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter65  comments, join in Chapter 9: Sword Innate Talent“Sub-quest finished. Reward obtained: Sword Innate Talent: Perfect Grade.”

Yale was stunned as he obtained the highest reward, the system determined that Swordmad was the best master for Yale.

Yale opened the Innate Talent Menu to check his new Innate Talent.

” Sword Innate Talent: Perfect grade. The best affinity for Swordsmanship. Grants the user the Passive Skill [Sword Mastery].”

As far as Yale knew there were three types of skills, Battle Skills, Magic Skills also known as Spells and Passive Skills. To train the first two it was indispensable to start practicing a Path, as for the third it didn’t matter, but obtaining a Passive Skill was more about luck than any other thing.

Passive Skills didn’t need to be activated and training them could be done with the passing of time, the books said that sometimes people with high-grade or perfect grade also had a Passive Skill related to the talent. However, in Nacesai City there were no means to measure Passive Skills, Yale’s knowledge came only from books.

“System, create an auxiliary function for the Skills.”

As Yale ordered in his mind, the system gave him a quick reply.

“New auxiliary function created, Skill Menu added.”

While Yale was quickly interacting with the system, Yale bowed to Swordmad thanking him for becoming his master, and Swordmad told him to pick a wooden sword. Fortunately, Yale was good using the system while doing other things, so everything seemed normal.

In the newly created Skill Menu, there were only two Passive Skills.

“Illusion Immunity: As the system’s user no illusion can affect you unless you allow it to affect you voluntarily.”

Yale didn’t expect to own such Passive Skill; illusions are scary for anyone as falling into an illusion could make you an easy target in battle.

“Sword Mastery: Apprentice Level 1. While wielding a sword, all stats increase by 0,1% ignoring all the restrictions. This Passive Skill can be leveled up practicing Swordsmanship.”

Yale saw the description while picking the wooden sword and felt that his stats increased a little while wielding the weapon.

“Sadly, my stats are so low that the 0,1% of them is almost an inexistent increase, but if I increase the level, I’m sure the effect would become better.”

The best feature of that passive Skill was that it could surpass the restrictions, Yale stats couldn’t surpass ten points in a normal state, but while wielding a sword, the stats could break that limit. With Yale actual strength and the lowest level of the Skill it can’t be said to be very useful, but it had incredible potential for the future.

“Use that wooden sword to attack me; it’s impossible that you can harm me so attack with all your power.”

After hearing Swordmad words, Yale started to attack.

Yale never wielded a sword before, but he had the help of the perfect grade Innate Talent and the knowledge obtained from books.

After a minute Swordmad finally said something.

“You can stop now. I didn’t expect that you had some talent with the sword, that’s unexpected, and you’re using a lot of techniques that you obviously learned from books but never seen before.”

Yale stopped and paid attention to his master, any advice from such a powerful master was invaluable.

“If you are serious about improving with the sword, then you need to practice more and start from the basics. Those techniques from the books are good, but you need more foundations before being able to use them well. You have talent, but the talent should be polished.”

Yale nodded, the evaluation was quite good to him given his null experience.

“From tomorrow onwards you will train the sword here for two hours every day, and you need to continue training your body, your strength is not bad for your age, but you have a great lack of agility.”

Yale went back to his room and checked the Main Chain Quest; he didn’t dare to divide his attention while training with the sword, so he had to stop checking the system.

The first sub-quest appeared as completed and a second one appeared.

“Sub-quest: All stats should reach at least 7 points. Reward: Elemental Affinity (the grade is variable, completing it before turning seven years old is perfect-grade, after that it would be lowered a grade for every six months).”

Yale become excited with this new sub-quest, he still had nine months before turning seven years old and only his physical stats still without reaching the limit. Yale knew it wouldn’t be easy, but it was something that was possible to do with hard work.

The next day almost the entire Roanmad clan knew about Yale becoming an apprentice of Swordmad, the unexpected news shocked all of them. Of all the kids in the clan, how could the eccentric expert of the sword choose a mere bookworm? That was the main train of thought of almost all the members of the clan.

However, the actions of Swordmad always were something that no one could understand, in the end, all looked at Yale with envy as he only had some great luck. Of course, now no one would dare to touch him nor harbor any bad intentions towards Yale, Swordmad exterminated a whole clan when his last disciple was killed.

Swordmad usually never interferes with his disciple’s affairs, unless it was something he couldn’t tolerate, the hardships were also good for polishing the disciple’s mind.

However, with Swordmad being an eccentric no one knew what kind of thing could be intolerable for him and everyone chose to be prudent.

That day, Yale also went to the Archery lessons and completed another Dynamic Quest.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: High grade.”

With his Innate Talent upgrade to high-grade Yale’s Archery improved even more but completing the fourth Dynamic Quest was still quite far away.

At the moment, all of Yale’s objectives were quite far away; there was no way to complete anything within a short amount of time. However, Yale was satisfied, his foundation improved a lot since the awakening of the system, and he still had three years and nine months until reaching the age to start practicing the Origin Path.

Yale continued training his body, practicing Archery at the lessons and improving his Swordsmanship with Swordmad. His physical stats begun to increase as well as his Sword Mastery Passive Skill, but his dexterity remained at eight points the difficulty from eight to ten was much harder than training one stat from one to eight.

Converting the stats into average or above average was quite easy as long as one worked hard, but nearing or reaching the limit of a mortal was no easy task.

Yale needed six full months until he completed the fourth Dynamic Quest, in those months Yale’s life became quite simple, he was always training and at some point, he started to read books while training his body.

Yale also grew a bit in this half year. Before his training, he was a bit shorter than the other boys of his generation, but now he was a bit taller than them, and his body didn’t look weak either. By his actual looks, if one didn’t know him from before, one would never think that half year ago Yale was a bookworm.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit in the middle of the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Perfect grade.”

“I finally completed it, I failed after the ninety-ninth arrow a lot of times, now I can relax a bit.”

Yale checked the Skill Menu hoping to see something new and indeed under his Sword Mastery, which was already level five and increases his stats by 0,5%, there was a new Passive Skill.

“Archer’s Senses: Level 1. All senses increased while practicing Archery. This Passive Skill can be leveled up practicing Archery.”

Increasing the senses, especially the vision was very good for practicing Archery, so Yale liked this new Skill.

Yale finished the Archery lesson and started his way to his master’s room.

“I only need a bit more.”

Yale said while looking at the Stats Menu.

“Vitality: 7 | Strength: 7 | Agility: 6 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 8”Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

First chapter of the week.

We reached the third week, thank you to all the readers!

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter72  comments, join in Chapter 10: Roanmad Clan’s GatheringUsually, after Yale finished the class, Swordmad gave him some advice and Yale returned to his room. However, the same day Yale finished the fourth Dynamic Quest, Swordmad said something else.

“You have been training with me for some time, in the next month’s Clan’s Gathering you should do an exhibition battle and show your progress to the everyone.”

The Clan’s Gathering was something that happened once per year, and it was normal for some youngsters to show their abilities in exhibition battles. However, Yale didn’t expect that Swordmad wanted him to show off.

“All right, I won’t disappoint master.”

Yale didn’t have any reasons to refuse; he also wanted to test himself against others.

Yale continued training until the day of the Clan’s Gathering, but his stats and skills remained the same.

Yale went to the Clan’s Gathering in a very good mood, not because of the exhibition battle but because his big sister would come back.

The Clan’s Gathering was considered quite simple there was a lot of food and alcohol for the adults, the only exciting part was the younger generations exhibition battles.

Yale took a wooden sword with him to use in the exhibition battle; real weapons were of course forbidden, the objective wasn’t to harm the opponent both participants should stop just before actually hitting the other.

Yale didn’t eat anything and went to a corner; he didn’t like being surrounded by a lot of people.


A cute voice said while Yale suddenly got hugged. That person was Ange, Yale’s big sister.

She was almost twelve years old, her face was very gentle and had a long dark brown hair which matched with her dark brown eyes.

When she was beside Yale it was easy to tell that they were siblings, Yale’s hair was short and disordered but the color was the same, and their facial features were also similar, Yale could be considered a pretty boy.

Ange was sure that if Yale interacted more with the world outside the clan, he would become popular with girls, a pretty boy with a well-trained body was something that a lot of girls liked. Of course, Yale was still a kid and wasn’t interested in those things yet, but Ange liked to tease him.

“You have become more handsome after training your body, would you like big sister to introduce you to my friend’s little sister? I’m sure you would like her.”

Yale quickly disapproved with his head, he wanted to focus on training, and as he didn’t understand those matters, he didn’t want to think about them.

Yale spoke with his sister until the exhibition battles begun, Yale’s turn was the last, so he had a lot of time to see the other battles while waiting.

Yale had quite a good eye for battles after training with Swordmad for more than a half year, so he analyzed the battles carefully, and he felt confident to win against all of them in a one versus one battle, although not all the battles would be easy, in the end, Yale would win.

However, Yale’s opponent was the only one Yale didn’t feel confident to win against. Although Yale never saw him battling, the opponent was someone considered highly talented within the clan and was almost ten years old.

The others didn’t dare to battle with him, but Swordmad wanted Yale to battle with the strongest among the younger generation.

That guy was named Blackor and was a recognized illegitimate son of the clan. Furthermore, he always disliked Yale and become very upset when Yale become an apprentice of Swordmad. It was important to say that Blackor and Yale never interacted before, Blackor’s hate was only because of what he heard of Yale.

Blackor was quite tall for his age and had bulky muscles; he was a standard for a talented warrior, something that the clan valued a lot. Yale looked weaker than Blackor, but since he trained with Swordmad, everyone knew that they couldn’t judge Yale by his looks.

Both entered the stage with wooden swords in hand, that battle was a battle of swordsmen.

“Lucky kid, after you lose today even your master would despise you.”

Blackor was a bully who looked down on everyone else and given his current status he didn’t fear Yale.

“I’m not here to talk.”

Yale was unmoved by Blackor words; his only interest was to win the battle.

The battle started with both charging forward. Blackor had a better body build, but Yale’s ability with the sword was greater than Blackor’s.

Both exchanged blows without stop, but each time the swords clashed with each other, so the battle continued. Usually, the exhibition battles were quite quick, so this kind of battle was a rare sight.

The battle seemed balanced but Yale was in a disadvantage, his body couldn’t compare with Blackor’s body, and he couldn’t go easy with such an opponent, Yale was getting exhausted.

Yale didn’t want to lose, but he knew the condition of his own body. He had to bet the battle on a faint; he decided to deceive Blackor to land a hit.

Yale suddenly changed his direction startling Blackor and pointed the sword towards Blackor’s neck. Feint successful.

“I win.”

After Yale stated his victory, he went back to his sister’s side, without giving the fight any importance.

Fortunately, Blackor was a muscle brain and only knew to be straightforward in battle; he was very weak at feints and Yale could exploit his weakness.

However, Yale lacked the speed to do such a feint in front of Blackor at the start of the battle.

Yale had the feeling that he was almost at the point of increasing his agility and put his hopes in increasing it in the battle.

Yale was at six points of Agility quite some time already, he was hoping to reach the seventh point before the Clan’s Gathering, but in the end, he only reached it in the middle of the battle and managed to win thanks to that extra point of Agility.

Blackor didn’t want to accept that he lost the battle, but he couldn’t go against the elders of the clan, so he could only go back in silence.

A lot of clan members congratulated Yale including Ange, who was very happy for Yale’s victory.

However, Yale wasn’t interested in that as he went to check the newly acquired Elemental Affinity in the Innate Talent Menu, he completed the second sub-quest when he obtained the seventh Agility point.

“Light Elemental Affinity: Perfect grade. The best affinity to practice light magic.”

Yale didn’t know how to react; he got perfect grade Elemental Affinity for two of the most difficult to train normal elements. He was betting that if he got a third, with his luck, it would be darkness.

“Why that face, you won the battle.”

Ange said when she saw Yale’s facial expression.

“I won, but it was because Blackor was overconfident and a bit stupid, in a battle of pure strength I’m not his match.”

Yale quickly give a motive to his facial expression when he saw the new Elemental Affinity, what he said was true but it wasn’t the reason for the weird expression on his face.

Yale continued chatting about the battle with his sister while checking the new sub-quest in the Quest Menu.

“Sub-quest: All stats maxed as a mortal. Time limit: Before reaching ten-years-old. Reward: Origin Path training method.”

Seeing the new sub-quest Yale become quite depressed, it seemed that until maxing all of his stats he can’t get any more benefits from the Main Chain Quest.

“Roanmad clansmen, I’m glad to have you all here again this year, I’m…”

The Clan Chief’s speech started, he was Yale and Ange great-grandfather, but he had too many descendants there was no way he could know all of them.

However, the Clan Chief knew about Ange and Yale; the first was someone very valued by the Nacesai Academy, the academy even sent some bodyguards to protect her from the shadows. And Yale was the disciple of Swordmad, someone who was even older than the Clan Chief.

However, with his position, knowing about Yale and Ange was already very good, there was no chance he would interact with the younger generation without important reasons. He only talked to Ange once never to Yale.

Suddenly the speech was interrupted, everyone fell silent with their eyes out of focus as if they were in a trance.

“What happened.”

Yale was startled, he didn’t know why everyone became absent-minded at the same time, but the system replied to him.

“A powerful Illusion had been cast in the area.”

Yale then understood why he was unaffected; he had the Illusion Immunity Passive Skill.

However, Yale didn’t understand who or why would cast such illusion in the Roanmad Clan’s Gathering as it wasn’t the best time to attack the clan, the illusion will only be effective for some seconds to the powerful members of the clan.

If the attackers wanted to go out alive they could kill at most one or two weak clansmen; there was no need to wait until the day all of the clan gathered. Unless the target was someone that only came to the clan on that day.

Yale face changed as he looked at his sister, she was someone that was usually never in the clan and killing her in the Nacesai Academy is almost impossible. Furthermore, her status as a healer was important to the whole city.

Yale thoughts were right; there was a shadow with a long spear rushing towards his sister.

Yale tried to move his sister to evade the incoming attack.

However, Yale could only move his sister’s body, after doing so his own body was in the attack’s trajectory.

Yale used his sword to try to block some of the incoming attack power, but the attack easily destroyed the sword, and the spear stabbed at Yale’s chest sending him flying.

Yale was under the world’s protection, and he didn’t provoke the other party, so the attacker became heavily injured by the world’s laws, losing any chance to run away or anyone else.

“You dared to stab your spear into my disciple, you and your whole lineage are dead.”

That angry voice was from Swordmad, he didn’t come to the gathering, but he rushed there when he sensed something amiss.

However, he was too late, Yale managed to save Ange but got fatally injured in return.

Swordmad’s voice awakened the clan members who could only stare at the scene with confused eyes as Swordmad picked up Yale’s body in mid-air.

“All healers come quickly, or he will die!”

Ange who recently awakened cried as she ran to help Yale. All the other healers present, even those who only know some simple healing spells and couldn’t be considered healers did the same. There was no time for questions, saving a life was more important and the one asking for it was Swordmad, a very powerful figure in the clan.

The last thing Yale remembered before losing his consciousness was his sister crying his name.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Second chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter77  comments, join in Chapter 11: Notification LogYale opened his eyes confused, his memories were fuzzy and his body heavy.

“You finally awakened, I already thought that you would remain unconscious forever.”

That was Swordmad’s voice; he was beside Yale’s bed seated in a chair.

“Master, what…”

“Stop, you look confused, clear your mind or even if I explain to you what happened, you wouldn’t understand.”

Yale stopped talking and tried to recall what happened to him.

“I went to the Clan’s Gathering and won the exhibition battle against Blackor…”

Until that moment he recalled clearly.

“After that… something weird happened… everyone fell into an illusion… but I wasn’t affected… someone wanted to kill my sister… I tried to save her…”

Yale expression changed.

“But I failed… and received a hit in the chest… I died.”

“To be more exacts you almost died, you are still alive and completely healed since a long time ago, but you remained unconscious until now.”

Yale was trying to think more quickly, but his mind wasn’t completely clear.

“Then… for how long have I been asleep?”

“A bit more than sixteen months.”

Yale face changed, even in his confused state the fact that he slept for more than a year was still shocking.

“That wound… it should have been lethal… but I’m still alive.”

“I asked all the healers present in the Clan’s Gathering to save you; your sister remained until she fainted from exhaustion. Don’t worry she’s fine.”

Yale felt grateful to his master and wanted to thank him, but he had no chance to do so.

“You can’t thank me for that. It was my fault; if I went to the Clan’s Gathering, there was no way such things would have happened in front of my eyes. Furthermore, I was too slow and only arrived after the attack hit you.”

Yale didn’t blame his master, no one expected that such a thing could happen. However, he didn’t thank his master, that was because Swordmad himself didn’t want Yale to thank him.

“You don’t have to worry about your body, even if you slept for more than a year, the clan and the Nacesai Academy used a lot of precious herbs and treasures to help you recover, I can ensure to you that they weren’t stingy with their methods.”

Yale didn’t expect that his master did that much to heal him, but Yale was mistaken, it wasn’t because of his master.

“Your sister is a very important person to the whole city, the Nacesai Academy, and the Roanmad clan value her a lot, you saved her when not even her bodyguards could. If they didn’t try their hardest to help you to recover they would’ve become a laughingstock.”

Yale was beginning to understand why that many efforts have been made to help him to recover, even if Swordmad’s words were true, Yale was sure that his sister asked for help from the clan and the academy.

“The one who attacked was an assassin from outside the city, he and his clan lived in the mountains and killed in exchange for money or valuables, I already exterminated them. However, I wasn’t able to discover who the mastermind who paid to get your sister killed was.”

Yale was shocked that Swordmad truly exterminated a whole clan, he heard about that before, but he thought that it was something exaggerated not literal. However, Yale didn’t feel pity for them; they were assassins who tried to kill his sister and almost killed Yale himself.

“The bad news to you, your sister hasn’t left the Nacesai Academy since that day, and she would stay inside until the mastermind got killed, the academy doesn’t want to take risks.”

Yale now felt depressed, he wanted his sister to be safe, but he couldn’t reunite with her until he entered the Nacesai Academy.

“I’ll let you rest; you need to absorb all the information. I doubt you would do it, but you can’t train until I permitted you. Starting to train hard just after awakening isn’t good for your body.”

After that, Swordmad left the room. Yale didn’t have any chances to speak more and simply stayed thinking about everything that happened.

After resting for an hour, Yale’s mind was in a better state, and he remembered the Last Wish System. When Yale tried to interact with the system some notifications appeared.

“User was badly injured, the system will take control of the body functions to help the recovery.”

“The intense pain generated the Passive Skill [Pain Tolerance: Level 1].”

“System forced the body to enter into hibernation mode to ensure a full recuperation.”

“A big amount of healing magic detected, redistributing in the most optimal mode way.”

“The user’s body became familiar with healing magic, [Healing Elemental Affinity: Lowest Grade] generated.”

“The user’s body became familiar with healing magic, [Healing Elemental Affinity: Low Grade] generated.”

“Enhancing body treasures were being used on user’s body, redistributing to enhance user’s physical body.”

“After having recovered from a fatal wound, the system rewarded the user with the Passive Skill [Auto-regeneration: Level 1].”

“The user awakened after risking his life in a heroic act, Legacy Skill [Absolute Protection] unlocked.”

That was a log from all notifications since Yale was badly injured.

The system was one of the reasons that saved Yale’s life distributing all the healing in the most optimal way, otherwise, even with that much healing magic, Yale’s chances of survival were slim.

His slumber was also to let his body fully recover from all internal injuries and sequelae; the wounds were too heavy, Yale was only alive because of the system, his master, and his sister’s status. Without any of those Yale would have had no chance for survival.

Yale was also startled by all the notifications, there were many things he wanted to check, but he started with the Stats Menu.

“Name: Yale Roanmad | Age: 8 (World’s law protection) | Origin Level: 0”

“Vitality: 10 | Strength: 8 | Agility: 7 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 8”

Yale looked at his Vitality, with the help of the system it had become maxed out by all the treasures used on his body. His strength also increased one point.

“I lost more than a year of training, but I doubt that I would have been able to have my Vitality points already maxed with normal training.”

Yale had strong requirements to accomplish within a time limit, so he became depressed when he heard that he lost a bit more than sixteen months. That meant that he only had less than twenty-two months until reaching the time limit.

However, with his vitality already maxed he couldn’t say that he lost those months, Yale still had chances of maxing all the stats before the time limit.

Yale then went to the Innate Talent Menu to check the newly acquired Elemental Affinity.

” Healing Elemental Affinity: Low grade.”

“Low affinity to practice healing magic.”

“Upgrading: Absorb massive amounts of healing magic to enhance the affinity.”

Yale was happy with this new affinity even if it was low grade; any healing affinity is useful. However, he didn’t understand the upgrading part.

“The system had a hidden function that allows the user to absorb some of the magic used on the user’s body or environment and use it to increase the affinities. The amounts required are extremely high.”

Yale didn’t know about such an awesome function, but it wasn’t something that he could use now. Yale received an incredible amount of healing magic and the affinity generated was still in only low grade, upgrading it or obtaining more affinities by this method didn’t seem realistic.

“There’s some time limit to use this hidden function?”

“There’s no time limit; the function will always be available for the user.”

Yale sighed in relieve. He couldn’t use it well at that moment, but in the future, he could slowly get some more affinities.

“It would take a lot of time, but after I reach Rank 1, I’ll have more time.”

Yale then went to check the Skill Menu; he obtained two new Passive Skills and that mysterious Legacy Skill.

“Pain Tolerance: Level 1. Increases the tolerance level of pain. This Passive Skill can be leveled up by suffering extreme pain.”

“Auto-regeneration: Level 1. The body would be automatically regenerated as long as the user isn’t dead, the regeneration speed will increase with each level. This Passive Skill can be leveled up by getting injured and then recovering.”

Yale liked that skills but hated the way to level them. Yale had just recovered he didn’t want to get more injuries or suffer more pain.

Yale sighed, and he finally put his eyes on the Legacy Skill, his face changed as he couldn’t believe what he was reading.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Third chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter72  comments, join in Chapter 12: Legacy Skill“Absolute Protection: Creates a 5-meter field that lasts for 5 seconds. Nothing can interfere with the inside of the field until it disappears. This Legacy Skill can only be used once per month; it doesn’t use the user’s energy.”

“This skill is a real Absolute Protection.”

Absolute Protection can protect Yale and everything around him from any damage. Even if it only lasts for five seconds and can only be used once per month, if Yale were again in the same situation as in the Clan’s Gathering, at least, he would be able to protect himself and his sister for five seconds.

“Can I improve this Legacy Skill?”

That was something very important; if the area and duration could increase, then it would be awesome.

“The Legacy Skill is a special type of skill that directly use the laws of the world to work; it can only improve if the user gains an understanding of the law the Legacy Skill is using.”

Yale was slightly disappointed, gaining understanding in the laws of the world was something that usually only powerful experts could do. However, having this Legacy Skill implies that his past life understood at least some of that law, then Yale should also be capable of doing it someday.

“What law does it use?”

Laws were very closely related to elements, having a better elemental affinity also makes it easier to understand the law later on.

“Absolute Protection relies on the Time Law.”

Yale was shocked, Space and Time were special elements like healing, but much more difficult to train and even rarer to have elemental affinities in.

This Legacy Skill using the Time Law implied that Yale would have a very difficult time improving it, but at the same time, the system didn’t lie in that it was absolute.

A defense that manipulates time was unbreakable unless one had an even better understanding of the Time Law, a Time-type defense didn’t block the incoming attacks, the attacks couldn’t exist in the time flux inside the protection.

The Absolute Protection became Yale’s greatest trump card, a true life-saving skill and one that can also save others.

“Is there any way to get more Legacy Skills?”

Yale wanted to see if he could obtain more life-saving skills.

“The Legacy Skills can only become unlocked by fulfilling hidden requirements. Until fulfilling them, the user wouldn’t get any more information.”

Yale expected something like that, yet he still tried to ask.

However, he didn’t understand why the system put up those many difficulties when helping him instead of giving him the full legacy from his past life, he only survived by luck last time, but with the Absolute Protection, he could have avoided that heavy injury.

Yale didn’t understand his own past life, but he couldn’t do anything about that, so he chose to rest as he couldn’t train now.

In the following days, the healers and Swordmad fully checked Yale’s body, until they permitted Yale to continue his training.

Yale started to train without rest like before, and he realized that with his vitality maxed and the Auto-regeneration skill his stamina was far greater than before.

Yale didn’t have to rely on medicinal pills like before as his body’s recovery was even better than them.

The effects of Auto-regeneration were more powerful when it came to restoring Yale’s stamina compared to its ability to actually heal his wounds, as restoring stamina was far easier than recovering an injured body.

Two months later Yale increased his Agility to eight, and after another month his Strength reached nine points.

However, Yale was unable to increase his Dexterity to nine points until the week before his ninth birthday.

Yale also upgraded his Magical Talent to mid-high grade and got the next Skill Quest in which he needed to upgrade each of the mind stats to ten points.

In those months, Swordmad was very pleased with Yale as he trained even harder than before.

After having a near-death experience at such young age, it wouldn’t be strange to negatively affect a child’s mind and turn them into cowards.

However, Yale was the opposite as he became even more hard-working than before. Swordmad considered that this kind of mindset was the best one to practice any Path.

On the other hand, Yale felt that his training was becoming less effective and didn’t feel confident to reach the ten points in all of his stats in little more than one year.

“The system only gave me a ten percent chance of success, and now I see that it wasn’t exaggerating, the last points are truly difficult to obtain.”

Ten points were the natural limit for a mortal like him, and his body was near that state, reaching the limit would be a perfect state for a mortal and reaching perfection was always difficult.

Yale knew that he wouldn’t be able to succeed by normal means, normal training wouldn’t let his body reach perfection. Yale needed practical experience.

Yale knew how to undergo some practical and dangerous training.

However, one should be at least nine years old and younger than ten years old, Yale only missed a week so he can wait a bit, the problem was the other condition.

A recommendation from someone of the older generation of the clan and that member of the older generation would need a very good status in the clan.

Usually, a kid who wanted to undergo such training would ask his father, and if his father couldn’t make the recommendation, he would at least ask some others to help the kid.

Yale’s father could emit such recommendation, but he was someone that didn’t even visit Yale once when he was badly wounded before.

Yale didn’t even think about asking him; his first option was to ask his master, he only feared that Swordmad wouldn’t want to recommend him, that practical training was far too dangerous after all.

That practical training was called Beast Trial.

In a secret and isolated area of the clan, the older generation put a lot of mortal ranked beasts to serve as a trial for the younger generation.

Those who survived became strong, but almost all who tried became corpses.

Yale asked his master the next day, hoping to convince him.

“Master, I want to undergo the Beast Trial.”

Swordmad didn’t expect such a request from his disciple.

“Why? You are already very strong for your age, and you don’t have any need to undergo such a dangerous trial.”

Yale expected such an answer, any other kid with his stats would be already very happy and won’t take risks to simply improve a bit more before starting practice.

However, Yale situation was different as he needed to reach ten points in each stat to practice the Origin Path.

“I want to become stronger, and I feel that normal training doesn’t work as well as before, I need practical experience, and the Beast Trial is a very good practical experience.”

Swordmad sighed remembering the stubbornness of his disciple.

“With your actual strength and swordsmanship as long as you are careful you shouldn’t die in the Beast Trial. All right, I will recommend you, but you must be careful.”

Yale Sword Mastery already reached the Apprentice Level 7, and with his Auto-regeneration and Absolute Protection, he could avoid being badly wounded or instantly killed.

“Thank you, master. I will start the Beast Trial on my ninth birthday.”

The following days Yale prepared himself for the trial, he obtained a real sword from his master and also managed to obtain a bow with some real arrows. His sister sent him some healing medicinal pills; the grade was much higher than the first ones she sent to him.

As for food, the Beast Trial challenger would need to obtain it inside the trial; it was part of the trial itself.

Finally, his ninth birthday came, and Yale followed his master to the restricted area where the Beast Trial would take place.

Yale and Swordmad were the only ones in the area, the Beast Trial wasn’t very popular, and only Swordmad came to sent Yale off.

Yale said farewell to his master and entered the Beast Trial.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

Fourth chapter of the week.

Already three weeks, thank you for continue reading Last Wish System.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter66  comments, join in Chapter 13: Beast TrialChapter 13: Beast Trial

Inside the Beast Trial, Yale didn’t feel like he was inside the Roanmad clan anymore; he like he was in a wild forest.

Yale cautiously walked as he started to look for some edible herbs or fruits and some source of fresh water, in the Beast Trial the beasts weren’t the only factor, one needed to survive.

Yale had a lot of knowledge about herbs and fruits from books, so he didn’t fear eating something poisonous which ended the lives of many participants before him. The quickest ones to die were always those who died because of poison, not from beasts.

Furthermore, Yale had the system to back up the information he remembered; he couldn’t make a mistake in remembering something wrong as the system records were perfect.

There were a lot of edible herbs and fruits in the forest which relieved Yale a lot, he could differentiate what he could eat from what he couldn’t, but he would be in dire straits if he couldn’t find anything edible.

In an hour Yale climbed a tree near a little lake with a bag full of fruits and herbs. He would also need some meat as he didn’t plan to become vegetarian, but Yale first secured a living zone and set some traps.

Yale also studied about traps but never tried them before, so he wasn’t very confident in them.

However, even if the traps failed, this lake was the only source of water in the proximities, and the beasts also needed to drink water to live, so Yale hoped that some weak beasts appeared and he waited to assault them.

Even if all the beasts are in the mortal rank, some of them were comparable to a 3-star mortal fighter, those were the overlords of the Beast Trial, and virtually any challenger who walked into them ended up dead.

Fortunately, those powerful beasts owned some areas in the Beast Trial that even other beasts didn’t dare to mess with.

No beast occupied the lake, and it was near the border of the Beast Trial; it was very unlikely that powerful beasts would show up after all the clan regularly cleaned the Beast Trial from too powerful beasts and those near the border were easily detectable. Otherwise, if the beasts were allowed to develop the survival chances for the challengers would be zero.

Yale thoughts were right as he managed to quickly hunt a rabbit with an arrow, a bow was really useful for this kind of trial, and the targets were better to practice than those static ones in the clan.

“New Dynamic Quest: Hunt one hundred beasts without being discovered. Reward: Passive Skill [Stealth: Level 1].”

Yale was happier about the notification than about the rabbit, he was hoping to obtain some new Dynamic Quest since a long time ago, but none popped out.

“Coming here was the correct decision.”

Yale was now sure, the change of his lifestyle provoked changes in the system. Yale wasn’t doing anything challenging before, he was already used to all his training, and he didn’t feel any difficulty in them.

Even if his stats remained the same, Yale was now more confident in being able to reach ten points in all of them than before.

Fortunately for Yale, this was only a trial and not a real beast forest, the clan used a spell to replenish the water constantly so that anyone could drink it without problems. Risking to make a fire to cook the food was already enough if he also needed to boil water every time he wanted to drink it would attract some attention from the other beasts.

That would be different if Yale could use magic but it’s impossible without being ten years old, he could only use the most basic methods.

For the first five days, Yale proceeded very well and didn’t meet any problems, but at the sixth day, a 1-star monster appeared.

When a beast started to practice to surpass the limits of mortality it got called a monster. A 1-star monster wasn’t more powerful than a normal beast, but they were far more ferocious.

The monster who appeared in front of Yale was similar to a rabbit, yet not a rabbit as it had two small horns on its head and the fur was somewhat purple.

“A Two-horned Purple Rabbit, it’s one of the weakest 1-star monsters, but its flesh is poisonous. I can’t eat it.”

The poison of a Two-horned Purple Rabbit wasn’t that strong; it could only paralyze a little. However, in the Beast Trial, that little could be lethal, and Yale didn’t need more meat at the moment.

“Wait, if I can use his flesh on my arrows, they would be able to slow the targets down a bit more. If some powerful monster appears it could be a good method to flee.”

Yale wasn’t a coward, but he also wasn’t a fool, if he faced an opponent he couldn’t win then he would run and try again after becoming stronger, Yale didn’t think that it was worth to die only to be called brave by the others. He wouldn’t doubt that he would give his all to protect his sister even if he risked his life like before, but not for something as superfluous as bravery or honor.

As for the Absolute Defense, Yale didn’t want to count on it as he could only use it once per month, if he used it then, later on, he would be without that trump card. Absolute Defense was only his last resort.

Yale shot an arrow towards the Two-horned Purple Rabbit, and a new notification appeared in his mind.

“New Dynamic Quest: Hunt monsters. Time Limit: Reaching ten years old. Reward: The quality and quantity of the monsters will determine the rewards. The Dynamic Quest will finish automatically when the time limit arrives.”

Yale’s eyes opened as he hears about the new Dynamic Quest, it was the first time such type of Quest with undetermined rewards appeared.

“I need to change my plans and take some risks; I must obtain as many rewards as possible from that Dynamic Quest, and my current hunting style isn’t good for that. After I obtain the stealth skill, I’ll go deep into the forest to find more monsters.”

Yale thought about playing it safe and advanced only when he felt the current situation too easy, but the appearance of the new Dynamic Quest almost drove him mad, not seeing the rewards let his imagination run wild about what kind of rewards he could obtain.

However, even if he would rush the things a little, he would still wait to complete the first Dynamic Quest as the reward seemed useful for the whole Beast Trial.

Yale only needed three days after the new Dynamic Quest appeared to complete the first one. Yale quickly checked his new skill.

“Stealth: Level 1: When the user is hiding his presence would be more difficult to detect. It can be leveled up using its effects.”

Stealth effects were just what Yale expected it to be, and he expected to level it a lot during the Beast Trial.

Of course, Yale didn’t plan to only hide and attack with arrows; he also wanted to train his body.

However, it was only a matter of time that he found monsters he couldn’t finish with arrows before they reach him he would then start fighting them with his sword. That would easily attract more attention into(towards) him and then it would become harder to hide and use arrows to fight, so he focused on training his archery first.

Yale started to walk carefully trying to hide his presence because from that day his hunting area wouldn’t be limited to that little lake. Yale was prepared to risk his life to obtain the best rewards from the Dynamic Quest, which could impact his whole future, so he decided to go all out.Author’s Thoughts Alemillach

First chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESefRate this chapter64  comments, join in Chapter 14: Yale’s ChoiceYale carefully proceeded while hunting 1-star monsters, he didn’t want to be overconfident and enrage many at the same time.

Yale was very efficient while hunting, it was difficult to believe that he didn’t have any experience, his traps were still ineffective, but his arrows were deadly as they hit the monster’s weak spots.

A few days after starting his hunting his Agility points reached nine. However, even if reaching nine points was difficult the true challenge was reaching ten.

The Beast Trial didn’t disappoint Yale. In a month since starting the Beast Trial, due to his constant use of archery his Archer’s Senses reached level three and Stealth reached level two.

That was very good, and after a few more days Yale finally reached ten points in Dexterity, reaching perfection in all the mind stats and upgrading his Magical Talent to high grade.

Until now the requirements to upgrade the Magical Talent were progressive, but when Yale tried to know how to upgrade it to perfect grade, he became shocked.

“The system won’t upgrade the Magical Talent to the perfect grade; the user should find a way to upgrade it himself or be satisfied with the high grade. The only reward which can upgrade the Magical Talent to perfect grade is in the Main Chain Quest of the Magus Path, as the user chose the Origin Path that reward is unobtainable.”

That was the first time that the reliable system showed no way to help Yale. Upgrading it by himself to the perfect grade was virtually impossible for him because he didn’t even know how, until high grade, there are records of people who upgraded it in the past, but in the books, Yale read no one reached the perfect grade in Magic Talent by upgrading it.

Yale was depressed, but he could only stop thinking about that and continue with the hunt. Yale sighed as he looked at the good part of the situation, he only needed two more stats to reach ten points to fulfill the Origin Path’s conditions.

A few hours later, Yale didn’t have time to think about anything related to his stats or Innate Talents anymore as he found a 2-star monster. The beast resembled a tiger but its body was bulkier than a normal tiger, and its fur was brown and red.

Yale also knew about that monster; it was a Fire-wood Tiger a monster with the ability to morph itself into something resembling wood and then ambush its preys by exploding with fire. It was quite infamous among the travelers in the outside world.

Of course, this Fire-wood Tiger was only a weak variant with only 2-stars, but it was enough to cause despair to anyone who did the Beast Trial.

It was very strong, but that wasn’t something impossible to solve, it wasn’t 3-stars, so it was possible to flee or defeat it in a normal battle, the worst thing was that usually the challengers were ambushed by it.

Yale was very cautious; therefore he didn’t get ambushed, he noticed the Fire-wood Tiger ambushing a 1-star monster and set the tiger as his next target, he planned to ambush the tiger when it was distracted with its hunting.

The Fire-wood Tiger liked to ambush but also liked traditional hunting, Yale followed it for some days and became used to its habits.

The Fire-wood Tiger morphed into a wood-like form when resting and ambushed any beast who came near it, and when it wasn’t resting, it acted like a normal tiger as it went hunting.

Sadly, it didn’t get distracted when hunting since its preys weren’t enough to make it spend any effort in hunting. However, Yale continued stalking it silently waiting for the best timing to attack.

Fortunately, Yale had the Stealth skill and was very good in archery, so even while following the Fire-wood Tiger he didn’t need to suffer any hunger, Yale only needed to be careful that the Fire-wood Tiger didn’t discover him, Yale hunted only the minimum possible to survive.

One day both Yale and the Fire-wood Tiger stopped as they encountered a very big white wolf, Yale wasn’t sure of the exact species since he was still some distance away, but it was, without doubt, a 3-star monster although it seemed to be very weakened. Near it, there was a black wolf with red stripes on its body. However, this one was only a 2-star monster.

Finally, there was a small white wolf at the side of the big white wolf, that small wolf was only a new-born cub and the reason for the weakening of the big white wolf.

Yale thought that even in the current weakened state, the Fire-wood Tiger wouldn’t be so stupid to attack as there was still the black wolf. If it joined the fight with the weakened white wolf, the Fire-wood Tiger would be doomed.

However, the Fire-wood Tiger betrayed Yale’s expectations as it made a sneak attack on the black wolf hoping to end it with one hit. The allure produced by a newborn prey was something the Fire-wood Tiger became unable to resist.

Yale felt that the Fire-wood Tiger doomed itself, but again it didn’t go as Yale expected. The black wolf got injured, but there were only small injuries and weren’t something that diminished its power.

However, the black wolf turned around and fled abandoning the big white wolf and the newborn cub. Even Yale was cursing the black wolf because if it fought, it would suffer some pain but it would still win; however, it preferred to abandon its family to avoid some pain.

After the black wolf fled, the big white wolf started battling with the Fire-wood Tiger. However, the Fire-wood Tiger held the advantage in the battle.

If that battle continued Yale would be able to kill both of them when they were nearing the climax of the battle, and both were injured, he was sure that a 3-star monster would give him a very good reward in the Dynamic Quest.

Yale killed a lot of beasts and never felt any pity for them, but he had a strange feeling towards the little wolf family’s situation because it remembered him of his own family situation.

In both families the father abandoned the child, even though Yale’s father didn’t abandon him in a literal sense as Yale was still living in the clan, Yale always felt that way.

Yale mother died soon after he was born and the wolf’s mother would also die soon after the small wolf cub was born.

And the situation of the small wolf cub was even worse than Yale’s, he at least still had some protection and the love of his sister, but that little wolf could only wait for death as no one would care for its life.

That provoked hesitation in Yale, he did a lot for killing the Fire-wood Tiger, and he obtained a chance also to kill a 3-star monster, but his emotions were battling with the benefits he could obtain.

The battle continued, and Yale knew that he needed to do something soon or he would lose his opportunity.

The Fire-wood Tiger got to bite the big wolf when an arrow hit it right inside its jaw, provoking a low howl from it. Of course, that only stopped it as the Fire-wood Tiger wasn’t that easy to kill.

Yale stepped forward drawing his sword toward the Fire-wood Tiger, if he waited a bit more, he could have killed both monsters, but in the end, he chose to help the little wolf family.

“I’m too soft-hearted.”

Yale muttered to himself as he decided to risk his life to kill the Fire-wood Tiger, he felt that it was possible to win by joining hands with the big wolf, and he couldn’t ignore that small wolf cub with which he identified.

He wasn’t sure that the big white wolf wouldn’t turn back and attack him afterward, but this time Yale chose to be impulsive and follow his feelings.If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible.

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At night, light could still be seen in the library of one of the biggest clans of Nacesai city, inside there was only a six-year-old kid reading thick books.

That kid’s name was Yale Roanmad, one of the legitimate sons of the Roanmad clan. Yale’s father was an influential figure in the clan, but he had a lot of sons and daughters, legitimate as well as illegitimate.

Usually, illegitimate children have almost no rights in the clan, unless they display extraordinary talents and then become recognized by the clan. However, they are still allowed to live in the clan until they grow up. After growing up, they will become servants or lose the rights to live in the clan domains.

Yale’s mother was one of the official wives of his father, and even the servants gossiped about how there was real love between his father and mother. Under such circumstances, Yale’s standing in the clan should have been a very good one. However, his mother died when he was born.

Since that time, his father, as if blaming Yale for her death, never showed any hint of goodwill toward him. Instead, he would rather ignore him completely, Yale had only seen his father in official clan affairs.

Thus, even if the clan didn’t suppress him and he was still in a better position than the illegitimate sons, there is not all that big of a difference. In fact, some illegitimate sons of his father hated him and were always thinking about how to disturb him. Nonetheless, Yale liked to read and study a lot of books, so he spent most of his time in the library or his room, and these areas weren’t locations that the illegitimate sons, who weren’t recognized by the clan had access to. They were too restricted in which places they could go inside the clan.

If Yale were a normal six-year-old kid, he would have suffered a lot with his mother dead and with his father ignoring him.

Compared to other kids his age, Yale wasn’t exactly normal; he belonged to a rare group of people, who can retain memories from before they were born, in other words, memories of their past lives.

In fact, Yale barely qualified as a member of that group, as compared to others with the same condition, he remembered only a little bit, while they retained the memories of all their past lives or almost all of it. Furthermore, his inherited knowledge of his past life was mostly miscellaneous, not very useful.

But even if it’s only a little, that’s enough to make the difference between him and other kids of his generation, because the small fragments he remembered included his own past life’s death, the pain, impotence, and regret he felt in those memories aren’t something that normal kids would understand.

Yale knew the taste of death and didn’t want to taste it again, his previous life was a life without too many difficulties, and in the end, he still died painfully. Even if he didn’t remember the details, Yale was sure the description painful was still mild for what he sensed. On the other hand, he knows that his present life is the opposite, even in his clan there’s the law of the jungle, the strong is always in the right. He refused to be weak; Yale was extremely hard-working since birth.

His hard-work wasn’t related to obtaining physical strength, but rather to acquire knowledge; his memories told him that knowledge is power. In fact, the lack of knowledge was what led to his painful death. Thus he learned to speak and write a lot faster than other kids, and soon started his bookworm like lifestyle.

The clan servants in charge of him were astonished by his intelligence and hard-work, but no one suspected his condition, all servants thought he was an intelligent child who lacked love and in the end buried himself in the world of his books.

Even if he had some fragments of memories, they couldn’t influence Yale to the point of becoming his previous life’s extension like the famous people with memories of their past life. Yale was only Yale, he couldn’t be considered a dead man in the body of a kid, so even if Yale was more mature and hard-working than other kids, he was still a kid, and his lifestyle became nothing more than a reflection of his current situation.

As for how the other kids thought of him, Yale ignored it, after all, they were normal kids, even if they become evil in the future, he could do nothing in his situation.

Furthermore, with all the kids being less than ten years old, they were protected by the laws of the world, acting against them would cause a lot of problems to the aggressor, only if the kid provoked the aggressor would the protection disappear. The laws of the world protected the children, but they are not meant to let them become arrogant in front of their elders.

Yale would be safe until he became ten years old. Thus he decided to focus on his goal, to unlock the good fortune that his own past life last wish granted to him, Yale knew that was the only way he could become successful in his future and the earlier he unlocked it, the better.

He became aware of that good fortune he obtained as a legacy of his past life on his fourth birthday. At that time, a voice appeared in his head.

“This is the Last Wish System, created by your own past life’s last wish; if you want to unlock it, you must gather a vast quantity of knowledge.”

Yale was shocked when he heard it, but as he could see the words he just heard in his mind, Yale understood that this wasn’t his imagination, even if he didn’t remember what that last wish was, his intuition told him that the Last Wish System was a good thing.

Yale liked to study from the very beginning. His new circumstances only made him study even harder, to the point of becoming the clan bookworm, spending almost all of his free time in the library.

After the appearance of the message, Yale realized that the more he studied, the easier it became to learn and memorize new things. Yale was even more assured of the Last Wish System was what he needed more than anything else.

The library had a public section for all the official clan members, there were no restrictions to reading inside, and it was easy to lend a book or two from the library to his room.

There also existed restricted areas, where different conditions would be required in order to read books. Even though Yale had a premonition that those books would help the Last Wish System more, he had no means to fulfill any of the requirements.

Of course with the help of his father, it would be possible to get to read some less restricted books. However, his father rejected to even talk to him; it seemed that becoming a bookworm disgusted his father, who believed that men should only use their fists to speak and training the body was the only way for a man.

He had this lifestyle until one night, while he was still reading books late at night, the first time he ever remained in the library past midnight. His servants should have been rushing to find him, those weren’t hours for a kid to be still awake. This night, however, he sensed that he was almost at the point where the Last Wish System would react, Yale spent the last two years for that, so he continued without noticing that the sky turned dark hours ago.

Yale had read a lot of books since he was born, a frightening number for a six-year-old kid, but even if anyone knew he is a bookworm no one could even imagine how many books he really read.

When Yale just finished the thick book he was reading, inside his mind, the Last Wish System finally reacted.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Last Wish System. At the start the schedule will be 3 chapters/week, I have plans to increase it later on.

“The conditions have been fulfilled; the Last Wish System is now unlocked.”

“Last Wish System is launching; please wait.”

At that moment a progress bar appeared in Yale’s mind, in two minutes it was complete.

“Last Wish System launch finished successfully; Yale Roanmad registered as the system’s user, you can start using the Last Wish System.”

Yale was excited, but before he could do anything, the system spoke again.

“Do you want to start the Last Wish System tutorial?”

Yale still didn’t know what functions exactly this system had, so he said in a loud voice.

“I want!”

But the system didn’t react; he tried again.

“I want to start the tutorial!”

The system remained unchanged; Yale stopped speaking as he noticed that it was already very dark, and no one else was in the library. He was lucky because if someone were here, he would be scolded and more important, the system’s existence could have been revealed to others.

He was sure the system was very precious, enough to awaken the greed of others, something that requires so much knowledge to unlock can’t be an ordinary thing, if the Last Wish system’s existence were made public he would have a rough time.

He swore in his mind that he wouldn’t make a mistake like that again, the Last Wish System should remain as his most valuable secret, Yale needed to ensure ways to hide it from others, or he would suffer.

“User didn’t need to worry; no one can detect the existence of the Last Wish System if you don’t reveal it.”

Yale was surprised; the system reacted to his thoughts, then he tried to say in his mind the same words he shouted before.

“Tutorial starting…”

Yale sighed in relief as it worked, he now understood that he only needs to think to use the system, before he has been too excited and didn’t think before shouting. Yale stopped pondering and paid attention to the system tutorial.

“The Last Wish System has two main functions, the Database Search, and the Quest Menu. The Database Search lets the user search any information stored in the database; the system has already scanned your body and soul, all the information is synchronized to the database, all the knowledge required to unlock the Last Wish System is also available to consult at any time.”

Yale was delighted hearing that, even if he had a very good memory, he couldn’t remember everything he read or saw in the past. He can retain the general information of most things, but he could not remember all the details, with this function he could obtain all the information he needed at any time!

But the thing that picked his attention was this scanning of body and soul; Yale pondered about what kind of information the system could get when the system stopped his thoughts.

“As the user is interested in it, the most relevant information extracted from body and soul will now be resumed in two new auxiliary functions. The Stats Menu and the Innate Talent Menu.”

As the system was speaking Yale was shocked, he was curious about that, and then the system generated two new functions, originally the system only had two functions, now the system functions have doubled.

He wasn’t sure about the Stats Menu, but the Innate Talent Menu is something that anyone would want, only by having the words Innate Talent would pick anyone’s attention. Innate Talents were something one is born with, and one can’t acquire more, although it’s possible to upgrade your existing talent, the difficulty becomes enormous as one grows up.

The tradition was to test the kids only on their tenth birthday when they lost the world’s protection and became able to begin training, testing it before could make the results inaccurate, Innate Talents are difficult to measure.

Yale suspected that this Innate Talent Menu would be able to show his Innate Talents at any moment, Innate Talents could be in the body and the soul, the Last Wish System should have the necessary data since it already scanned Yale. He read that some people become able to sense their Innate Talents, sensing oneself is always easier than sensing others, but only true geniuses or truly lucky ones could do it.

If Yale were able to know about his Innate Talents now, his possibilities of improving would be much higher than others because he only was six years old, these four years of difference are very important.

He was still lost in his thoughts when the system continued.

“The Stats Menu can show the user data in numeric value to make them simple to understand.”

Then the Stats Menu appeared in his mind.

“Name: Yale Roanmad | Age: 6 (World’s law protection) | Body Level: 0 | Mind Level: 0”

“Vitality: 3 | Strength: 1 | Agility: 1 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 7”

The system said that one point was the minimum value, Yale had a weird expression on his face as he murmured.

“What the… I know I don’t exercise very much, but having only one point of strength and agility…”

In truth, it was not weird for Yale to only have a single point in Strength unless he was born with some innately powerful body, that evaluation is normal at his age and lifestyle, but having the weakest strength isn’t something that Yale liked.

His vitality is rather average for his age. But having seven in dexterity is a lot. As for intelligence and wisdom, they were at the maximum value possible, at least without training his mind. At level zero no Stats can surpass ten, that’s the absolute limit, to exceed it the level should be two, in other words, one needed to become a 2-star mortal erudite.

There are two main ways to get strong in Yale’s world; the first is by practicing Inner Qi and becoming a Warrior, the other is training the mind and becoming a Magus. There are some other variations, most of them lost since ancient times or abandoned due to their inefficiency in front of the two main ways.

The system only showed information about the two main ways, the levels of both ways are independent, and they had different restrictions, the body leveling would allow the increase of vitality, strength, and agility. On the other hand, the mind leveling would allow the increase of intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity.

In the system being level zero in both is what is known simply as a mortal, normal people, at the moment one starts to practice training in Qi or magic would be automatically at level one, equivalent to a 1-star mortal fighter or a 1-star mortal erudite. That wouldn’t change the Stat limits but indicates that one had at least the talent to surpass ordinary people, a first step towards becoming an expert.

Of course, it was possible to train in both, a lot of people tried to do it, but in the end, almost all chose to focus only in one way as one needed to reach Rank 1 Novice Warrior or Novice Magus before the age of sixteen. After one turned sixteen, it would be impossible to surpass the 9-star mortal stage. Thus, in the end, focusing on one way leads to having a better chance of reaching at least rank 1 in one way.

Practicing internal Qi or magic can only be done after one became ten years old and lost the world’s protection, no one can succeed before, and one could even harm themselves trying.

Due to his age, Yale was still a mortal and based on his Stats; obviously, he was well suited to become a magus and had a very difficult path if he wanted to become a Warrior. But that wasn’t that important, Yale still had almost four years to train before he could start practicing, so improving his Stats would be very good preparation, and as intelligence and wisdom were already at his limits, he should focus on his other Stats.

Thus, what was important to Yale, more than the stats were his Latent Talents. One could still practice Inner Qi as long as one trains hard enough, even without related Latent Talents.

However, magic requires having at least a related Innate Talent; if one didn’t have at least the lowest grade of Magical Talent it didn’t matter if one is at the maximum Stats in intelligence and wisdom, there’s no way to become a Magus.

The system finally finished explaining everything about the Stats to Yale when it finally changed to the Innate Talent Menu; Yale was extremely nervous as it appeared in his mind.

Here’s the second chapter of the novel, the schedule remains 3 chapters/week, but as I see that some people are reading, commenting and giving power stones to the novel, even when it only had one chapter, I’ll try to publish an additional chapter this week.

Once the Innate Talent Menu opened, Yale saw in the first line the words [Last Wish System] without any description more than [Special Innate Talent].

Of course, the Last Wish System counts as Yale’s Innate Talent, he already predicted it, that was the only explanation for the system’s existence, the system was a special type of Innate Talent.

Special Innate Talents could be the worst or the best, any Innate Talent which had any functionality other than directly making practice easier was considered a special type. Thus some were very useful while others were trash, but the good thing about any special Innate Talents is that unless one reveals them, no one will be able to know about the existence of the Special Innate Talent.

Under that, there was only one more line [Magic Latent Talent: Lowest grade] with a simple description [The lowest kind of talent to practice magic].

Seeing that, Yale sighed. It was still possible for him to practice magic, but his talent was the worst for practicing it. However, as he was still young, he tried to be optimistic about it, thinking about how he could improve it.

The only sad thing is that he didn’t have any elemental affinity, with an elemental affinity, practicing elemental magic would become easier.

“The system can show information about how to improve an Innate Talent; would you like to update the Innate Talent Menu?”

Yale immediately accepted on his mind, pondering why the system hasn’t shown it since the start.

A new line appeared below the description:

“Upgrade: Complete the related Quest to upgrade to Low grade.”

Yale inwardly sighed.

“That should be related to the other main function, that Quest Menu, I wonder how it works.”

The system improved the auxiliary function as he needed, that flexibility was something Yale liked.

It seemed that as long as the information was in the database, it was possible to add it to an auxiliary function to make it easier to review the information; then he tried to ask other information to see if it’s added to the Innate Talent Menu.

“How many grades had the Innate Talents?”

Yale knew it, he read it in books, but he wanted to test the system.

“The grades of Innate Talents from lowest to highest are lowest, low, mid-low, mid, mid-high, high and perfect.”

As the system replied, Yale was more sure he was on the correct way of understanding how the system works. Now that information appeared in a sidebar of the Innate Talent Menu.

Yale smiled as he proceeded with the tutorial without saying anything more, he was curious about that Quest Menu. As Yale didn’t ask any more questions and stopped paying attention to the Innate Talents, the system showed the next part of the tutorial.

“This is the Quest Menu; the user will obtain quests related to him and given proper rewards for completing them. The user needs to finish the quest manually, once the requirements for completion were met to obtain the rewards. Right now, the user has two active quests and one completed quest.”

Yale didn’t understand how he could have completed any quest but paid attention to the Quest Menu, all the Quests he had were under the tag [Skill Quest]. The first one was called [Magical Talent upgrade: Low] and was the one Yale have completed without knowing.

Yale then saw the already completed requirements for the quest, as he saw them, he understood why he had already met the requirements without doing anything.

“Obtain 6 points in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”

Yale already has ten points in Intelligence and Wisdom, Dexterity was lower, only at seven points, but it still surpassed the minimum required for the quest. Yale only thought about finishing the quest, and the quest ended, rewarding him.

Yale’s [Magic Latent Talent: Lowest grade] became [Magic Latent Talent: Low grade]. There was no doubt about that; Yale revised the Innate Talent Menu to confirm it. He never thought that upgrading an Innate Talent would be that easy, even with his age it should be significantly more difficult than that.

Yale realized that the Quest Menu’s nature was completely different to the other functions, the others gave him information, which was extracted from his body and soul or from the knowledge he recollected.

However, the Quest Menu improved himself, this information was very good, Yale was already satisfied with that, but the Quest Menu made his Magic Talent immediately increase.

“Could it be that the legacy included methods to improve the latent talent quickly? But those were lost since the ancient era, I never cared about my past life, but now I’m truly becoming curious about who I was.”

Yale went back to the Quest Menu, the conditions to improve his [Magic Latent Talent: Low grade] was still the same as for improving the Lowest grade.

There was a new quest available, [Magical talent upgrade: Mid-low], and this new quest already met the requirements for being finished.

“Obtain 7 points in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”

Yale was shocked as he saw almost the same condition as the previous Quest, it only required one more point than the previous one.

“If this is a pattern, that would mean I can get a High-grade talent with ten points?”

Yale was speaking to himself in his mind, but the system didn’t reply to him, then he finished the quest, and as he checked the Innate Talent Menu, he saw the words [Magic Latent Talent: Low grade], the upgrade condition remained the same.

Yale changed to again the Quest Menu, and another quest was available under the Skill Quest tag, as expected, it was [Magical talent upgrade: Mid], but it wasn’t ready for completion like the other two, but the requirements followed Yale’s guesses.

“Obtain 8 points in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”

Yale was still missing one point in Dexterity so he couldn’t complete the quest, but he had a broad smile on his face as he confirmed his thoughts. Furthermore, with a mid-low grade talent now, he would be considered below average, but not too bad, there were very few people with low talents who reached the Rank 1 Novice Magus, but with mid-low, there were a lot more.

A lot of people with the lowest or low Magical Talent chose to become archers, they would train until becoming rank 1 Novice Warriors, and after that, they slowly train their mind until they become a 2-star mortal erudite. With their talent, they will never have a chance to become a Rank 1 Novice Magus, but their Dexterity would be much higher, and it was an important aspect to all archers.

Yale read some books speaking of a lost way to train the path of archery which was a lot better than the present’s limited mixing.

The archers were extremely popular in ancient times, their effectiveness in battle was a lot higher than normal warriors, and they were able to use simple spells, mostly to reinforce arrows or enhance movement.

Thus, even having less endurance than the warriors and less magic power than the magus, they were more balanced overall, sadly the training methods were lost, and the archers ended their golden age.

Yale ended his thoughts and now focused on the second quest, that was [Elemental affinity], and its requirements were quite simple, or at least simple for Yale.

“Obtain Magical Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale was still having only a mid-low grade talent, but he only needed one more point in Dexterity to advance to mid-grade, and thus also complete this quest. But the reward left Yale without words.

“Reward: Elemental affinity (Perfect grade).”

Even without knowing what kind of elemental affinity it was, only by being a perfect grade one it was enough to change someone’s destiny, any magic related to that element would become extremely easy to practice.

Before, Yale hoped to have some elemental affinity, but he wasn’t thinking of a perfect grade one. At that moment, he would have been very happy with a mid-grade one.

And that reward also increased the curiosity of Yale for his previous life, and regretted his lack of consistent memories; the Last Wish System was a Special Innate Talent which can add and improve other innate talents, that’s heaven-defying.

There was only one more quest, and the name quickly picked the interest of Yale, [System special function: Storage], its definition was somewhat different to the previous one, but the words used were still only a few.

“Complete the first Main Chain Quest.”

“Reward: The system will add [Storage Space] for the user to put physical objects inside.”

Yale’s eyes became even more opened, storage space was a function usually found only in items, and not the cheap ones, being able to store physical things in a separated space without any item is something only very powerful experts who understand the laws of the space could do.

Yale immediately said in his mind [Start the Main Chain Quest], based on the previous system reactions that should have activated the Main Chain Quest, but the system’s answer wasn’t what Yale expected.

“The user didn’t meet the requirements to start the Main Chain Quest; it will start automatically when the conditions become fulfilled.”

In Yale’s mind, the condition appeared as he wanted to know. There was a new tag before the Skill Quest tag, the words there were [Main Chain Quest], and under them a short text explaining the conditions to unlock it.

” Complete 3 Skill Quests to unlock.”

Finally the third chapter here, it became longer than expected.

I’ll publish another chapter this week.

As Yale read it, he understood that he was left with only one path to advance, he needed to increase at least one point in Dexterity.

“Increasing my Dexterity by one point shouldn’t be difficult, I can think of several ways to do it, but I want to do it the most optimal way. If I can increase it to ten points instead and the Quests follow the same pattern I can obtain a High-grade Magical Talent.”

The system immediately replied.

“The most optimal way for the user to increase the Dexterity points would be to practice mortal’s archery, and at the same time it would increase the Strength points.”

Indeed, the traditional archery of mortals was very good to train Strength and Dexterity, and as he can only increase his Dexterity to continue using the Quest Menu, it was a very good option. Furthermore, he wanted to increase his Strength points; he felt ashamed of having only one point.

The system seemed to know that as it suggested the mortal’s archery. Usually, only the ones who want to become archers trained mortal’s archery as a foundation.

However, it wasn’t unheard that some kids wanted to train it before knowing their Innate Talents, it was still good training for the body, and less painful than other mortal’s training like the sword or the spear, although it was looked down upon just because of that by the pure warriors.

“It seems that I need to start practicing archery, tomorrow I will ask the servants to apply for the clan’s archery lessons.”

With that said Yale was determined, he stood up and finished paying attention to the Last Wish System and at the same moment the system reacted.

“The tutorial finished, the user could repeat the tutorial at any moment.”

As Yale expected, the tutorial explained all the actual functions of the system, so the tutorial should end. He also suspected that when the system unlocked more functions, there will be a proper explanation for them.

Yale didn’t want to spend more time in the library and went back to his room. Of course, he was “caught” on his way by one of the servants and got scolded; Yale didn’t mind, he was still processing the things happening to him and making plans for the future.


The next morning, Yale told his servants that he wanted to practice archery, the servants were surprised, but they did it without asking anything, that was the relationship between Yale and the servants, there was no affection between them. For the servants to attend Yale was only their work, nothing more.

Yale also knew that even if he already requested it, he wouldn’t be able to start right now, his position wasn’t good enough to directly enter some archery classes without previous notice, it would take around a week to be able to start practicing archery.

However, even if he obtained immediate access to an archery class, he wouldn’t be able to shoot an arrow with his puny strength, so he decided to use this time to exercise his body.

Yale tried to do some pushups in his room, but he wasn’t even able to complete one before being exhausted.

“Seems that the system wasn’t lying in the evaluation of my Strength points, I’m too weak, I always thought that doing pushups was an easy task when I read about it, but my body is completely unable to do it…”

Of course, that wasn’t enough to stop Yale; he didn’t have any equipment to train, so he focused on basic exercises, even if they were extremely tiring for him.

On the second day, Yale asked the system to inform him if any of his stats changes, and the system then set a notification alert to stat changes, but at the end of the day, Yale’s stats were still the same.

At the same time, there was an unstoppable gossip within the clan, the clan’s bookworm became crazy for physical training.

On the fifth day, Yale’s training continued without results; his stats remained the same.

Therefore, when the servants told him that he received a letter from his older sister, he stopped training. Yale’s older sister was the only one in the whole clan that truly cared about Yale, and also the only one Yale cared about within the clan.

Her name was Ange Roanmad, a truly dazzling figure even in the whole of Nacesai City. She was only five years older than Yale, but she already was a 4-star mortal erudite. Furthermore, she had a high-grade Magical Talent and a perfect grade healing elemental affinity.

Because of that astonishing Innate Talents, the Nacesai Academy came to recruit her. Usually one needs to pay expensive fees and pass some tests before being able to enroll, but Ange’s situation was extremely special.

In the whole last thousand years, Nacesai City didn’t give birth to anyone with a perfect grade healing elemental affinity until Ange. Healing elemental affinity is a special type of elemental affinity, as it gives the talent to train any spell related to healing disregarding the element it belongs to.

Healing spells are extremely difficult to master, especially the ones with the capacity to heal others and also the healing elemental affinities are quite rare. Thus, there weren’t many healers, and they were highly valued.

Because of that, Ange spent almost all of her time in the Nacesai Academy; the academy treated her very well, she had all the resources she requested. However, she lacked the freedom to go back home; Yale had only seen her a few times since she went to the academy.

Yale and Ange communicated mainly by letters and for Yale, reading his sister’s letter was something even more important than training, as she was his only emotional support.

This time, the letter wasn’t talking about her living in the academy as usual, but rather about Yale’s sudden change of living habits as he started to train without stopping instead of passing his whole day reading books.

Indeed, the gossips about him reached his older sister. Ange was always inquiring about how her younger brother was doing, she was a very kind girl and very protective towards his younger brother.

They also had the same mother, so they were different than other brothers and sisters in the clan. Their relationship was very deep, and the death of their mother led to Ange always being very concerned about Yale, who didn’t have anyone other than her.

Those circumstances also made Ange mature relatively faster than other girls of her age, and her father didn’t ignore her as he did with Yale, so even before her Innate Talents shocked the city, she already had a good standing in the clan.

Of course, she tried to change her father’s opinion about Yale, but that’s the only topic that her father never gave her any room for discussion.

As her position in the city became higher, she thought about ways to help her little brother.

As Yale was a well-known bookworm, she prepared to look for some good books to give him when she reached the 5-star mortal realm, only then would she get access to more valuable books than the ones in the clan library.

Given her importance to the academy, if she wanted to give one or two books to her younger brother, the academy would accept it. However, as she heard about Yale’s changes she changed her mind and sent him some medicinal pills.

Those were of the lowest grade and only useful for restoring stamina, someone that was only a mortal like Yale would recover all his stamina, but those who started practicing would have only some stamina restored.

Thus, those medicinal pills weren’t that valuable, and Ange managed to get them without too much difficulty, but those medicinal pills were just what Yale needed the most at that moment.

In truth, Ange thought that Yale longed for parental love and started training his body to please their father who valued physical strength the most. So she hurried to give some medicinal pills to Yale to help him with his training.

Yale was extremely grateful to his sister, even knowing that she probably misunderstood the reason for his training, as she always thought that Yale wanted to obtain the appreciation of his father.

No matter the reason, those medicinal pills were what he needed the most, and he wouldn’t waste them. With them, Yale started training without stopping as he used those medicinal pills instead of resting.

Finally, the next morning a notification appeared on his head.

“System alert: Strength points increased from 1 to 2”.

The promised extra chapter is here!

Thank you to all who read and supported Last Wish System in this first week.

And starting next week the minimum release schedule will be 4 chapters/week!

After hearing the notification Yale smiled and continued his training, he wasn’t satisfied with only two points.

Yale’s training continued until the seventh day when he would start the archery lessons. In that short time, he managed to increase his Strength points to three, but not only that, Yale’s vitality increased to four.

With Yale’s actual stats, only the agility remained under the average mark for his age, using the system’s stats, the average for a six-year-old kid physical stats is three, then Yale couldn’t be considered weak among his peers now, but couldn’t be regarded as strong either.

Of course, in the mind stats, Yale was extremely outstanding, the average was only two points. However, Yale cared more about his weak points as they can improve much more.

Yale reached the archery training ground while lost in his thoughts.

“So, you are that famous bookworm.”

A tall man with a hawk-like nose was who spoke those words.

“I’m Yale Roanmad; I applied for archery lessons.”

Of course, the tall man was mocking him, but Yale didn’t care, as long as he could use archery to improve his Dexterity.

“I doubt that a weakling like you can hold a bow or shoot an arrow, but I can’t deny you for more than a week, you’re lucky to be a legitimate son.”

Then the man gave Yale a bow, a bow that obviously wasn’t of the appropriate size for a beginner of Yale’s age. Yale read about archery before, so he knew about the different kinds of bows and which suited him more, he even contrasted the information with the system.

“I rather choose this other one.”

Yale replied, picking a bow which was suited for him, he knew that even if the instructor can recommend a bow to the students, the students had the right to choose in the end. However, as the students usually didn’t know anything about bows, they would follow the instructor recommendation.

The instructor’s face changed when he saw Yale’s actions, the instructor wasn’t a legitimate child of the clan, and even if he became recognized in the end and became an archery instructor, he loathed those lucky legitimate children.

Choosing a bad bow for Yale was the limit for him. As an instructor, he couldn’t harm a legitimate son of the clan without reasons and even less one under the world’s protection; he could explain the fact of giving him a bad bow as teaching him the importance of choosing a bow well, the clan wouldn’t punish the instructor.

Letting the students learn from their errors is still a valid teaching method, even if the mistake was trusting the instructor.

But if Yale chose his bow himself, then that’s all, the instructor couldn’t change Yale’s decision and what frustrated him more was that Yale’s selected bow was an appropriated one.

“It seems that you know something about bows, you passed the test; you can call me Instructor Nosehawk.”

Yale didn’t reply, but in his mind, Yale was thinking.

“What a test, you were trying to annoy me. Furthermore, what’s with that name? You have a hawk-like nose, but for your father to name you Nosehawk isn’t that a bit cruel?”

Yale started walking until he reached the position set for the students to shoot. Including Yale there were only ten students, the training camp had room for many more students to practice at the same time, but archery wasn’t popular enough.

Nosehawk started to give instructions to the students, he was teaching well this time, if all the students get injured he would be blamed without doubt and archery wasn’t a joke, even if the arrows were modified so they wouldn’t kill anyone, they were still dangerous.

At the instructor’s signal all of them shot at the same time, only three people hit the target, two of them hit the very center of the target, they were the most veteran students, and they were already nine years old. The third was Yale, even if he didn’t hit the center of the target like the other two, he still hit the target.

Yale thought that the results were not bad for his first try, then something unexpected happened.

“Quest Menu unlocked a new type of Quest. Dynamic Quest section added to the Quest Menu.”

Yale was shocked; he never thought that the system would unlock something because he shot an arrow.

“A Dynamic Quest is a special type of Quest; it’s unlocked when the user performs a certain action, would the user like to activate notifications for Dynamic Quests?”

The system continued, and Yale accepted.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot one hundred arrows. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale now had a wide smile. Fortunately, he just hit the target so no one would suspect anything because he was smiling.

“It’s only a matter of time to obtain it, what a great surprise.”

However, the system continued.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Mid-high grade.”

Yale was even more surprised, but the system continued.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: High grade.”

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit in the middle of the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Perfect grade.”

Yale was without words and also had some doubts about the Dynamic Quests.

“The user could complete all the Dynamic Quests; you can obtain one reward and continue trying to complete the others. The rewards for the Dynamic Quests would be automatically redeemed when completed. There are Dynamic Quests with a time limit, but only if the Dynamic Quest stated it.”

In an instant, the system solved Yale’s doubts.

“Then, if I keep practicing archery, there’s possible to obtain a perfect grade Innate Talent, the conditions for that are very difficult, but if I get the other rewards first my abilities with the bow would become greater. Furthermore, I can do those Quests at the same time that I train my Dexterity.”

Yale was even more happy in his mind as he shot the second arrow, the results were similar to before.

The training continued, they shot thirty more arrows before finishing the lesson, and Yale only hit the center of the target two times, the rest of them still hit the target.

Yale was quite tired as he returned to his room, he almost completed one-third of three Dynamic Quests, but if he failed even one arrow the third one would restart.

He tested it with the perfect grade reward Dynamic Quest when he hit the center of the target, and afterward, he only hit the target; the count went back to zero.

Yale was sure that he could get the High-grade Innate Talent in a few days, but the perfect grade would be very difficult.

As Yale still had medicinal pills, he continued his training in his room, knowing his sister it would be strange if she didn’t send more medicinal pills soon, so Yale used them without worries.

This routine continued for two more days, Yale almost completed the two first Dynamic Quests, but he failed one arrow, so the third went back to zero.

As Yale expected, he received more medicinal pills from his sister. Without having to worry about his stamina. The morning before starting the fourth archery lesson, his Strength points increased to four, and an hour later his Vitality points to five.

As for Dexterity, the points remained the same, but Yale wasn’t expecting to increase them in only three days of archery training, so he went to the archery lesson with expectation for completing two Dynamic Quests.

Yale only shot four arrows when the system’s prompt appeared.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot one hundred arrows. Reward obtained: Archery Innate Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale wasn’t sure what changed, but he seemed to become more familiar with the bow.

“That should be the effects of an Innate Talent related to weapons.”

Yale’s proficiency with the bow become better the moment he obtained the Innate Talent, that was a good point about the Innate Talents related to weapons, using the weapon would become more instinctive the higher the Innate Talent grade one had.

Furthermore, any stats related to the Innate Talent would become easier to increase when practicing with the weapon, Yale’s path to obtaining ten points in Dexterity became easier thanks to the Dynamic Quests.

Yale shot the next arrow in the middle of the target, alongside a new prompt from the system.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward obtained: Archery Innate Talent: Mid-high grade.”

Yale had only failed the target once, so the next arrow completed the second Dynamic Quest.

As his Innate Talent become better than before his archery improved even more, now Yale was able to hit seven consecutive shots in the middle of the target before his record was only of two successive shots, Yale improved a lot.

To Yale the archery lessons weren’t real lessons, only training because Nosehawk didn’t give him any advice, he occasionally gave pointers to the others, but Nosehawk ignored Yale.

Yale only needed to train in archery, and he didn’t care about Nosehawk, Yale had seen him shoot an arrow, and he wasn’t that good for his age. He was only qualified to teach kids under ten years old, in the Nacesai Academy were some kids better than Nosehawk.

Even the two nine-year-old kids from the class were almost as good as the instructor.

Thinking about his useless archery instructor, Yale shot the last arrow of the day; he would need another day to finish the third Dynamic Quest.

The arrow hit the middle of the target, and a notification appeared in Yale’s mind.

The first chapter of the week.

Thank you for still reading Last Wish System this second week.

Update: As it was suggested in the comments I created a Discord Channel for the novel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

“System alert: Dexterity points increased from 7 to 8.”

Yale didn’t expect to increase his Dexterity yet. He thought he would need at least another week, but he didn’t include in his calculations the effects of his newly acquired Innate Talent.

Yale didn’t use the system until he went back to his room, that Dexterity point was something blocking him from doing anything else in the Quest Menu, except for his newly unlocked Dynamic Quests.

Yale seated in his room and went to the Quest Menu; then he finished the Skill Quest he completed when obtained the eighth point in Dexterity.

Yale’s Magic Latent Talent turned into mid-grade, and a new Skill Quest appeared, named [Magical talent upgrade: Mid-high]. The requirements followed the previous ones; now Yale required at least 9 points in the three mind related stats.

Finishing the previous Quest also completed the requirements to finish [Elemental Affinity] and obtain a perfect grade Elemental Affinity. Yale didn’t hesitate as he finished the Quest and quickly went to check what kind of elemental ability he obtained.

The new line in the Innate Talent Menu was “Thunder Elemental Affinity: Perfect grade” with a simple description.

“The best affinity to practice thunder magic.”

Then, Yale sighed.

“My luck is really bad.”

It wasn’t that the thunder element was bad, but it was harder to practice than other elements with the same affinity, and the overall power of all the normal elements was almost the same. Thus, the thunder element couldn’t be considered popular.

There were seven normal elements: fire, water, wind, earth, thunder, light, and darkness. Each had their pros and cons, but everyone acknowledged them as equals in general power.

However, thunder, light and darkness difficulty to train were much higher than the others, so there were only a few people focused on them. Mainly because that was their only affinity and to choose any other element would be even slower to train, they were considered more difficult only in case they had the same affinity as the others.

The training speed was a little better than the healing element, which was a special class of affinity, but healing was something much more valuable, you would need at least perfect grade affinity in five elements to compare to someone with a healing perfect grade affinity.

Yale recovered quickly, a perfect grade Elemental Affinity was good in any element, the thunder wasn’t the best to train quickly, but he originally didn’t have even a single Elemental Affinity, he couldn’t be picky.

Yale expected a new Skill Quest after completing the Elemental Affinity one, but no more Quests appeared.

“Well, perfect grade Innate Talents are rare, I already have a perfect grade Elemental Affinity, and I have a lot of chances for obtaining the perfect grade Archery Innate Talent, I mustn’t be greedy.”

Yale stopped thinking about the Skill Quests as there was one more thing that he should be able to do now that he completed more than three Skill Quests, the Main Chain Quest.

“Start the Main Chain Quest”

Finally, this time the Last Wish System started the Main Chain Quest.

“Main Chain Quest is starting; every Main Chain Quest is composed of multiple sub-quests. There are four different Main Chain Quest options which represent four different paths. The user needs to choose one; the user couldn’t change the choice afterward, please think carefully.”

Yale was startled, this was the first time the system asked him to choose something like that, then he immediately asked the system for more detailed information of every choice, this time Yale didn’t want to make a mistake.

“The selected Main Chain Quest would help the user on his path in the future; all the choices will give the user a practicing method for the chosen path before finishing the first Main Chain Quest.”

“The first option is the Warrior Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on the physical body. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior before sixteen years old while following the first Main Chain Quest are a hundred percent. By choosing the Warrior Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain the following reward: All physical stats upgraded to 9.”

Yale’s eyes opened as he heard the system, the reward of the Warrior Path was awesome and following the Main Chain Quest, he would become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior without a doubt. However, Yale wanted to hear all the options.

“The second option is the Magus Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on the mind and magical spells. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Magus while before sixteen years old following the first Main Chain Quest are a hundred percent. By choosing the Magus Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain the following reward: Two perfect grade Elemental affinities.”

Yale was delighted, two perfect grade Elemental affinities plus the perfect grade Thunder Elemental Affinity he already obtained, a total of three perfect grade Elemental affinities.

Even if it still couldn’t compare to a perfect grade healing Elemental Affinity, at least Yale would be somewhat valued and would obtain a decent amount of resources once he joined the Nacesai Academy. Yale was more biased towards the Magus Path since young and his chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Magus was still a perfect one, but he continued listening to the system, he was curious about the other two paths the system had yet to explain.

“The third option is the Ancient Archer Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on both body and mind. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice Archer before sixteen years old while following the first Main Chain Quest are fifty percent. By choosing the Ancient Archery Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain the following reward: Hyper Vision Special Innate Talent. Attention: The Ancient Archery Path has no relation to the modern archery in the user’s world, it is a complete path of its own.”

Yale was without words, the current world had lost the Ancient Archery Path long ago, and then archery became a mixed and incomplete path, but with this Main Chain Quest that lost path could appear in the world again. Furthermore, Yale was curious about what effects that Special Innate Talent had.

” Hyper Vision Special Innate Talent: Gives the user a vision capable of seeing in detail all things under one thousand kilometers.”

For an archer that Special Innate Talent was extremely useful, if one had enough Dexterity and Strength, it wouldn’t be impossible to shoot arrows at the distance of hundreds of kilometers, but usually, the lack of line of sight limited the distance in which one could shoot with precision. Usually, long-distance shots were only done by a lot of archers at the same time solving the precision problem with quantity.

If there weren’t any obstacles while using Hyper Vision, then an expert archer’s might would become terrifying. However, it wasn’t easy to have a battlefield without obstacles; then it would become difficult to use the full strength of Hyper Vision unless one found a very high spot to shoot.

That’s good to launch a sneak attack, but it would be impossible to use the Hyper Vision at max capacity in the middle of a battle. Even in that case, the Special Innate Talent would still be useful, but it was obvious that the main point of Hyper Vision was to launch sneak attacks.

The third option tempted Yale, but he still didn’t want to choose anything before hearing all.

“The fourth option is the Origin Path, the conditions to obtain rewards and the rewards themselves would focus on being able to advance in the Origin Path. Based on user current progress, the chances to become a Rank 1 Novice before sixteen years old while following the first Main Chain Quest are ten percent. By choosing the Origin Path Main Chain Quest, the user would obtain no rewards. Attention: If the fact that the user has access to the Origin Path is made public, the user’s chances of survival are almost zero.”

The last one seemed to tell Yale to avoid it and don’t choose it, only ten percent of success, no rewards for choosing it, a death warning if the word spread and even when he asked the details of the Origin Path to the system he didn’t get any reply.

On the other hand, that mysteriousness was also attracting, and by being able to attract such a calamity if it were known, that path should be very special.

Yale had a battle inside his mind; all the options had good points and bad points.

The Warrior Path would solve Yale’s weak body, and even without the system Main Chain Quest assistance Yale had confidence in also becoming a Magus, but he would be alone on that path.

The Magus Path would give Yale a very strong foundation to become a powerful Magus, but his body would be weak, and he probably wouldn’t be able to become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior before turning sixteen.

The Ancient Archery Path was a lost path from ancient times its value was enormous, but training that path wasn’t compatible with being a Magus or a Warrior, by choosing the Ancient Archery Path, Yale could only become an archer.

The Origin Path is the most mysterious one, the information about that path was non-existent, and its existence could create a calamity for Yale. Choosing that path would be a very big bet, a bet with his future and his life on the line.

Yale meditated in silence until he made a decision, the most important decision he made in his whole life.

Second chapter of the week.

If you want to join Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

“I choose the Origin Path.”

Yale decided to make the great bet, the other paths are safer, but with them, he would limit himself in some way. On the other hand, the Origin Path is dangerous, and Yale knew nothing about it, but it showed danger and difficulty as the main bad points.

Yale didn’t believe that the system will offer some trash path, he made a bet for the Origin Path as Yale already needed to conceal the system and his path for training was difficult from the start.

Yale hoped that the Origin Path beside being the most difficult and dangerous would also be the most powerful.

And even if the Origin Path didn’t meet Yale’s expectations at least being something from the system Yale was sure that it would be a good path.

“Since the user has chosen the Origin Path the user will obtain some information about it. If after hearing it the user regrets the decision, then the user can change the Origin Path for one of the other paths in exchange for not obtaining the originally offered rewards for those paths and get all the information about the Origin Path wiped out from the user’s memory.”

Yale paid attention to the system; he didn’t expect such a notification. However, he also wanted to listen to more information about the Origin Path, so he paid attention to the system words.

“The first information the user’s needs to know it that the Origin Path is an Ancestral Path legacy found by the user’s past life and also the reason for his death.”

Yale was without words after hearing that; it wasn’t that the Origin Path could kill him, the Origin Path already provoked his death once.

“The Origin Path was the first Path that appeared in the world in ancient times; there isn’t any information about the creation of the Origin Path.”

“However, the requirements to practice it and the difficulty to improve lead to the creation of some weaker paths derived from it. Almost all the derived paths became lost in time like the Ancient Archery Path. Only the user’s actual world’s Warrior Path and Magus Path remained, both of them were only third-class derived paths.”

“The Origin Path allow all the stats to increase, having its difficulty as its only flaw. On the other hand, the best-derived paths known as first-class paths only allowed five stats to increase, and with that flaw in the path of training, the path became easier to train.

“But first-class paths weren’t easy enough to mass produce practitioners. the second-class derived paths were born to allow more people to practice, they were still difficult but they were way easier compared with the first-class ones, but they allowed only four stats to increase.”

Yale thought immediately of the Ancient Archery Path, one of the reasons it was considered very precious and led the archers to their golden age was the fact that they could improve four stats instead of only three.

“Finally, the third-class derived paths appeared and only allowed to increase three stats. If any training method allowed to increase less than three stats, then it would be handicapped. Also, virtually all people can practice at least one of the third-class derived paths; thus the third-class become the lowest class.”

To Yale, it was hard to believe that the two most powerful paths of his world were only meeting the minimum requirements to practice successfully. The revelation that they were the weakest and any other paths were handicapped would be a blow the mind of anyone. However, aside from the two main paths and some mixings using them still allowed to enhance at least three stats, no other path worked to become a real expert.

“Due to the lack of talent in the world, the Origin Path disappeared in the flow of time, and soon the first class derivate paths were also lost.”

“After some centuries only the Ancient Archery Path remained from the second-class derived paths and it the end was also lost. After that, the Warrior Path and the Magus Path become the most popular and become the only two paths of the world, with all the others becoming lost.”

“There are only a few people in the world who know about the first class derived paths, and even less who know about the Origin Path. However, any of these people could kill the user as easy as killing an ant. Furthermore, even if the Origin Path could only be trained from the start and could not be changed to another path midway nor be started after having practiced some other way, the Origin Path was still useful for their descendants or even for their reincarnations.”

“The user still wants to choose the Origin Path or would he like to change it?”

Yale’s mind was too shocked to reply at that instant; he was still processing the information he just learned. However, once he calmed himself, a determined look appeared on his face.

“No matter the danger, the more valuable and powerful the Origin Path is the more I want to train it. I still choose the Origin Path.”

“Origin Path selected, Quest Menu updating.”

After a few seconds, the system continued.

“The user wants an explanation about the requirements to start practicing the Origin Path?”

Yale indeed wanted a detailed explanation of the Origin Path; he selected it knowing it would be difficult and he was curious about that difficulty. Soon the information appeared in his head.

“Requirements to start training the Origin Path: Memorize the Origin Path training method, all the stats should be at the max before becoming ten years old. Once turning ten the Origin Path would automatically enter the one-star mortal realm.”

Those requirements were indeed higher than the other paths, having all the stats maxed before becoming ten years old was indeed difficult. However, compared with the following requirements the first one were like a joke.

“Requirements to reach two-star mortal: Master a battle skill and a magic spell in less than three months since having become a one-star mortal.”

That was truly difficult, mastering a battle skill or a magic spell was a normal condition to reach the two-star mortal fighter or the two-star mortal erudite realm. However, there was no time limit like that, the time limit is only at sixteen years old, and that’s to become a Rank 1 Novice Warrior or Novice Magus, if there were such time limitations to reach the one-star rank there wouldn’t be a lot of practitioners. And having such a time limit to master both a battle skill and a magic spell was almost impossible.

However, Yale had faith in the system, since it gave him a ten percent chance, it wasn’t impossible at least for him.

That showed the real difficulty of the Origin Path, and that’s only the information until reaching the two-star mortal, the system didn’t show any information for afterward, only an alert.

“Alert: No more information would be shown for the next stages until the user becomes a two-star mortal. If the user doesn’t meet any of the conditions when the time limit is reached, the user wouldn’t be able to continue practicing the Origin Path, and due to its incompatibilities, the user would never be able to practice any other path.”

Yale understood how important it was for him to reach the requirements if he failed to become a 1-star mortal, he would lose the system assistance, but he would still have hope to practice other methods. However, once he started practicing the Origin Path, he would never be able to change it, so failing to meet the requirements even once would mean the end of the way to Yale.

“No matter how difficult it becomes, I will never give up.”

Yale was determined to succeed and to succeed he couldn’t lose even a moment; then he opened the Quest Menu to see what the first sub-quest of the Main Chain Quest was.

Third chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

“Main Chain Quest: Origin Path Rank 1”

That was the header the system showed for Yale’s first Chain Quest, and the main objective of this Main chain Quest was to reach Rank 1 Novice in the Origin Path.

As for the first sub-quest, it was something Yale didn’t expect.

“Sub-quest: Become an apprentice of a Sword’s Master. Reward: Sword Innate Talent (the grade is variable, the more powerful the master, the better the grade).”

Yale didn’t understand the reasons for the first sub-quest as he never showed any interest in the sword. If the requirement for the Origin Path was training with a weapon, he was already training archery.

“The system determined that among all weapons, the sword is the one with more benefits for the user to reach the requirements for the Origin Path. Training with the sword would help to increase Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Dexterity.”

Indeed, those were all stats that Yale needed to improve. But he still didn’t understand why the reward would be of a variable grade. With a great master, Yale would obtain a better grade for the Innate Talent and better advice while training. On the other hand, if the master was ordinary, Yale talent and help while training would also be ordinary.

The system was telling him to obtain a good master.

“Seems that I need to find a good master and begin to train the sword, but those sword instructors are almost at the same level as Nosehawk, there are kids better than them. If this were the Nacesai Academy, I would be able to find better ones. However, I can’t lose these four years until I’m able to enter the academy, to increase my Agility points I need training the sword.”

Yale didn’t know what to do, he thought about asking his sister for advice but explaining why he needed a master better than the clan instructors would be difficult given that he never trained the sword before. Furthermore, he didn’t like to rely on his sister; she already helped him a lot.

“Wait, if I correctly remember there is someone within the clan who was a real Sword’s Master, but he’s eccentric and doesn’t take any disciple unless he had some personal liking to them, he even rejected some extremely talented kids. However, fifty years ago he took a disciple who was without any talent, to that eccentric old man the talent really didn’t seem to matter, then I have a chance.”

That old man was quite famous in the Roanmad clan, he lived for a very long time, and no one knew about his true age nor his true name. With his talent, he could have any position he desired in the clan, but he only liked to train the sword.

A lot of youngsters wanted to become the old man’s apprentices, but since fifty years ago he didn’t accept any other disciple. The last disciple became very powerful after training with the old man, but in the end, he died in battle.

“I’ll try to become an apprentice of that eccentric old man; if I fail, then I would need to rely on big sister’s influence to obtain a good teacher to train the sword. However, I feel that sister wouldn’t be able to get someone as good as that old man to teach me.”

Yale stood up and left his room; there wasn’t any need to wait as he would need to ask that old man personally if he wanted to become his apprentice and Yale needed to improve quickly as the Origin Path had harsh requirements.

Yale walked until he reached that old man’s place and knocked on the door.

“The door is open.”

After hearing that Yale opened the door and saw that famous old man for the first time. He was tall with long white hair and a short white beard; his face looked old but at the same time full of vitality. His clothes hid the frame of his body, but he wasn’t as bulky as most warriors.

However, no one would doubt his power, those who killed his previous disciple got fully eradicate by him the next they.

“Good afternoon.”

Yale said while bowing to the old man politely.

“Good afternoon kid, you should also be here to take me as your master, right?”

That scene happened a lot of times with many members of the younger generation, to the old man this was a normal occurrence.

“Yes, I came here to become your apprentice.”

Yale didn’t try to conceal it as he also knew that lying to someone like that old man wasn’t a good choice.

“You should be that bookworm Yale who recently became mad about physical training; you are quite famous recently, you know?”

Yale was surprised that the gossips about him reached even that old man.

“Yes, I’m honored that you knew about me.”

Yale bowed again; he didn’t want to show any disrespect for that old man, even if he didn’t take Yale as a disciple, it wasn’t good being on bad terms with him.

“You can call me Swordmad, that’s how everyone calls me, you seem vexed about not knowing how to call me.”

Yale felt ashamed because that was true, he didn’t know the old man’s name before.

“If you want to become my disciple you need to give me a sincere answer to a question. If I like it, then I’ll take you as a disciple if not you can go back to your room.”

Before Yale could say something else, Swordmad went straight to the point, and Yale nodded in reply.

“If I ask you to focus only on the sword, abandoning everything else like reading books, training Archery, going to the Nacesai Academy and then training only the Path I told you to practice, would you accept?”

Yale knew that the answer was very important, but instead of thinking, as usual, he replied immediately without thinking of anything beforehand, he spoke his true feelings.


“I want to train with the sword, and I’m serious about that, but I would never abandon anything else for that.”

“The knowledge obtained from reading books is something useful even for battling with the sword.”

“The meaning of archery is to battle in long-range, it won’t overlap with the sword.”

“Going to the Nacesai Academy is my only way to reunite with my sister, she’s the only one who treated me well, I will go to the Nacesai Academy no matter what happens.”

“And what Path to train is only my decision, no matter who becomes my master I will only follow the Path I choose, I would never change it because others told me to do so.”

After he finished speaking Yale became aware of what he said, he was extremely disrespectful to Swordmad, but for some reason, he lost the control of himself.

“So, that’s your answer…”

Yale was dispirited, after what he said he didn’t have any hope to become Swordmad’s apprentice.

“You at least replied me with sincerity; I punished those who lied to me before no matter what they said.”

Yale was now happy about losing his control if he lied there was no way Swordmad wouldn’t notice.

“About your answer, it’s obvious that you didn’t want to focus on being a Warrior focused on the sword nor want to inherit my path; you take the sword as something extra.”

Yale remained silent because that was the truth. He wanted to train the sword seriously because it was important for training the Origin Path.

“You seem to be clear about what you want to do, and you refuse to abandon anything in exchange for becoming my apprentice. You value your ideals more than the fact of becoming my apprentice, do you think I would accept something like you as an apprentice?”

Yale still didn’t dare to say a word, he couldn’t lie, and Swordmad was only speaking the truth. Yale only wanted to go back to his room and forget this conversation.

“The answer is yes; I like stubborn kids like you. To be successful in life, it’s important to follow your own decisions and don’t let others change what you decided. The question before was only a test; I won’t ask you to abandon anything.”

Yale was flabbergasted, he didn’t expect this development.

“From now I accept you as my disciple.”

As Swordmad words resounded in the room, the Last Wish System reacted showing a notification.

Fourth chapter of the week.

Thank you to all who still read Last Wish System!

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

“Sub-quest finished. Reward obtained: Sword Innate Talent: Perfect Grade.”

Yale was stunned as he obtained the highest reward, the system determined that Swordmad was the best master for Yale.

Yale opened the Innate Talent Menu to check his new Innate Talent.

” Sword Innate Talent: Perfect grade. The best affinity for Swordsmanship. Grants the user the Passive Skill [Sword Mastery].”

As far as Yale knew there were three types of skills, Battle Skills, Magic Skills also known as Spells and Passive Skills. To train the first two it was indispensable to start practicing a Path, as for the third it didn’t matter, but obtaining a Passive Skill was more about luck than any other thing.

Passive Skills didn’t need to be activated and training them could be done with the passing of time, the books said that sometimes people with high-grade or perfect grade also had a Passive Skill related to the talent. However, in Nacesai City there were no means to measure Passive Skills, Yale’s knowledge came only from books.

“System, create an auxiliary function for the Skills.”

As Yale ordered in his mind, the system gave him a quick reply.

“New auxiliary function created, Skill Menu added.”

While Yale was quickly interacting with the system, Yale bowed to Swordmad thanking him for becoming his master, and Swordmad told him to pick a wooden sword. Fortunately, Yale was good using the system while doing other things, so everything seemed normal.

In the newly created Skill Menu, there were only two Passive Skills.

“Illusion Immunity: As the system’s user no illusion can affect you unless you allow it to affect you voluntarily.”

Yale didn’t expect to own such Passive Skill; illusions are scary for anyone as falling into an illusion could make you an easy target in battle.

“Sword Mastery: Apprentice Level 1. While wielding a sword, all stats increase by 0,1% ignoring all the restrictions. This Passive Skill can be leveled up practicing Swordsmanship.”

Yale saw the description while picking the wooden sword and felt that his stats increased a little while wielding the weapon.

“Sadly, my stats are so low that the 0,1% of them is almost an inexistent increase, but if I increase the level, I’m sure the effect would become better.”

The best feature of that passive Skill was that it could surpass the restrictions, Yale stats couldn’t surpass ten points in a normal state, but while wielding a sword, the stats could break that limit. With Yale actual strength and the lowest level of the Skill it can’t be said to be very useful, but it had incredible potential for the future.

“Use that wooden sword to attack me; it’s impossible that you can harm me so attack with all your power.”

After hearing Swordmad words, Yale started to attack.

Yale never wielded a sword before, but he had the help of the perfect grade Innate Talent and the knowledge obtained from books.

After a minute Swordmad finally said something.

“You can stop now. I didn’t expect that you had some talent with the sword, that’s unexpected, and you’re using a lot of techniques that you obviously learned from books but never seen before.”

Yale stopped and paid attention to his master, any advice from such a powerful master was invaluable.

“If you are serious about improving with the sword, then you need to practice more and start from the basics. Those techniques from the books are good, but you need more foundations before being able to use them well. You have talent, but the talent should be polished.”

Yale nodded, the evaluation was quite good to him given his null experience.

“From tomorrow onwards you will train the sword here for two hours every day, and you need to continue training your body, your strength is not bad for your age, but you have a great lack of agility.”

Yale went back to his room and checked the Main Chain Quest; he didn’t dare to divide his attention while training with the sword, so he had to stop checking the system.

The first sub-quest appeared as completed and a second one appeared.

“Sub-quest: All stats should reach at least 7 points. Reward: Elemental Affinity (the grade is variable, completing it before turning seven years old is perfect-grade, after that it would be lowered a grade for every six months).”

Yale become excited with this new sub-quest, he still had nine months before turning seven years old and only his physical stats still without reaching the limit. Yale knew it wouldn’t be easy, but it was something that was possible to do with hard work.

The next day almost the entire Roanmad clan knew about Yale becoming an apprentice of Swordmad, the unexpected news shocked all of them. Of all the kids in the clan, how could the eccentric expert of the sword choose a mere bookworm? That was the main train of thought of almost all the members of the clan.

However, the actions of Swordmad always were something that no one could understand, in the end, all looked at Yale with envy as he only had some great luck. Of course, now no one would dare to touch him nor harbor any bad intentions towards Yale, Swordmad exterminated a whole clan when his last disciple was killed.

Swordmad usually never interferes with his disciple’s affairs, unless it was something he couldn’t tolerate, the hardships were also good for polishing the disciple’s mind.

However, with Swordmad being an eccentric no one knew what kind of thing could be intolerable for him and everyone chose to be prudent.

That day, Yale also went to the Archery lessons and completed another Dynamic Quest.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: High grade.”

With his Innate Talent upgrade to high-grade Yale’s Archery improved even more but completing the fourth Dynamic Quest was still quite far away.

At the moment, all of Yale’s objectives were quite far away; there was no way to complete anything within a short amount of time. However, Yale was satisfied, his foundation improved a lot since the awakening of the system, and he still had three years and nine months until reaching the age to start practicing the Origin Path.

Yale continued training his body, practicing Archery at the lessons and improving his Swordsmanship with Swordmad. His physical stats begun to increase as well as his Sword Mastery Passive Skill, but his dexterity remained at eight points the difficulty from eight to ten was much harder than training one stat from one to eight.

Converting the stats into average or above average was quite easy as long as one worked hard, but nearing or reaching the limit of a mortal was no easy task.

Yale needed six full months until he completed the fourth Dynamic Quest, in those months Yale’s life became quite simple, he was always training and at some point, he started to read books while training his body.

Yale also grew a bit in this half year. Before his training, he was a bit shorter than the other boys of his generation, but now he was a bit taller than them, and his body didn’t look weak either. By his actual looks, if one didn’t know him from before, one would never think that half year ago Yale was a bookworm.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit in the middle of the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Perfect grade.”

“I finally completed it, I failed after the ninety-ninth arrow a lot of times, now I can relax a bit.”

Yale checked the Skill Menu hoping to see something new and indeed under his Sword Mastery, which was already level five and increases his stats by 0,5%, there was a new Passive Skill.

“Archer’s Senses: Level 1. All senses increased while practicing Archery. This Passive Skill can be leveled up practicing Archery.”

Increasing the senses, especially the vision was very good for practicing Archery, so Yale liked this new Skill.

Yale finished the Archery lesson and started his way to his master’s room.

“I only need a bit more.”

Yale said while looking at the Stats Menu.

“Vitality: 7 | Strength: 7 | Agility: 6 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 8”

First chapter of the week.

We reached the third week, thank you to all the readers!

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Usually, after Yale finished the class, Swordmad gave him some advice and Yale returned to his room. However, the same day Yale finished the fourth Dynamic Quest, Swordmad said something else.

“You have been training with me for some time, in the next month’s Clan’s Gathering you should do an exhibition battle and show your progress to the everyone.”

The Clan’s Gathering was something that happened once per year, and it was normal for some youngsters to show their abilities in exhibition battles. However, Yale didn’t expect that Swordmad wanted him to show off.

“All right, I won’t disappoint master.”

Yale didn’t have any reasons to refuse; he also wanted to test himself against others.

Yale continued training until the day of the Clan’s Gathering, but his stats and skills remained the same.

Yale went to the Clan’s Gathering in a very good mood, not because of the exhibition battle but because his big sister would come back.

The Clan’s Gathering was considered quite simple there was a lot of food and alcohol for the adults, the only exciting part was the younger generations exhibition battles.

Yale took a wooden sword with him to use in the exhibition battle; real weapons were of course forbidden, the objective wasn’t to harm the opponent both participants should stop just before actually hitting the other.

Yale didn’t eat anything and went to a corner; he didn’t like being surrounded by a lot of people.


A cute voice said while Yale suddenly got hugged. That person was Ange, Yale’s big sister.

She was almost twelve years old, her face was very gentle and had a long dark brown hair which matched with her dark brown eyes.

When she was beside Yale it was easy to tell that they were siblings, Yale’s hair was short and disordered but the color was the same, and their facial features were also similar, Yale could be considered a pretty boy.

Ange was sure that if Yale interacted more with the world outside the clan, he would become popular with girls, a pretty boy with a well-trained body was something that a lot of girls liked. Of course, Yale was still a kid and wasn’t interested in those things yet, but Ange liked to tease him.

“You have become more handsome after training your body, would you like big sister to introduce you to my friend’s little sister? I’m sure you would like her.”

Yale quickly disapproved with his head, he wanted to focus on training, and as he didn’t understand those matters, he didn’t want to think about them.

Yale spoke with his sister until the exhibition battles begun, Yale’s turn was the last, so he had a lot of time to see the other battles while waiting.

Yale had quite a good eye for battles after training with Swordmad for more than a half year, so he analyzed the battles carefully, and he felt confident to win against all of them in a one versus one battle, although not all the battles would be easy, in the end, Yale would win.

However, Yale’s opponent was the only one Yale didn’t feel confident to win against. Although Yale never saw him battling, the opponent was someone considered highly talented within the clan and was almost ten years old.

The others didn’t dare to battle with him, but Swordmad wanted Yale to battle with the strongest among the younger generation.

That guy was named Blackor and was a recognized illegitimate son of the clan. Furthermore, he always disliked Yale and become very upset when Yale become an apprentice of Swordmad. It was important to say that Blackor and Yale never interacted before, Blackor’s hate was only because of what he heard of Yale.

Blackor was quite tall for his age and had bulky muscles; he was a standard for a talented warrior, something that the clan valued a lot. Yale looked weaker than Blackor, but since he trained with Swordmad, everyone knew that they couldn’t judge Yale by his looks.

Both entered the stage with wooden swords in hand, that battle was a battle of swordsmen.

“Lucky kid, after you lose today even your master would despise you.”

Blackor was a bully who looked down on everyone else and given his current status he didn’t fear Yale.

“I’m not here to talk.”

Yale was unmoved by Blackor words; his only interest was to win the battle.

The battle started with both charging forward. Blackor had a better body build, but Yale’s ability with the sword was greater than Blackor’s.

Both exchanged blows without stop, but each time the swords clashed with each other, so the battle continued. Usually, the exhibition battles were quite quick, so this kind of battle was a rare sight.

The battle seemed balanced but Yale was in a disadvantage, his body couldn’t compare with Blackor’s body, and he couldn’t go easy with such an opponent, Yale was getting exhausted.

Yale didn’t want to lose, but he knew the condition of his own body. He had to bet the battle on a faint; he decided to deceive Blackor to land a hit.

Yale suddenly changed his direction startling Blackor and pointed the sword towards Blackor’s neck. Feint successful.

“I win.”

After Yale stated his victory, he went back to his sister’s side, without giving the fight any importance.

Fortunately, Blackor was a muscle brain and only knew to be straightforward in battle; he was very weak at feints and Yale could exploit his weakness.

However, Yale lacked the speed to do such a feint in front of Blackor at the start of the battle.

Yale had the feeling that he was almost at the point of increasing his agility and put his hopes in increasing it in the battle.

Yale was at six points of Agility quite some time already, he was hoping to reach the seventh point before the Clan’s Gathering, but in the end, he only reached it in the middle of the battle and managed to win thanks to that extra point of Agility.

Blackor didn’t want to accept that he lost the battle, but he couldn’t go against the elders of the clan, so he could only go back in silence.

A lot of clan members congratulated Yale including Ange, who was very happy for Yale’s victory.

However, Yale wasn’t interested in that as he went to check the newly acquired Elemental Affinity in the Innate Talent Menu, he completed the second sub-quest when he obtained the seventh Agility point.

“Light Elemental Affinity: Perfect grade. The best affinity to practice light magic.”

Yale didn’t know how to react; he got perfect grade Elemental Affinity for two of the most difficult to train normal elements. He was betting that if he got a third, with his luck, it would be darkness.

“Why that face, you won the battle.”

Ange said when she saw Yale’s facial expression.

“I won, but it was because Blackor was overconfident and a bit stupid, in a battle of pure strength I’m not his match.”

Yale quickly give a motive to his facial expression when he saw the new Elemental Affinity, what he said was true but it wasn’t the reason for the weird expression on his face.

Yale continued chatting about the battle with his sister while checking the new sub-quest in the Quest Menu.

“Sub-quest: All stats maxed as a mortal. Time limit: Before reaching ten-years-old. Reward: Origin Path training method.”

Seeing the new sub-quest Yale become quite depressed, it seemed that until maxing all of his stats he can’t get any more benefits from the Main Chain Quest.

“Roanmad clansmen, I’m glad to have you all here again this year, I’m…”

The Clan Chief’s speech started, he was Yale and Ange great-grandfather, but he had too many descendants there was no way he could know all of them.

However, the Clan Chief knew about Ange and Yale; the first was someone very valued by the Nacesai Academy, the academy even sent some bodyguards to protect her from the shadows. And Yale was the disciple of Swordmad, someone who was even older than the Clan Chief.

However, with his position, knowing about Yale and Ange was already very good, there was no chance he would interact with the younger generation without important reasons. He only talked to Ange once never to Yale.

Suddenly the speech was interrupted, everyone fell silent with their eyes out of focus as if they were in a trance.

“What happened.”

Yale was startled, he didn’t know why everyone became absent-minded at the same time, but the system replied to him.

“A powerful Illusion had been cast in the area.”

Yale then understood why he was unaffected; he had the Illusion Immunity Passive Skill.

However, Yale didn’t understand who or why would cast such illusion in the Roanmad Clan’s Gathering as it wasn’t the best time to attack the clan, the illusion will only be effective for some seconds to the powerful members of the clan.

If the attackers wanted to go out alive they could kill at most one or two weak clansmen; there was no need to wait until the day all of the clan gathered. Unless the target was someone that only came to the clan on that day.

Yale face changed as he looked at his sister, she was someone that was usually never in the clan and killing her in the Nacesai Academy is almost impossible. Furthermore, her status as a healer was important to the whole city.

Yale thoughts were right; there was a shadow with a long spear rushing towards his sister.

Yale tried to move his sister to evade the incoming attack.

However, Yale could only move his sister’s body, after doing so his own body was in the attack’s trajectory.

Yale used his sword to try to block some of the incoming attack power, but the attack easily destroyed the sword, and the spear stabbed at Yale’s chest sending him flying.

Yale was under the world’s protection, and he didn’t provoke the other party, so the attacker became heavily injured by the world’s laws, losing any chance to run away or anyone else.

“You dared to stab your spear into my disciple, you and your whole lineage are dead.”

That angry voice was from Swordmad, he didn’t come to the gathering, but he rushed there when he sensed something amiss.

However, he was too late, Yale managed to save Ange but got fatally injured in return.

Swordmad’s voice awakened the clan members who could only stare at the scene with confused eyes as Swordmad picked up Yale’s body in mid-air.

“All healers come quickly, or he will die!”

Ange who recently awakened cried as she ran to help Yale. All the other healers present, even those who only know some simple healing spells and couldn’t be considered healers did the same. There was no time for questions, saving a life was more important and the one asking for it was Swordmad, a very powerful figure in the clan.

The last thing Yale remembered before losing his consciousness was his sister crying his name.

Second chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Yale opened his eyes confused, his memories were fuzzy and his body heavy.

“You finally awakened, I already thought that you would remain unconscious forever.”

That was Swordmad’s voice; he was beside Yale’s bed seated in a chair.

“Master, what…”

“Stop, you look confused, clear your mind or even if I explain to you what happened, you wouldn’t understand.”

Yale stopped talking and tried to recall what happened to him.

“I went to the Clan’s Gathering and won the exhibition battle against Blackor…”

Until that moment he recalled clearly.

“After that… something weird happened… everyone fell into an illusion… but I wasn’t affected… someone wanted to kill my sister… I tried to save her…”

Yale expression changed.

“But I failed… and received a hit in the chest… I died.”

“To be more exacts you almost died, you are still alive and completely healed since a long time ago, but you remained unconscious until now.”

Yale was trying to think more quickly, but his mind wasn’t completely clear.

“Then… for how long have I been asleep?”

“A bit more than sixteen months.”

Yale face changed, even in his confused state the fact that he slept for more than a year was still shocking.

“That wound… it should have been lethal… but I’m still alive.”

“I asked all the healers present in the Clan’s Gathering to save you; your sister remained until she fainted from exhaustion. Don’t worry she’s fine.”

Yale felt grateful to his master and wanted to thank him, but he had no chance to do so.

“You can’t thank me for that. It was my fault; if I went to the Clan’s Gathering, there was no way such things would have happened in front of my eyes. Furthermore, I was too slow and only arrived after the attack hit you.”

Yale didn’t blame his master, no one expected that such a thing could happen. However, he didn’t thank his master, that was because Swordmad himself didn’t want Yale to thank him.

“You don’t have to worry about your body, even if you slept for more than a year, the clan and the Nacesai Academy used a lot of precious herbs and treasures to help you recover, I can ensure to you that they weren’t stingy with their methods.”

Yale didn’t expect that his master did that much to heal him, but Yale was mistaken, it wasn’t because of his master.

“Your sister is a very important person to the whole city, the Nacesai Academy, and the Roanmad clan value her a lot, you saved her when not even her bodyguards could. If they didn’t try their hardest to help you to recover they would’ve become a laughingstock.”

Yale was beginning to understand why that many efforts have been made to help him to recover, even if Swordmad’s words were true, Yale was sure that his sister asked for help from the clan and the academy.

“The one who attacked was an assassin from outside the city, he and his clan lived in the mountains and killed in exchange for money or valuables, I already exterminated them. However, I wasn’t able to discover who the mastermind who paid to get your sister killed was.”

Yale was shocked that Swordmad truly exterminated a whole clan, he heard about that before, but he thought that it was something exaggerated not literal. However, Yale didn’t feel pity for them; they were assassins who tried to kill his sister and almost killed Yale himself.

“The bad news to you, your sister hasn’t left the Nacesai Academy since that day, and she would stay inside until the mastermind got killed, the academy doesn’t want to take risks.”

Yale now felt depressed, he wanted his sister to be safe, but he couldn’t reunite with her until he entered the Nacesai Academy.

“I’ll let you rest; you need to absorb all the information. I doubt you would do it, but you can’t train until I permitted you. Starting to train hard just after awakening isn’t good for your body.”

After that, Swordmad left the room. Yale didn’t have any chances to speak more and simply stayed thinking about everything that happened.

After resting for an hour, Yale’s mind was in a better state, and he remembered the Last Wish System. When Yale tried to interact with the system some notifications appeared.

“User was badly injured, the system will take control of the body functions to help the recovery.”

“The intense pain generated the Passive Skill [Pain Tolerance: Level 1].”

“System forced the body to enter into hibernation mode to ensure a full recuperation.”

“A big amount of healing magic detected, redistributing in the most optimal mode way.”

“The user’s body became familiar with healing magic, [Healing Elemental Affinity: Lowest Grade] generated.”

“The user’s body became familiar with healing magic, [Healing Elemental Affinity: Low Grade] generated.”

“Enhancing body treasures were being used on user’s body, redistributing to enhance user’s physical body.”

“After having recovered from a fatal wound, the system rewarded the user with the Passive Skill [Auto-regeneration: Level 1].”

“The user awakened after risking his life in a heroic act, Legacy Skill [Absolute Protection] unlocked.”

That was a log from all notifications since Yale was badly injured.

The system was one of the reasons that saved Yale’s life distributing all the healing in the most optimal way, otherwise, even with that much healing magic, Yale’s chances of survival were slim.

His slumber was also to let his body fully recover from all internal injuries and sequelae; the wounds were too heavy, Yale was only alive because of the system, his master, and his sister’s status. Without any of those Yale would have had no chance for survival.

Yale was also startled by all the notifications, there were many things he wanted to check, but he started with the Stats Menu.

“Name: Yale Roanmad | Age: 8 (World’s law protection) | Origin Level: 0”

“Vitality: 10 | Strength: 8 | Agility: 7 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 8”

Yale looked at his Vitality, with the help of the system it had become maxed out by all the treasures used on his body. His strength also increased one point.

“I lost more than a year of training, but I doubt that I would have been able to have my Vitality points already maxed with normal training.”

Yale had strong requirements to accomplish within a time limit, so he became depressed when he heard that he lost a bit more than sixteen months. That meant that he only had less than twenty-two months until reaching the time limit.

However, with his vitality already maxed he couldn’t say that he lost those months, Yale still had chances of maxing all the stats before the time limit.

Yale then went to the Innate Talent Menu to check the newly acquired Elemental Affinity.

” Healing Elemental Affinity: Low grade.”

“Low affinity to practice healing magic.”

“Upgrading: Absorb massive amounts of healing magic to enhance the affinity.”

Yale was happy with this new affinity even if it was low grade; any healing affinity is useful. However, he didn’t understand the upgrading part.

“The system had a hidden function that allows the user to absorb some of the magic used on the user’s body or environment and use it to increase the affinities. The amounts required are extremely high.”

Yale didn’t know about such an awesome function, but it wasn’t something that he could use now. Yale received an incredible amount of healing magic and the affinity generated was still in only low grade, upgrading it or obtaining more affinities by this method didn’t seem realistic.

“There’s some time limit to use this hidden function?”

“There’s no time limit; the function will always be available for the user.”

Yale sighed in relieve. He couldn’t use it well at that moment, but in the future, he could slowly get some more affinities.

“It would take a lot of time, but after I reach Rank 1, I’ll have more time.”

Yale then went to check the Skill Menu; he obtained two new Passive Skills and that mysterious Legacy Skill.

“Pain Tolerance: Level 1. Increases the tolerance level of pain. This Passive Skill can be leveled up by suffering extreme pain.”

“Auto-regeneration: Level 1. The body would be automatically regenerated as long as the user isn’t dead, the regeneration speed will increase with each level. This Passive Skill can be leveled up by getting injured and then recovering.”

Yale liked that skills but hated the way to level them. Yale had just recovered he didn’t want to get more injuries or suffer more pain.

Yale sighed, and he finally put his eyes on the Legacy Skill, his face changed as he couldn’t believe what he was reading.

Third chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

“Absolute Protection: Creates a 5-meter field that lasts for 5 seconds. Nothing can interfere with the inside of the field until it disappears. This Legacy Skill can only be used once per month; it doesn’t use the user’s energy.”

“This skill is a real Absolute Protection.”

Absolute Protection can protect Yale and everything around him from any damage. Even if it only lasts for five seconds and can only be used once per month, if Yale were again in the same situation as in the Clan’s Gathering, at least, he would be able to protect himself and his sister for five seconds.

“Can I improve this Legacy Skill?”

That was something very important; if the area and duration could increase, then it would be awesome.

“The Legacy Skill is a special type of skill that directly use the laws of the world to work; it can only improve if the user gains an understanding of the law the Legacy Skill is using.”

Yale was slightly disappointed, gaining understanding in the laws of the world was something that usually only powerful experts could do. However, having this Legacy Skill implies that his past life understood at least some of that law, then Yale should also be capable of doing it someday.

“What law does it use?”

Laws were very closely related to elements, having a better elemental affinity also makes it easier to understand the law later on.

“Absolute Protection relies on the Time Law.”

Yale was shocked, Space and Time were special elements like healing, but much more difficult to train and even rarer to have elemental affinities in.

This Legacy Skill using the Time Law implied that Yale would have a very difficult time improving it, but at the same time, the system didn’t lie in that it was absolute.

A defense that manipulates time was unbreakable unless one had an even better understanding of the Time Law, a Time-type defense didn’t block the incoming attacks, the attacks couldn’t exist in the time flux inside the protection.

The Absolute Protection became Yale’s greatest trump card, a true life-saving skill and one that can also save others.

“Is there any way to get more Legacy Skills?”

Yale wanted to see if he could obtain more life-saving skills.

“The Legacy Skills can only become unlocked by fulfilling hidden requirements. Until fulfilling them, the user wouldn’t get any more information.”

Yale expected something like that, yet he still tried to ask.

However, he didn’t understand why the system put up those many difficulties when helping him instead of giving him the full legacy from his past life, he only survived by luck last time, but with the Absolute Protection, he could have avoided that heavy injury.

Yale didn’t understand his own past life, but he couldn’t do anything about that, so he chose to rest as he couldn’t train now.

In the following days, the healers and Swordmad fully checked Yale’s body, until they permitted Yale to continue his training.

Yale started to train without rest like before, and he realized that with his vitality maxed and the Auto-regeneration skill his stamina was far greater than before.

Yale didn’t have to rely on medicinal pills like before as his body’s recovery was even better than them.

The effects of Auto-regeneration were more powerful when it came to restoring Yale’s stamina compared to its ability to actually heal his wounds, as restoring stamina was far easier than recovering an injured body.

Two months later Yale increased his Agility to eight, and after another month his Strength reached nine points.

However, Yale was unable to increase his Dexterity to nine points until the week before his ninth birthday.

Yale also upgraded his Magical Talent to mid-high grade and got the next Skill Quest in which he needed to upgrade each of the mind stats to ten points.

In those months, Swordmad was very pleased with Yale as he trained even harder than before.

After having a near-death experience at such young age, it wouldn’t be strange to negatively affect a child’s mind and turn them into cowards.

However, Yale was the opposite as he became even more hard-working than before. Swordmad considered that this kind of mindset was the best one to practice any Path.

On the other hand, Yale felt that his training was becoming less effective and didn’t feel confident to reach the ten points in all of his stats in little more than one year.

“The system only gave me a ten percent chance of success, and now I see that it wasn’t exaggerating, the last points are truly difficult to obtain.”

Ten points were the natural limit for a mortal like him, and his body was near that state, reaching the limit would be a perfect state for a mortal and reaching perfection was always difficult.

Yale knew that he wouldn’t be able to succeed by normal means, normal training wouldn’t let his body reach perfection. Yale needed practical experience.

Yale knew how to undergo some practical and dangerous training.

However, one should be at least nine years old and younger than ten years old, Yale only missed a week so he can wait a bit, the problem was the other condition.

A recommendation from someone of the older generation of the clan and that member of the older generation would need a very good status in the clan.

Usually, a kid who wanted to undergo such training would ask his father, and if his father couldn’t make the recommendation, he would at least ask some others to help the kid.

Yale’s father could emit such recommendation, but he was someone that didn’t even visit Yale once when he was badly wounded before.

Yale didn’t even think about asking him; his first option was to ask his master, he only feared that Swordmad wouldn’t want to recommend him, that practical training was far too dangerous after all.

That practical training was called Beast Trial.

In a secret and isolated area of the clan, the older generation put a lot of mortal ranked beasts to serve as a trial for the younger generation.

Those who survived became strong, but almost all who tried became corpses.

Yale asked his master the next day, hoping to convince him.

“Master, I want to undergo the Beast Trial.”

Swordmad didn’t expect such a request from his disciple.

“Why? You are already very strong for your age, and you don’t have any need to undergo such a dangerous trial.”

Yale expected such an answer, any other kid with his stats would be already very happy and won’t take risks to simply improve a bit more before starting practice.

However, Yale situation was different as he needed to reach ten points in each stat to practice the Origin Path.

“I want to become stronger, and I feel that normal training doesn’t work as well as before, I need practical experience, and the Beast Trial is a very good practical experience.”

Swordmad sighed remembering the stubbornness of his disciple.

“With your actual strength and swordsmanship as long as you are careful you shouldn’t die in the Beast Trial. All right, I will recommend you, but you must be careful.”

Yale Sword Mastery already reached the Apprentice Level 7, and with his Auto-regeneration and Absolute Protection, he could avoid being badly wounded or instantly killed.

“Thank you, master. I will start the Beast Trial on my ninth birthday.”

The following days Yale prepared himself for the trial, he obtained a real sword from his master and also managed to obtain a bow with some real arrows. His sister sent him some healing medicinal pills; the grade was much higher than the first ones she sent to him.

As for food, the Beast Trial challenger would need to obtain it inside the trial; it was part of the trial itself.

Finally, his ninth birthday came, and Yale followed his master to the restricted area where the Beast Trial would take place.

Yale and Swordmad were the only ones in the area, the Beast Trial wasn’t very popular, and only Swordmad came to sent Yale off.

Yale said farewell to his master and entered the Beast Trial.

Fourth chapter of the week.

Already three weeks, thank you for continue reading Last Wish System.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Chapter 13: Beast Trial

Inside the Beast Trial, Yale didn’t feel like he was inside the Roanmad clan anymore; he like he was in a wild forest.

Yale cautiously walked as he started to look for some edible herbs or fruits and some source of fresh water, in the Beast Trial the beasts weren’t the only factor, one needed to survive.

Yale had a lot of knowledge about herbs and fruits from books, so he didn’t fear eating something poisonous which ended the lives of many participants before him. The quickest ones to die were always those who died because of poison, not from beasts.

Furthermore, Yale had the system to back up the information he remembered; he couldn’t make a mistake in remembering something wrong as the system records were perfect.

There were a lot of edible herbs and fruits in the forest which relieved Yale a lot, he could differentiate what he could eat from what he couldn’t, but he would be in dire straits if he couldn’t find anything edible.

In an hour Yale climbed a tree near a little lake with a bag full of fruits and herbs. He would also need some meat as he didn’t plan to become vegetarian, but Yale first secured a living zone and set some traps.

Yale also studied about traps but never tried them before, so he wasn’t very confident in them.

However, even if the traps failed, this lake was the only source of water in the proximities, and the beasts also needed to drink water to live, so Yale hoped that some weak beasts appeared and he waited to assault them.

Even if all the beasts are in the mortal rank, some of them were comparable to a 3-star mortal fighter, those were the overlords of the Beast Trial, and virtually any challenger who walked into them ended up dead.

Fortunately, those powerful beasts owned some areas in the Beast Trial that even other beasts didn’t dare to mess with.

No beast occupied the lake, and it was near the border of the Beast Trial; it was very unlikely that powerful beasts would show up after all the clan regularly cleaned the Beast Trial from too powerful beasts and those near the border were easily detectable. Otherwise, if the beasts were allowed to develop the survival chances for the challengers would be zero.

Yale thoughts were right as he managed to quickly hunt a rabbit with an arrow, a bow was really useful for this kind of trial, and the targets were better to practice than those static ones in the clan.

“New Dynamic Quest: Hunt one hundred beasts without being discovered. Reward: Passive Skill [Stealth: Level 1].”

Yale was happier about the notification than about the rabbit, he was hoping to obtain some new Dynamic Quest since a long time ago, but none popped out.

“Coming here was the correct decision.”

Yale was now sure, the change of his lifestyle provoked changes in the system. Yale wasn’t doing anything challenging before, he was already used to all his training, and he didn’t feel any difficulty in them.

Even if his stats remained the same, Yale was now more confident in being able to reach ten points in all of them than before.

Fortunately for Yale, this was only a trial and not a real beast forest, the clan used a spell to replenish the water constantly so that anyone could drink it without problems. Risking to make a fire to cook the food was already enough if he also needed to boil water every time he wanted to drink it would attract some attention from the other beasts.

That would be different if Yale could use magic but it’s impossible without being ten years old, he could only use the most basic methods.

For the first five days, Yale proceeded very well and didn’t meet any problems, but at the sixth day, a 1-star monster appeared.

When a beast started to practice to surpass the limits of mortality it got called a monster. A 1-star monster wasn’t more powerful than a normal beast, but they were far more ferocious.

The monster who appeared in front of Yale was similar to a rabbit, yet not a rabbit as it had two small horns on its head and the fur was somewhat purple.

“A Two-horned Purple Rabbit, it’s one of the weakest 1-star monsters, but its flesh is poisonous. I can’t eat it.”

The poison of a Two-horned Purple Rabbit wasn’t that strong; it could only paralyze a little. However, in the Beast Trial, that little could be lethal, and Yale didn’t need more meat at the moment.

“Wait, if I can use his flesh on my arrows, they would be able to slow the targets down a bit more. If some powerful monster appears it could be a good method to flee.”

Yale wasn’t a coward, but he also wasn’t a fool, if he faced an opponent he couldn’t win then he would run and try again after becoming stronger, Yale didn’t think that it was worth to die only to be called brave by the others. He wouldn’t doubt that he would give his all to protect his sister even if he risked his life like before, but not for something as superfluous as bravery or honor.

As for the Absolute Defense, Yale didn’t want to count on it as he could only use it once per month, if he used it then, later on, he would be without that trump card. Absolute Defense was only his last resort.

Yale shot an arrow towards the Two-horned Purple Rabbit, and a new notification appeared in his mind.

“New Dynamic Quest: Hunt monsters. Time Limit: Reaching ten years old. Reward: The quality and quantity of the monsters will determine the rewards. The Dynamic Quest will finish automatically when the time limit arrives.”

Yale’s eyes opened as he hears about the new Dynamic Quest, it was the first time such type of Quest with undetermined rewards appeared.

“I need to change my plans and take some risks; I must obtain as many rewards as possible from that Dynamic Quest, and my current hunting style isn’t good for that. After I obtain the stealth skill, I’ll go deep into the forest to find more monsters.”

Yale thought about playing it safe and advanced only when he felt the current situation too easy, but the appearance of the new Dynamic Quest almost drove him mad, not seeing the rewards let his imagination run wild about what kind of rewards he could obtain.

However, even if he would rush the things a little, he would still wait to complete the first Dynamic Quest as the reward seemed useful for the whole Beast Trial.

Yale only needed three days after the new Dynamic Quest appeared to complete the first one. Yale quickly checked his new skill.

“Stealth: Level 1: When the user is hiding his presence would be more difficult to detect. It can be leveled up using its effects.”

Stealth effects were just what Yale expected it to be, and he expected to level it a lot during the Beast Trial.

Of course, Yale didn’t plan to only hide and attack with arrows; he also wanted to train his body.

However, it was only a matter of time that he found monsters he couldn’t finish with arrows before they reach him he would then start fighting them with his sword. That would easily attract more attention into(towards) him and then it would become harder to hide and use arrows to fight, so he focused on training his archery first.

Yale started to walk carefully trying to hide his presence because from that day his hunting area wouldn’t be limited to that little lake. Yale was prepared to risk his life to obtain the best rewards from the Dynamic Quest, which could impact his whole future, so he decided to go all out.

First chapter of the week.

Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Yale carefully proceeded while hunting 1-star monsters, he didn’t want to be overconfident and enrage many at the same time.

Yale was very efficient while hunting, it was difficult to believe that he didn’t have any experience, his traps were still ineffective, but his arrows were deadly as they hit the monster’s weak spots.

A few days after starting his hunting his Agility points reached nine. However, even if reaching nine points was difficult the true challenge was reaching ten.

The Beast Trial didn’t disappoint Yale. In a month since starting the Beast Trial, due to his constant use of archery his Archer’s Senses reached level three and Stealth reached level two.

That was very good, and after a few more days Yale finally reached ten points in Dexterity, reaching perfection in all the mind stats and upgrading his Magical Talent to high grade.

Until now the requirements to upgrade the Magical Talent were progressive, but when Yale tried to know how to upgrade it to perfect grade, he became shocked.

“The system won’t upgrade the Magical Talent to the perfect grade; the user should find a way to upgrade it himself or be satisfied with the high grade. The only reward which can upgrade the Magical Talent to perfect grade is in the Main Chain Quest of the Magus Path, as the user chose the Origin Path that reward is unobtainable.”

That was the first time that the reliable system showed no way to help Yale. Upgrading it by himself to the perfect grade was virtually impossible for him because he didn’t even know how, until high grade, there are records of people who upgraded it in the past, but in the books, Yale read no one reached the perfect grade in Magic Talent by upgrading it.

Yale was depressed, but he could only stop thinking about that and continue with the hunt. Yale sighed as he looked at the good part of the situation, he only needed two more stats to reach ten points to fulfill the Origin Path’s conditions.

A few hours later, Yale didn’t have time to think about anything related to his stats or Innate Talents anymore as he found a 2-star monster. The beast resembled a tiger but its body was bulkier than a normal tiger, and its fur was brown and red.

Yale also knew about that monster; it was a Fire-wood Tiger a monster with the ability to morph itself into something resembling wood and then ambush its preys by exploding with fire. It was quite infamous among the travelers in the outside world.

Of course, this Fire-wood Tiger was only a weak variant with only 2-stars, but it was enough to cause despair to anyone who did the Beast Trial.

It was very strong, but that wasn’t something impossible to solve, it wasn’t 3-stars, so it was possible to flee or defeat it in a normal battle, the worst thing was that usually the challengers were ambushed by it.

Yale was very cautious; therefore he didn’t get ambushed, he noticed the Fire-wood Tiger ambushing a 1-star monster and set the tiger as his next target, he planned to ambush the tiger when it was distracted with its hunting.

The Fire-wood Tiger liked to ambush but also liked traditional hunting, Yale followed it for some days and became used to its habits.

The Fire-wood Tiger morphed into a wood-like form when resting and ambushed any beast who came near it, and when it wasn’t resting, it acted like a normal tiger as it went hunting.

Sadly, it didn’t get distracted when hunting since its preys weren’t enough to make it spend any effort in hunting. However, Yale continued stalking it silently waiting for the best timing to attack.

Fortunately, Yale had the Stealth skill and was very good in archery, so even while following the Fire-wood Tiger he didn’t need to suffer any hunger, Yale only needed to be careful that the Fire-wood Tiger didn’t discover him, Yale hunted only the minimum possible to survive.

One day both Yale and the Fire-wood Tiger stopped as they encountered a very big white wolf, Yale wasn’t sure of the exact species since he was still some distance away, but it was, without doubt, a 3-star monster although it seemed to be very weakened. Near it, there was a black wolf with red stripes on its body. However, this one was only a 2-star monster.

Finally, there was a small white wolf at the side of the big white wolf, that small wolf was only a new-born cub and the reason for the weakening of the big white wolf.

Yale thought that even in the current weakened state, the Fire-wood Tiger wouldn’t be so stupid to attack as there was still the black wolf. If it joined the fight with the weakened white wolf, the Fire-wood Tiger would be doomed.

However, the Fire-wood Tiger betrayed Yale’s expectations as it made a sneak attack on the black wolf hoping to end it with one hit. The allure produced by a newborn prey was something the Fire-wood Tiger became unable to resist.

Yale felt that the Fire-wood Tiger doomed itself, but again it didn’t go as Yale expected. The black wolf got injured, but there were only small injuries and weren’t something that diminished its power.

However, the black wolf turned around and fled abandoning the big white wolf and the newborn cub. Even Yale was cursing the black wolf because if it fought, it would suffer some pain but it would still win; however, it preferred to abandon its family to avoid some pain.

After the black wolf fled, the big white wolf started battling with the Fire-wood Tiger. However, the Fire-wood Tiger held the advantage in the battle.

If that battle continued Yale would be able to kill both of them when they were nearing the climax of the battle, and both were injured, he was sure that a 3-star monster would give him a very good reward in the Dynamic Quest.

Yale killed a lot of beasts and never felt any pity for them, but he had a strange feeling towards the little wolf family’s situation because it remembered him of his own family situation.

In both families the father abandoned the child, even though Yale’s father didn’t abandon him in a literal sense as Yale was still living in the clan, Yale always felt that way.

Yale mother died soon after he was born and the wolf’s mother would also die soon after the small wolf cub was born.

And the situation of the small wolf cub was even worse than Yale’s, he at least still had some protection and the love of his sister, but that little wolf could only wait for death as no one would care for its life.

That provoked hesitation in Yale, he did a lot for killing the Fire-wood Tiger, and he obtained a chance also to kill a 3-star monster, but his emotions were battling with the benefits he could obtain.

The battle continued, and Yale knew that he needed to do something soon or he would lose his opportunity.

The Fire-wood Tiger got to bite the big wolf when an arrow hit it right inside its jaw, provoking a low howl from it. Of course, that only stopped it as the Fire-wood Tiger wasn’t that easy to kill.

Yale stepped forward drawing his sword toward the Fire-wood Tiger, if he waited a bit more, he could have killed both monsters, but in the end, he chose to help the little wolf family.

“I’m too soft-hearted.”

Yale muttered to himself as he decided to risk his life to kill the Fire-wood Tiger, he felt that it was possible to win by joining hands with the big wolf, and he couldn’t ignore that small wolf cub with which he identified.

He wasn’t sure that the big white wolf wouldn’t turn back and attack him afterward, but this time Yale chose to be impulsive and follow his feelings.

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