"Don't you ever dare to do that again! You will never leave me. ", he growled, menacing.

His eyes showed nothing but pure hatred and wrath. For a moment I caught a glimpse of insecurity behind his eyes, but it was momentary and masked by a scowl so I could have just imagined it.

"Or what??? You,re gonna beat me? Cut me? Torcher me? Well go ahead. I'm no longer scared of you!", I spat.

His hand tightened around my throat. It was getting difficult to breath.

"You belong to me.I'll never let you go!"

I knew it was stupid and I had already pushed him off limits. But he also had pushed me off limits and also I was curious that where would it end so just for once, I let it slip.

"You know what", I said consuming last of my breath "I'll never love you. You might be able to force me to stay here, to spend my time with you, to force yourself on me but I'll always hate you. I'll stab you in the back and run away in the first chance I would get", I almost whispered the last part, tears coming our with the pressure on my throat. It was getting dizzy.

"Then I'll make sure that you won't be getting any chance"

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