Cord glanced down as the boy hid his face. “Beau. It’s past his naptime and he’s steppin’ on his mama’s last nerve today.”

Another dark-haired boy, around age four, barreled up and head-butted Ky in the stomach. “You stole my toy!”

Ky looked innocent. “What? I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, Foster. You probably lost it.”

“Give it back!”

“Don’t be such a baby. It’s just a stupid toy.”

Foster growled and charged Ky again, but was handily stopped by his father. “Knock it off. Both of you.”

A pregnant blonde stopped next to Cord, and Beau tried to jump out of his father’s arms into hers. When Cord kept that from happening, Beau wailed.

Cord passed off the crying Beau to Ky and handed him a set of keys. “Take your brothers to the truck. But don’t even think about starting it,” he warned.

The boys raced out.

Cord put his hand on the woman’s lower back and kissed her temple.


But the pretty blonde wasn’t looking at her husband. She was looking at Georgia.

Tell said, “This is Cord’s wife, AJ. AJ, this is Georgia—”

“I know who she is,” AJ replied coolly. “We went to school together.”

Georgia didn’t remember this woman at all and she started to get that panicked feeling like she should know her.

“But she doesn’t know me since I didn’t have time to go to football games, dances and such. I was too busy working on the ranch.”

“And that experience came in mighty handy when you married a rancher, didn’t it?” Cord kissed her temple again. “Come on, baby doll, let’s get you home.”

Georgia said, “Nice to meet you.” Cord nodded, but AJ didn’t say anything.

Another snub.

“AJ’s usually really sweet, but you wouldn’t know it today. Sorry about that.”

“Looks like she has her hands full.” She smiled, trying to act like it didn’t bother her. “I’ve decided on an Oreo Blizzard.”

They finished their ice cream in Tell’s pickup. Then Tell eased the seat back and patted his thighs. “You’re lookin’ a little cold. I’ll warm you up.”

She put her knees by his hips, facing him as she sat on his lap. “Checking out my nipples, were you?”

That bold observation seemed to shock him. “What? No. I saw you shiver.”

“Uh-huh. Maybe I shivered because I saw you eyeballing my chest, Tell McKay.”

He placed his cold lips on the hollow of her throat. “It’s been distracting me all damn day because I know you ain’t wearin’ a bra.”

Georgia rested her elbows on his shoulders. “Would I have had a chance at winning the basketball game today if you’d known I’m not wearing panties?”

“Nope. But the game would’ve been over before it began.” Tell kissed her hotly, sliding his hands beneath her backside, urging her to her knees so he could run his hands from the curve of her hips, over her butt, down the backs of her thighs and back up.

Her fingers mapped the breadth of his shoulders and the cut muscles of his arms. Such defined biceps. Ripped triceps. Even his forearms were meaty. She let her fingers lightly trail back up to tangle in his hair.

The kiss turned playful. When his tongue tickled the roof of her mouth, she laughed and leaned back to look at him.

Tell had a slight smile on his face, but his eyes were dark with sexual heat.

So she took a chance that he’d act on it with a little encouragement. “Will you come inside when you take me home? Show me where you want to place the winning kiss?”

He traced her lips with his thumb. Then his finger drew a line down her throat to the middle of her chest. “You are so sexy, Georgia. I want you like crazy. But I’ve got things to finish before dark.” He brushed his knuckles over the rise of her cleavage. “Once I get you in bed, we’re gonna stay there awhile. That’s not a possibility tonight.”

Georgia spread his palms over her breasts. “I don’t mind a quick tumble.”

“I do.” He moved his hands to her rib cage, his thumbs stroking her hardened nipples. “But that don’t keep me from imaging how it’s gonna be between us.”

“So in your wildest imagination, what is the first thing you’d do to me?”

“Strip you to skin. Learn every inch of it with my mouth.”

“Mmm. Would you get me off while you’re touching me, or do you keep me hanging on the edge?”

“Definitely keep you hanging.” His mouth skated across her collarbone. “Until you’re begging.”

“When you’re tired of hearing me beg, do you use your fingers to make me come? Or do you use that wicked mouth between my thighs? Or maybe you’ll go straight for ramming your cock into me.” She’d started rocking her pelvis and she wondered if he realized he was pushing his hips up to match the motion.

“You like dirty talk?”

She sank her teeth into his bottom lip, tugging slightly before releasing it with a wet pop. The flame of want in his eyes burned hotter. “I love it. The dirtier the better.”

“Prove it. Say something dirty.”

“Fuck me harder, Tell. Put your cock in my mouth, Tell. Bend me over the tailgate of your pickup, Tell.”

His breaths were choppy. His jaw set. One hand squeezed her breast. The other hand gripped her hair. He rubbed his mouth over her ear, teasing her mercilessly until she was shuddering in his arms.

“Did that change your mind?” she whispered.

“No. It was freakin’ hot. But here’s a warning. You can say all the raunchy things you want. Get me so damn worked up I’m ready to shoot in my shorts. But guess what? The more you tease, the longer I’m gonna make us wait.”

She couldn’t help the bewildered, “Why?”

“Because, sweetness, I can.” Then he kissed her. Not with the hunger, but with delicacy. Letting their harsh breaths mingle, thoroughly teasing her lips, making her want a firmer kiss. Making her want his unrestrained passion, not his caution.

Tell held her face in his hands and ended the kiss. “Let’s get you home.”

Dazed, and a little petulant, Georgia tried to return to the passenger’s side, but he wouldn’t allow her retreat. He pulled her back to the middle of the bench seat and rested his hand on the inside of her thigh.

He left his pickup idling by the curb as he walked her up the sidewalk. “Didja have fun today, Georgia?”


“Me too. Did you notice all the folks watchin’ us? Ought to make for some interesting chatter around town tomorrow.”

She’d had such a great time she’d forgotten that creating buzz about them being a couple was part of the deal.

He stopped in front of the door. “You busy tomorrow night?”

“More of this ‘see and be seen as a couple’ stuff?”

Bristling, he stepped back. “You can say no.”

“I’m not saying no tonight, Tell.” Maybe he wouldn’t notice that came out kind of whiny.

“I know that too. What’s with the snippy answers and the pouty face?”

“I’m not pouting.”

“Yes you are.” He pushed her against the door. “Gimme a smile, Georgia.”


“You can give me a smile or I’ll take it.” He poked her ribs, trying to find her ticklish spots.

“No fair. Stop.”

“I will. All’s you gotta do is lemme see that pretty smile.” More pokes.

She giggled. God. When was the last time that’d happened?

“A laugh will work too.”

He kissed her cheek and tickled her until she shrieked, “Tell!”

He laughed. “Okay. I’m done.” He stepped back. “See you tomorrow.”

Chapter Five

The instant Tell popped out of bed he thought it’d be a damn fine day.

He couldn’t wait to get outside and do chores. Or more to the point, finish chores so he could come home, get cleaned up for his date with Georgia tonight.

Hard to believe he had another date with Georgia Hotchkiss.

He’d wanted to hang out with her longer yesterday, but he knew they’d wind up in bed and he wanted to wait.

Why? Haven’t ten years been long enough? Or are you stalling because you’re afraid you’ll disappoint her in the sack?

No. The younger version of himself might’ve been worried Georgia would find him lacking in bedroom skills. That definitely wasn’t the case now. He wouldn’t rush this; he had one chance to get it right.

Juggling his coffee, he drove to Dalton’s place.

Dalton ambled out after Tell honked three times. His brother wore sunglasses—never a good sign. He was either hungover or he’d been fighting or both.

“Rough weekend, bro?”

“Might say that.”

Tell pointed at his shades. “Take ’em off and lemme see how bad.”

Dalton slid his sunglasses down his nose, revealing a blackened right eye. “Satisfied?”

“You wanna let me in on what happened?”

“Not really.” He pushed the shades in place and adjusted his hat. “I’ll just say the other guy looked worse than me.”

“Where’d this happen?”

“What part of I don’t wanna talk about this is confusing you?”

“Touchy much?”

“Yep, so maybe we oughta hurry this up today so you don’t gotta be around my crabby ass.”

“Nice try. We’re fixin’ fence when we meet up with Brandt.”

Dalton groaned. “Fuck. Can’t it wait another damn day? I’m whupped, T.”

“Ain’t my fault you played too hard. We gotta get that section fixed because Brandt wants to run the bulls in there after we’re done turnin’ them out with the cows.”

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