She moved from his lips to nuzzle his neck, inhaling his musky male scent. She trailed her tongue down the corded muscles of his neck, making her way to his chest and caught one nipple between her teeth, alternating between tugging on the distended tip and laving it with her tongue.

His grip on her back tightened and a rough groan of pleasure reverberated inside his chest. If she’d doubted her power over him, she had no doubts any more. They were equally caught up in this sensual haze. And she was consumed by it. Every ounce of pleasure she gave him caused her own body to react. Her br**sts were now heavy, her ni**les tight and her underwear damp with desire. And when he reached beneath her T-shirt and cupped her breast in his hand, the pressure felt so good that she arched her back, urging him on.

He pulled at her shirt and she yanked it over her head, tossing it onto the floor in a sudden desire to be completely naked, skin to skin. As if by mutual agreement, underwear came next, but when they met once more on the center of the bed, he returned to exactly what he’d started—her breast in his hand, only this time he was more determined. More focused.

So much for her being in control. When it came to Coop, she gave it up willingly.

He dipped his head and pulled her waiting nipple into his mouth. She arched her back, thrusting her breast deeper. He massaged with his fingers, laved with his tongue, and Lexie was gone. The sensations rippled straight to her core. She shifted against him, settling the place where she felt most needy against his erection.

She wasn’t in the mood for foreplay, she wanted the real thing, Coop inside her, thrusting hard and fast until she couldn’t think, only feel.

“Night-table drawer?” she asked, so aroused she was almost driven to skip this necessary step. Yet in this one area, Lexie was always extra cautious.

“Top one.”

Lexie reached over to find a condom and Coop placed his big hand on her behind, kneading her flesh in an intimate way that was too erotic to be embarrassing. Finally, she came back over him, foil packet in hand.

She ripped it open and, with his help, slipped protection over his hard length. Her hands shook so badly she couldn’t even take the time to enjoy touching him and promised herself there’d be time for that later. She positioned herself over him and he guided his shaft between her legs until the tip of his penis was enclosed by her heat. Then Lexie took over, gliding her body onto his, bringing him deep until he filled her at last. So tight she thought, and moaned at the perfection of their union.

COOP HAD DIED and gone to heaven. Or at least he was on his way there, as Lexie’s damp hot body glided down over his, cocooning him in the most exquisite sheath.


Her eyes fluttered closed and another long, sexy moan escaped those lips, causing his body to react with an involuntary thrust of his hips. She worked her pelvic muscles in response, clenching tight around him and releasing, then repeating the motion. Each clamp of her walls increased his sensation and pleasure. She didn’t even have to move on him to bring him closer to coming. But if she wanted to join him, she’d better get going fast. He didn’t know how long he could hold out against those subtle but potent contractions.

Before he could warn her, she began a slow rocking movement of her hips and he could no longer think, let alone speak. He reached out and played with her sensitive br**sts, rolling her ni**les between his thumb and forefinger, knowing it would make her crazy.

And he was right. She began to ride up and down his shaft, grinding her pelvis into his with a downward thrust that ended in a rocking motion of her hips and a shuddering sigh. She knew just how to hit her exact right spot and bring herself higher and higher. He caught her rhythm, and thrust upward at the same moment she tilted against him, harder each time.

Their bodies ground together in unison, their sighs and groans mingled until Lexie’s orgasm took hold. She cried out his name as she fell over him, her br**sts crushing into his chest and the grip and release of her body taking him along for the ride.

A LITTLE WHILE LATER, Lexie took her turn in the bathroom while Coop, who’d showered first, dressed for the day. She’d instructed him to open her laptop and pull up the color schemes she recommended for his Web site, so he could choose the one he liked best.

Though he’d rather shower with her, they’d agreed it would only lead to distraction. Yet Coop was definitely distracted anyway by the sound of the water and the images of a naked Lexie under the steady stream flashing through his mind.

He shifted until his jeans were more comfortable and opened her laptop. Not being a Mac person, he had no idea what all the icons at the bottom of the desktop screen meant. Some had dots below them; some didn’t. Clueless, he clicked on one and brought up a program called iWeb.

He shook his head, unable to remember where she’d told him to look. Next he clicked on an icon that resembled a compass with a blue light beneath it. This time a Web browser opened.

He was about to close it out when he realized the program had already been open and he was just revealing a previously visited page. He found himself staring at a Web site about Australia. He blinked, but the image didn’t go away. It was clear that this wasn’t job-related, but a travel-oriented site.

Nausea filled him as he realized that at the same time he was settling in and enjoying Lexie, she was planning her next trip abroad. And though he’d known going in that this was her M.O., he had to admit that facing it head-on was harder than he’d anticipated. And it hurt a helluva lot more.

How could the woman who gave him such confidence about his writing and even himself be the same one who had one foot out the door?

Answers didn’t matter.

Reality did.

He now knew how betrayed Lexie had felt when she’d found his story information on his computer. Knowing she was antsy and withholding those feelings from him was frustrating, painful and left him feeling raw.

But there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to prevent her from leaving.

WHEN LEXIE STEPPED OUT of the shower, her body still tingled from Coop’s lovemaking and she regretted their decision to put work first today, even if she understood the necessity. She dried her hair and slipped back into her outfit from yesterday. She really had to throw a change of clothes in her big bag or else stop sleeping here.

Not really a contest which one of those would be happening.

She walked into the bedroom, expecting to find Coop at her laptop poring over color ideas. Instead, her computer was open on the bed but Coop was nowhere to be found.

“Coop?” She headed into the small hallway leading to the living room and kitchen but they were empty.

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