And according to my information , there is none like this in my neighbourhood.

So whoever these they are, they are definitely wasting their time.

Oooooooooooooooor I'm being a bit paranoid here.

The former sounds more exciting, the lattar more rational though.

I shrugged and looked at my wrist watch.

Its 9:55 pm and the bus arrives exaxtly at 10: 00 pm.

Great! It leaves me only with 5 minutes to reach bus stop and its already late and the next bus arrive at 5 in morning.

You know what it means?

It means----- RUN!!!

So I did it. I ran like a lunatic.


And did I tell you it already start raining? And by raining I don't mean a pleasant sprinkle but a cloud burst, literally.

On a turn I saw enlightened bus in the dark night standing in its majesty. Just when I thought that--

I can make it.

I tripped.

The bus like laughed at my futile attempt ( literally or I might be hallucinating) and roared its engine openly imposing that I'm not the one who waits for fallen one and left speedily before I could even get up.

And guess what , I just ripped my favourite jeans.

I groaned and got up.

I was totally soaked and I definitely was going to get a flu.

I took out the umberalla Danny gave me.

At least something is good.

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